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You got to be kidding....


Feb 19, 2012
Lowest prices for Class III and IV Laser
check the video section.
can you freaking believe this?

the prices on some of the pens are ridiculous!
$1500 for some wimpy 5mW?!

get this quote..
"If you shine the laser on fish it makes it less fishy and also on eggs, it makes it more eggy."

"laser therapy"
....uh........ yea....OK
how about causing cancer
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Ok.... :wtf: did I just read?

If you use an infused laser on Neosporin, that can work just as effectively as using it on the body.
Ahhh... so THAT is where I can find an infused sticker for my laser that will make my coffee taste better!

Thanks for clearing that up, I've been looking for that site for a long time..
Counter-Clockwise Scams: This is a huge scam in the industry that is absolutely ridiculous. I have personally went to health expos where dealers use a laser on people walking up to their booth and shine the laser on them in a counter clockwise circle. Then they use the "laser they are trying to sell" in a clockwise motion. (I HAVE OVER 600 VIDEOS THAT I DID SHOWING TOTAL STRANGERS ON WHAT THEY SAY WHEN I USE THE SAME EXACT LASER CLOCKWISE AND COUNTER CLOCKWISE. One motion takes energy away and one puts energy in. On the lasers I have used, just holding it over the person versus moving it clockwise makes a night and day difference. I am sick of people trying to scam people by failing to use the laser how it should be used. Doctors that keep people coming back for 12 session when it should only take a fraction of that is not cool.
I wonder if the author of that website gets voices in their head that tell them what to write? :whistle:
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Sounds like the old owner of Awesome Lasers is back or
this guy has lost all his marbles... His grammar looks like
it's up to a grade 3 level...:eek:

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]2012 Gold 6,000+
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Class III Portable

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The most potent hand held laser pen on the market.
These have over 6,000 frequencies coded in its 18K gold casing.
So powerful it will penetrate through jeans. Price $1595[/FONT]

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After reading this site and not knowing wth it is talking about, I decided to google "Laser therapy" and "cold laser therapy". It seems this is one of those pseudoscience treatments alongside chiropractic, homeopathy, faith healing, psychic healing, etc.

Just read this: What is cold laser therapy? Discover this revolution in health science

You may wonder how can laser therapy be associated with natural cures! Remember light is part of nature. Often natural and some pharmaceutical health remedies are extracts from part of nature: plants, animals or minerals.

Lasers are pure extracts from natural light. When natural light is passed through one end of a prism the result at the other end is a rainbow extract. Each colour in the rainbow has its own wavelength or colour signature.

Each type of laser has also its own wavelength or colour. For example a green laser has a wavelength of 532nm and a red laser has 632 to 650nm (nm=nanometer=one billionth of a meter).

What is cold laser therapy compared to “hot laser therapy”?

Lasers have specific power outputs. Industrial and surgical lasers are high power lasers above 500mw output (mw=milliwatt=one thousanth of a watt).

Lasers are not used only for burning things. Surgical lasers cut by vaporising tissue. Throughout the site you will learn mostly about cold laser applications with a power of below 500mw output. This type of low level or low power laser application is often referred to as laser acupuncture.

A cold laser photo stimulates your cells, to boost up their natural healing processes.

Again, what is cold laser therapy? Cold laser therapy is like Star Trek medicine. It stimulates your healing processes without any pills or drugs. It is the most up to date of natural cures for now and the future. It blends ancient Chinese medicine of acupuncture with modern science.

Star Trek medicine? REALLY? Time to buy jayrob's phaser gun so I can cure my tennis elbow =.=

... then look what I found here: Scientific Fraud in Laser Therapy

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan
2012 Gold 6,000+
Class III Portable
The most potent hand held laser pen on the market. These have over 6,000 frequencies coded in its 18K gold casing. So powerful it will penetrate through jeans. Price $1595

it goes through JEANS!, and only $1595
The more I read the site the funnier it gets...
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This was also quite funny

"A good laser is a laser that penetrates at the top at about 5 cm and spreads out about half that. The next deepest penetrating laser is at 632 nm. A 830 nm laser with 3 gallium aluminum arsenide diodes is very strong. There are different gasses that go in different lasers. The most expensive to produce is this gas."

Uh ?? excuse me. gallium arsenide is not a gas.

I have never seen a site so chock full of misinformation and utter nonsense with no scientific value. What is even funnier (and scary) is that there are probably people out there who send this guy money.
Well.. it looks like he may be simply multiplying his price from his source by 100 to get the price on the website, so it truly only takes 1 to make it all worthwhile.

My favorites:

"If you shine a laser on a piece of rare steak, and eat it, you can taste and feel the difference that just a few seconds causes."

"One of the few medical device cold lasers approved by the FDA"

"It is highly desirable to have the ability to program and store these "treatment recipes" on the device so that they are easily available without laborious setup each time"

and the most ironic: "There are honest, earnest sellers and there are sheer liars. "
