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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB: ILDA projector w/ +500mw 445nm

You're not taking into account scanning and modulation losses. I personally guarantee you that 4 watts of 445 will do squat on the side of anything bigger than the side of a small house.

445 is not overly visible in the first place. To do large outdoor projections with ANY blue color would require several tens of Watts. There is a reason that professionals almost always use green for outdoor projection. If they're not using green, they're using full-color and are very choosy about which colors are projected. You will want to stay away from red and blue for outdoor projection.

I'm not just pulling this stuff out of my ass here guys. This is coming from lengthy discussion with some of the top pros in the world. If you want to do large outdoor building projections, green is where you want to be.. about 5-10W should do for a starting point. I'm trying to steer the OP in the right direction here, but if you guys insist on trying to get him to waste money on a blue system for outdoor projection, that's on your conscience. Hopefully when he gets the system and wonders why he can barely make out what is being projected he'll know who to complain to.

i do totally agree with you and i have 445 in a projector.

445 isnt the best for scanning outside, even if it is projecting onto a surface.

for projecting onto large building the baseline is 1watt of 532nm.

Oh, and I forgot to add that if you want a good-quality custom built projector, this guy called andy_con will do you right..
