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You're gonna go blind if you keep doing that. ;-)

Yowsa, just microwatts of 445nm light over the course of just a few minutes seems deadly to cells according to this study. I'm thinking this may re-ignite the discussion of whether it's safe to view the dot from a high power blue laser. Maybe my next high power build should be RED

Do we really need to go over this shit again? Fine.

All white light, natural and artificial, has a large blue component. Everyone here should know that by now. You are exposed to large amounts of blue light all day every day and there's really no way around that. Your dose of blue light from playing with pointers is a TINY fraction of your "background dose".

It's like saying nitrogen is toxic to lung cells. All of humanity is exposed to huge amounts of nitrogen from the air itself, and yet the vast majority of humanity has healthy lungs. It just doesn't register with me.

Yowsa, just microwatts of 445nm light over the course of just a few minutes seems deadly to cells according to this study.


And if you honestly believe that, how do you propose avoiding all white light?
Seems like they are suggesting this is only an issue for people in an older age group that also have immune system problems. There is blue light everywhere and there is no way to avoid it. If you are going to go blind in your 70s, that is just something you likely will not be able to avoid if it is because of blue light exposure. It hasn't affected my vision yet and this article isn't going to have me awake nights worrying about it.
But...But...All Dogs sniff other dogs butt's....and...old dogs get cataracts....SOoooo

Butt sniffing results in Doggie Cataracts !!! Non-Sequitur of the Day !! CDBEAM
I have several blue lasers and I keep getting older. Maybe I should rid myself of them before I die of old age. Personally, I think doggie butt sniffing is the cause of fleas and ticks.
Personally, I believe guys are going blind from pounding their puds. That was what I was told as a youngster. :crackup:
Gee whiz, doggy but sniffing and pud pounding, the mental images here are blinding, and water is obviously toxic, everyone who's ever drank any is going to die.
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I took a look at the study, and I'm confused as to whether they're illuminating a certain cell density, or single cells. They say the max power they used was 9.7µW, and HeLa cells have a diameter of ~20µm (according to google), and therefore an area of about 100πµm^2, giving a max intensity of ~0.0308mW/mm^2 (assuming they're illuminating individual cells). Seeing as the retina has an area of ~1000mm^2, at a power of 0.0308mW/mm^2 there would be over 30mW of monochromatic blue light on your retina at these levels.

This seems awfully high to me. Did I screw up my units somewhere? Am I underestimating the power the eye receives on a normal basis? Did I just not understand the paper? I'm not a microbiologist (or any kind of biologist for that matter) so some help here would be appreciated.
OK that's it. I'm DONE with UV through 540 nm. Henceforth I go about my day with my Eagle Laser Safety glass on-full time! ;-)
But...But...All Dogs sniff other dogs butt's....and...old dogs get cataracts....SOoooo

Butt sniffing results in Doggie Cataracts !!! Non-Sequitur of the Day !! CDBEAM

Hey about but sniffing dogs aren't the only ones doing that. I have some guys work that butt sniff when the BIG boss arrives on Wednesday . I call it Butt sniffing day.
GSS posted something to that effect I think I'll call It "National Butt Sniffing Day"

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I think you are confusing butt sniffing with brown nosing. Though the two entail getting one's face into another's butt. I always found that if I did my job to the best of my ability, there was no need to go talk up the owner, boss, or supervisor.
