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WTF? CNI update

Jun 16, 2009
ok so a while ago i bought a PGL 300 in one of Glenn's CNI group buys, and waited for a while super excited about my first high power greenie on the way, but when it gets to glenn for testing it promptley dies...im mad, but cant do anything, so we ship it back to CNI...weeks later they send the replacement! im extatic!!! it getts to glenn and performs ok, but very un-stable, then again promptley died. so even madder, we got CNI to pay the $80 return shipping. weeks later CNI sends the third PGL 300... it getts to Glenn and after some testing we find that it will only reach advertised power when we put it in the fridge for 5min... later once i get it it begins mode hopping, and dies.. by this point im super mad and we demmand that they give us something for are trouble, and low and behold they agree to send a CNI 50mW greenie pen...(still havent gotten that) and after they inspect all the lasers they replace it a forth time... It arrives to Glenn for testing... its amazeing!! avg of 495mW and a peak of 715mW!!!!!!!!! glenn ships to me and it is insane!! but promptley dies for a forth time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im at this point wondering what to do? i can't afford a more spendy laser, so i will send it back, but should i ask that CNI give a little more comphinsation, and pay shipping again??? im just sooooooooooooooo mad! what makes this even more amazeing it that in the same order another member got a PGL 300 and has also gone through 3 of them now, im not sure about the 4th, but i assume it is doomed aswell : /
UPDATE!!! i just spoke with AVA from CNI and they were again kind and have agree to ship the laser to me soon. it better be worth it!!! They are also throwing in a CNI 50mW green pen laser as a sorry. :)
thanks for your time

thoes mother fu*ckers sent me a 5th defective PGL!!!!!!! and i was talking with them, when they decided to shut down the chat room when i mentioned a refund!!!!!!!!
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Re: My trouble with CNI

Thats too bad, sorry to hear that.
Their must be something going on with CNI. Maybe a bad batch of modules slipped through. With your 4 and the other members 3 thats 7 failed PGL's.
Not too cool at all. At this point I would demand my money back. wait for a few GB's to go through. See what the word is in few months, then try again.
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Re: My trouble with CNI

Wow Dustin, I tested that laser (the 4th one) 3 times, and it worked just fine! This is just unbelievable! I think I'll have you email Ava in person, I think you should tell them that enough tries, just refund the $ and you can go buy from a company that makes lasers that work for more than 5 or 6 single minute runs! I just can't believe they don't test these any more than I would in the short time before I need to send them on to the buyer. I hope the get funds moving right away, please PM me all the details. Best Wishes! -Glenn
Re: My trouble with CNI

Wow, that is the worst luck I have ever heard! CNI is usually so great about quality. Maybe you are the problem and not the lasers. Maybe your body puts out a lot of ions or something. Like rayden from Mortal Kombat. J/K in all seriousness this has got me very paranoid about my 400mW CNI laser en route. Sorry about your misfortune.
Re: My trouble with CNI

Wow, that is the worst luck I have ever heard! CNI is usually so great about quality. Maybe you are the problem and not the lasers. Maybe your body puts out a lot of ions or something. Like rayden from Mortal Kombat. J/K in all seriousness this has got me very paranoid about my 400mW CNI laser en route. Sorry about your misfortune.

I don't think it's en route yet Luke...
Re: My trouble with CNI

God that is terrible. CNI needs to pick it up a bit. They have kept us waiting for about a month (after the order!....) and still hasn't shipped it yet. I sure hope they don't send any defective models like those after this wait they are putting us through. Though I believe Glenn is trying to get quality over speed. Maybe it's because of this.... Time is money, but money also supposed to be quality. Seems most like to leave this out of the equation.

Really sorry to hear this. I hope you have better luck in the future. :)

WickedLasers, anyone? (I can't believe I just said that)


Btw, I say don't refund, not yet. Put them through the trouble, until they get it right.
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Re: My trouble with CNI

But i also now have no faith that if i do get a working laser that it will last for as long as its suppost to...
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Re: UPDATE ON My trouble with CNI

At the price for these PGL III's we have been getting, the 300 to 500 mW units are the best deal around when they are in spec. However, there is an ongoing quality problem at CNI. I can only do what makes sense to do, which is to stop ordering any PGL III green lasers >200 mW until they send good units that are paid for, or start refunding the units where a buyer wants to stop the long wait. So far no new buyers are going for the suggestion to just pay more and get an RPL, although I do believe that may change soon. So, all I can do at present is keep telling CNI that this quality problem must be ended or there will 1) be no more PGL III 532 nm lasers ordered through me, 2) And or all the such may have to be refunded. So far, CNI says they nelieve the problem is being solved. We Sure Hope So! -Glenn
Re: UPDATE ON My trouble with CNI

Sounds like they have some serious quality control issues for you to get 4 duds in a row. That sucks dude.
ok so a while ago i bought a PGL 300 in one of Glenn's CNI group buys, and waited for a while super excited about my first high power greenie on the way, but when it gets to glenn for testing it promptley dies...im mad, but cant do anything, so we ship it back to CNI...weeks later they send the replacement! im extatic!!! it getts to glenn and performs ok, but very un-stable, then again promptley died. so even madder, we got CNI to pay the $80 return shipping. weeks later CNI sends the third PGL 300... it getts to Glenn and after some testing we find that it will only reach advertised power when we put it in the fridge for 5min... later once i get it it begins mode hopping, and dies.. by this point im super mad and we demmand that they give us something for are trouble, and low and behold they agree to send a CNI 50mW greenie pen...(still havent gotten that) and after they inspect all the lasers they replace it a forth time... It arrives to Glenn for testing... its amazeing!! avg of 495mW and a peak of 715mW!!!!!!!!! glenn ships to me and it is insane!! but promptley dies for a forth time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im at this point wondering what to do? i can't afford a more spendy laser, so i will send it back, but should i ask that CNI give a little more comphinsation, and pay shipping again??? im just sooooooooooooooo mad! what makes this even more amazeing it that in the same order another member got a PGL 300 and has also gone through 3 of them now, im not sure about the 4th, but i assume it is doomed aswell : /
UPDATE!!! i just spoke with AVA from CNI and they were again kind and have agree to ship the laser to me soon. it better be worth it!!! They are also throwing in a CNI 50mW green pen laser as a sorry. :)
thanks for your time

thoes mother fu*ckers sent me a 5th defective PGL!!!!!!! and i was talking with them, when they decided to shut down the chat room when i mentioned a refund!!!!!!!!

Perhaps you're doing something wrong.
5 in a row seems unlikely.
Do you have an LPM?
Are you using good batteries?

I hope you're not sticking it in the freezer of running it longer than the recommended duty cycle...
