I always find it odd how people can get so worked up over a single word. It's already been said, but words are only as important as the meaning attached to them. The meaning though is flexible. To be offended by a word just because it can be perceived in a particular way... well that's retarded IMO.
In school I used to drive my teachers nuts. Well, mainly only the really boring english teacher... I would raise my hand, and very calmly say "Hey, did anyone else see that son of a bitch?" or "Hey look, a Bitch!" Reactions were priceless.
Special Olympics takes on word 'retard' - US news - Life -
I mean honestly, how retarded is that?
I'm fat, does that mean I should start a campaign to be called gravitationally enhanced? Or how about differently volume-abled? Oh wait, that might confuse people and make them think I'm LOUD!
Ok so from now on, all fat people will henceforth be referred to buoyancy enhanced