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How to Solder a Diode to a Driver?

Jan 12, 2015
I have been searching for a while now on how to solder a Diode to a Driver and nothing, unless they have a complete different build then me with 2 drivers or different host :cryyy:

Use the search bar at the bottom of of the page!
I just typed in "soldering diodes", and found this, along with many other threads on the subject!
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Use the search bar at the bottom of of the page!
I just typed in "soldering diodes", and found this, along with many other threads on the subject!

In particular, the 3rd post in that thread offers great advice.
BowTie I think he just did not read it close enough. But LaserKid14 yes there are threads and if you did research them like you said it should of shown up! Do not give up so easily and rep can be fixed if you are willing to work for it! Whining about not being able to find some thing really shows that your really not wanting to work for it! this is a hobby were Hard work and do diligence pay off and people notice. Giving up is just that and is a shame!
Restoring rep to prevent "neg rep bias" I'm seeing around the forums.

LaserKid, next time you have short questions like these, send me a PM, people generally don't like new threads created over one-question one-answer topics, for some reason.
people generally don't like new threads created over one-question one-answer topics, for some reason.

I dislike people making these threads because it clogs up the search system. Most of the time when these threads get posted there is no answer other than "search for it"

There is nothing more frustrating than when I'm searching for drive currents on an older diode and the first page of results is people saying "search for it"
BowtieGuy's response was perfect, told the OP to search, but also linking in a good thread with the information the OP requested.

Edit: I just left BowtieGuy a +rep for his response, and I noticed on his rep page laserkid left a "bad attitude" comment. It's one thing to create a thread where the answer was a simple search away, it's another to try to -rep the person helping you.
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I dislike people making these threads because it clogs up the search system. Most of the time when these threads get posted there is no answer other than "search for it"

There is nothing more frustrating than when I'm searching for drive currents on an older diode and the first page of results is people saying "search for it"
BowtieGuy's response was perfect, told the OP to search, but also linking in a good thread with the information the OP requested.

So basically you're just proving my point: You can solve this entire problem by NOT saying "search for it" but instead simply typing out the answer.

If you don't feel like typing out the answer, just continue browsing. Somebody sooner or later will, like I have so far and will continue to do so.

Really the worst thing one can actually do is say nothing but "search for it", IMO.
So basically you're just proving my point: You can solve this entire problem by NOT saying "search for it" but instead simply typing out the answer.

If you don't feel like typing out the answer, just continue browsing. Somebody sooner or later will, like I have so far and will continue to do so.

Really the worst thing one can actually do is say nothing but "search for it", IMO.

The reason people say "search for it" is because they get annoyed with the volume of questions that can be answered with a search.

I agree that comments of "search for it" are a problem, but the source of the problem is people not searching in the first place.
The reason people say "search for it" is because they get annoyed with the volume of questions that can be answered with a search.

I agree that comments of "search for it" are a problem, but the source of the problem is people not searching in the first place.

Congrats on 6666 posts :D

Well, this is my way of dealing with this problem, and I'm sticking with it. In my experience and observation, it fares quite better than "trying to stop people from asking answered questions" approach.
Congrats on 6666 posts :D

Well, this is my way of dealing with this problem, and I'm sticking with it. In my experience and observation, it fares quite better than "trying to stop people from asking answered questions" approach.

Thanks :)

And fair enough. People seem to be asking answered questions no matter how many stickies there are, so for now your solution does appear to be the right one.
Wow! I just checked back in to this thread to see if the OP found the info. he was searching for, and I see all this controversy about my reply to him.

This was not a simple "search for it" response, and there was no "attitude" implied.
I told him to use the search bar at the bottom of the page, because many new members aren't aware of that search bar, and use the one at the top of the page and get poor results.

I also did some searching myself, found some pertinent info., and then left a link to this info.

I kind of thought I might get a thanks, but instead, I get neg. repped by the OP for having a "terrible attitude".
This new member has been here for all of 10 days, and he's passing out neg. rep.! I've never received, nor given out a neg. rep, and I won't start now, but it's damn tempting!

I'm far from any kind of expert on anything here, and I usually won't reply if I think I may be steering someone in the wrong direction.

BTW - Thank you very much ARG, your +rep is much appreciated! :D

Sorry for the long rambling rant.
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No controversy and nothing against you or your post - discussion we had was way more generalized than that. As a matter of fact I believe your post was good and informative, especially regarding the search bar on the bottom of the page. How could anybody be expected to find that there without being told?
Thanks Eudaimonium, I was just suprised to to see the response and neg. rep from the OP.
I agree with you guys, just a "use the search button" really doesn't help.
