I can sure tell when the crystal is getting too hot, if I over drive it... The efficiency drops, I can get 550 mw out of it at 3.7 amps of current to the IR diode, push that up to 5 amps and the output drops to 400mw and lower. If I had a TEC controling the crystal temperature, I could probably get 800mw out of this thing.
Yes--perfect alignment, fine tuning and stablization of temp is an art that requires hands on knowledge and experience over time. It has been found that thermally induced phase mismatches reduce the conversion efficiency, but can be partially compensated with intentional mismatches introduced by means of a small rotation of the crystal away form the nominal phase matching direction.
Be careful you dont ruin the KTP--can easliy happen. With the correct crystals and a perfectly on target frequency 808nm pump you should have no trouble getting 1W to 1.5 W of 532nm
In very high output powers, the KTP crystal becomes susceptible to actual optical damage. Thus, high-power DPSSLs generally have a larger beam diameter, as the 1064 nm laser is expanded before it reaches the KTP crystal, reducing the irradiance from the infrared light. In order to maintain a lower beam diameter, a crystal with a higher damage threshold, such as LBO, is used instead.
Whatever you do be ultra careful of safety especialy of your eyes, is needless to say but can't be said enough.
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