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FrozenGate by Avery

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I walked in the front door today and found my dad at bottom of the stairs with blood everywhere, and barely conscious. He is stable and in a bed at the hospital now getting treated for his injuries. We are awaiting the results from a CAT scan and MRI to check for brain bleeds..etc

Please keep him in your prayers
After a family briefing, brain bleed was minor, but turns out he has a fractured skull, fractured shoulder plate, broken ribs, and a major concussion. The first few days he couldn't remember me, my brother, my mother, or anything else really. The doctors said this was normal and he is showing good progress
I did visit him Wednesday and he started to remember everyone and walk by himself, so he is doing better. Going to be hospitalized much longer than I thought though, and probably rehab
My dad came home last week btw. He's doing good. Just got some remembering to do
I couldn't help it. Fat beam 650nm was on sale again, yep had to buy more. What will I use them for, something I guess. lol
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
Which one the 4w Cmounts?
Commander J. Bloodmaker
Commander J. Bloodmaker
no I wish. lol. These are just some 100mw -200mw stage lasers. I like to beam as many lasers as I can across the ceiling when I am home. My kitten likes it too.
Is there anywhere i can get a 505nm diode thats case - thanx.
I don't think there were ever any case - diodes from sharp, only ones that didn't interact with the case at all.

If you don't push the diode extremely hard, just wrap some thin scotch tape around the 12mm module and make sure the set screw doesn't tear it. The sharp diodes can handle a good bit of abuse at high temperatures anyway, even if they fail they're cheap enough to replace.
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I need to stay off the online sales places. I'm spending to much on useless lasers (ahaha not) just to have them beaming over head so I can blow smoke in to them, very relaxing.
I've noticed a lot of people come here thinking they pulled the wool to get help building their death laser. Good thing it's not as easy as slap a driver on a diode, and takes and understanding of the physics to make.
You can play with a laser, burn a "edited for sensitive eyes", and work on a motorized bike at the same time. Used a pen for a chain alignment tool. Smoking strokers and !&%!:$ since Moses was a boy.
Remember that you need 20 posts before you start selling, ok?
PPM Pen Pointer Maker
PPM Pen Pointer Maker
Please do not misunderstand me.aggressive aggro, or troll. This is by no means what I want :(

if I wrote anything in "Sales Category" that this was truly my mistake. Really sorry.

If you will keep a close eye on my activities in the future, you will probably learn the same thing. "We do not proceed with sales outside of south korea"
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
It looked to me that you were listing products but alright make another thread if you want.
PPM Pen Pointer Maker
PPM Pen Pointer Maker
Good. Understand!
