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FrozenGate by Avery

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just replied- hope I did not hurt any feelings- I get told that I am not 'nice' enough--wth?==lazers is serious biz-
I dont remember right now where I got mine or what I paid.
almost every HeNe that looks like this (many are much smaller) will be a 'red' -- rare is green iirc 543nm and expensive for only 5 or 6 mW. (I have two greens)..AND
we have a limit on these 'convos. what I have above it about the limit.
I have more to share with you--worked hard- do you have an email you can share-send me a messg at gmail (bridgeonsale)
I have saved the rest- it will save you a lot of time..
Thanks for clarifying ttl and pwm for me. The CNC forums tend to make them very confusing terms. They had me thinking they were not compatible.
This joint reminds me of bb’s from the 90’s only I didn’t use bb’s in the 90’s so mistakes may be made, my bad.
Wanting a multi-laser set up. Would be applied directly to the skin. I'm aware of the safety concerns with eyes when using lasers.

o 5 to 6 lasers ~630nm peferred, if not then 650nm
o At least 100mw each laser. 150mw preferred, IF it'd be safe to be used on skin without injury.
o Managable heat when used for less than 20 mins continuous

How much would this cost, how long would it take to complete ?
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Reactions: Aperturelaser
LPF cannot advise on any applications that involve lasers being used on the human body.
Using non-medical endorsed products by inexperienced operators has a huge potential for disaster.
Sounds like dude wants a laser hat for balding
Keep in mind that PL is the lasershow forum-- not much there about handheld or DYI them--
NOT doing that might backfire on you. I would not even list HHs in my sig--no point-
WHAT LPM do you have?

i could make you an offer of a great LPM and $100cash?
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Reactions: conceptcar3
Sure! It is more than just the laser, it is voltage controllers and power strip and 4 ac adapters all self contained in box. But the laser itself is this one- but on the device it says w2000 so I’m not sure if it may be a 2W model.
Other parts I bought on amazon, links in description of the YouTube video I posted. I think they cost me around $65. So total I spent on it was $220 plus tax which is about $13 here in Michigan. I asked $270 because of time spent assembling voltage controllers, wiring the whole thing and putting together in the box, plus the costs of shipping which I imagine to be around $20.
The other reason I suspect it may be 2W is that the green which says 120mW 520nm seems brighter than my 150mW 532nm CNI pen . Could just be my eyes misjudging it though as I don’t have the lpm to confirm any of my lasers output :)
You are close to this big event in Aug 8 to 13th- 4 hours from you--
THAT is not a lot--I drive from Houston and many come from farther away.
and everybody pays- one fee covers all he days (no discounts) and the awesome button collar shirt. with LEM logo.

send mequestions at mi geemale username.
yo Z

then look at threads from past SELEMs-
your friends (music/laser fans I hope) attend free.
I would ask them to chip in on your costs--
impossible to find something like this any where any time.and meeting members --priceless-bring biz cards-to trade.
mi geemale
no more mssgs here-will explain
ever find a LPM for you??
go to the lasershow forum and READ about this LEM -- what to expect etc. JOIN PL even if it just for the LEM..
btw ALL laser forum members must pay-- free is mostly for family & a friend or two--any who help are VERY WELCOME
Hey Hak I am having trouble registering for photolexicon. I do not know what to put in the required fields for robot and for referral.
