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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Wow.. Just Wow... Google is spying on you...

Jul 10, 2015
It depends on how it's programmed, some may silently auto check in to the nearest tower every 30 minutes when turned off and still save most of the battery power. If there is an alert for your phone id it stays silently connected.

A lot comes mandated, such as color printers, they all print in a light yellow that you can barley see your devices ID so if you counterfeit money you are wrighting your printers ID on it.

Our cars have black boxes that have been used to convict drivers after an accident.

RFID tags are in everything or will be soon.

But you can believe that cellphone is a portal as is this computer, there is a record of it all.
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Aug 21, 2009
It depends on how it's programmed, some may silently auto check in to the nearest tower every 30 minutes when turned off and still save most of the battery power. If there is an alert for your phone id it stays silently connected.


that's just not a thing with iphones.
Oct 6, 2015
i still have an old phone i never use it for facebook or login to google i paused everything on google like years ago hehe, even on facebook i have fake birthday name and so on :)
RedCowboy is right since 1998 the started using RFID chips in car keys i believe most cars have it,most people get RFID chips implants so the can have VIP access in the bars, this is the new system is control over people the tell you your free in reality we live with the system the way the updated it, a new law is a new system and we accept it because we are busy and don't see it clearly, like i have neighbors the bunch idiots brainwashed 1 woman is watering the plants and it was raining imagine,
back to phones the gov have the option to turn on your mic on the phone + computer and most cars and listen to everything this is why we have smart TV's more control hehe,
The school system is a joke the gov like kids to be idiots smart kids are a threat to the system so the limit the kids what too teach and learn, i ask a neighbor's kid show me ware USA is located she pointed on Australia 8,grade and no idea ware US is located!
i ask her sister and she pointed on Canada, this is why i call me neighbors hilly billy's, 5kids and all are idiots well the parents are off two :crackup:
i don't blame the kids i blame the school system the use ipad's no pen or paper anymore.
Aug 21, 2009
i'm just going to back away and slowly and huff chemtrails for a while.

It depends on how it's programmed, some may silently auto check in to the nearest tower every 30 minutes when turned off and still save most of the battery power. If there is an alert for your phone id it stays silently connected.

A lot comes mandated, such as color printers, they all print in a light yellow that you can barley see your devices ID so if you counterfeit money you are wrighting your printers ID on it.

Our cars have black boxes that have been used to convict drivers after an accident.

RFID tags are in everything or will be soon.

But you can believe that cellphone is a portal as is this computer, there is a record of it all.

i still have an old phone i never use it for facebook or login to google i paused everything on google like years ago hehe, even on facebook i have fake birthday name and so on :)
RedCowboy is right since 1998 the started using RFID chips in car keys i believe most cars have it,most people get RFID chips implants so the can have VIP access in the bars, this is the new system is control over people the tell you your free in reality we live with the system the way the updated it, a new law is a new system and we accept it because we are busy and don't see it clearly, like i have neighbors the bunch idiots brainwashed 1 woman is watering the plants and it was raining imagine,
back to phones the gov have the option to turn on your mic on the phone + computer and most cars and listen to everything this is why we have smart TV's more control hehe,
The school system is a joke the gov like kids to be idiots smart kids are a threat to the system so the limit the kids what too teach and learn, i ask a neighbor's kid show me ware USA is located she pointed on Australia 8,grade and no idea ware US is located!
i ask her sister and she pointed on Canada, this is why i call me neighbors hilly billy's, 5kids and all are idiots well the parents are off two :crackup:
i don't blame the kids i blame the school system the use ipad's no pen or paper anymore.
Jan 29, 2014
If you take a harsh view of what is going on, that is what it looks like, if you take a blind view, everything is just peachy.


Apr 28, 2015
Nothing you might not already know but was in a waiting room at the hospital for a friend during a routine procedure reading a magazine meant more for the elderly and the issue's of phone scams.
I noticed my cell phone caller ID doesn't say " Scam Likely" as much as it used to. They are beating caller ID's better and using local first 6 digit phone numbers now to make people think its a friend a or a relative or work place calling. Others telling you you over paid for something and sending you a bogus check to deposit in your bank account to extract info.
This doesn't surprise me much these days but this caught my attention. If you answer the phone and the first thing the person says is "can you hear me?" don't say yes as they record your voice saying yes and can use it to scam..
Greed is a nasty thing:scowl:
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Sep 20, 2013
Most of the spam calls only come to my cell phone. I don't publish my land line phone number, but I doubt that would stop them from calling. I have yet to get a call saying I need to pay some utility bill with a prepaid credit card. I'd love to get one as I am never late with paying any bills. Have a half dozen legitimate major credit cards, so.....


Aug 16, 2007
If you answer the phone and the first thing the person says is "can you hear me?" don't say yes as they record your voice saying yes and can use it to scam..

There have been some cases in the netherlands as well, where selling services and goods over the phone was mostly legal/unregulated until recent years.

To finalize something like a contract, they would ask you to say "yes" to a number of questions, but some companies have tinkered with recordings by pasting the "yes" piece in from another point of conversation.

Usually there are a number of things you need to say yes to (like confirming your address, bank details, and agreeing to the actual purchase) so they cannot get away with it that easily - you don't say "yes" exactly the same every time, so a doctored recording could be analyzed for such fraud.

They would just get multiple yesses from earlier in the conversation, answered to totally different things... im i speaking to [name]? do you have a few minutes to talk? Is this a convenient moment for you? or even something obvious like "do you own a phone"...

I'm not sure about the US though, if a single "yes" suffices, you could be conned by simply saying "yes" to "can you hear me". Saying "no" would probably the funniest thing though ;)
Sep 20, 2013
I don't see how someone could con you out of money by just recording you saying yes. They would also need a credit card number with expiration date and code. I never allow a person calling me to get past I have a deal or want you to donate to.... By that time I have said not interested and hang up. I do use a couple of credit cards to pay bills with as they give out between 1.5% and 2% cash back. But, I always call them and I either have to respond with a yes or push a button on the phone.


Aug 16, 2007
What i describe does not require you to give them anything like a cc number or bank account.

You can, for example, order a product or subscribe to a service over the phone, in the netherlands this used to be a legally binding contract for many things. Recently recurring things like subscriptions require a written agreement, but they can still make a sale over the phone, send you the product, and you are obliged to pay for it, unless you return in within 30 days. Some products are exempt from this 30 day requirement, like prerecorded media (dvd's, etc), perishable items, or things that cannot be re-sold due to hygiene reasons and such.

Obviously you can simply not pay the bill, but there have been plenty of cases where people were taken to court and forced to pay (plus a shitload of legal fees) based on phone recorded agreements.

If the recordings are doctored the burden of proof on that is more or less up to the judge: they may want expert analysis, but that could be at the cost of either party, or simply on whatever party loses the case afterwards.
Sep 20, 2013
That is screwy, Ben. I never imagined one could be held liable to pay for something without giving a means for paying for it; bank account, credit card, etc. What happens if the item is misdelivered to someone else? You wouldn't even be aware that you were obliged to pay for something. I would think consumers in your country would not sit still for this. I know I wouldn't.


Jun 24, 2010
Things are certainly getting a little out of hand. I like most really never got that worked up about these things as I have looked at it similar to precedent for expectation of privacy based on physical location. If I am in my home I certainly have a expectation of full privacy. When I go out in public most locations would offer near no expectations but I might have some limited expectations like say in a public or private restrooms, my car, private business owned spaces that are offered and can have a varying degrees lIke a restaurant where you have not much as you would share it with other patrons to say a rented meeting room or private dining room which offers a lot more to say a hotel room where it is not your private properly but would expect near the same.

To apply that to technology I have always felt when I go online there would be some compromises. I have always used google for mail and other services which. I feel my computer is like my private residence. My computers operating system should allow me full functionality to keep the house in working order being able to fully control my privacy and still keep the utilities and other base funcuality operating. I treat apps I install like guests/friends I invite into my home. If they go off the rails, I am not comfortable or just not happy with them I make them leave but expect my house does not become uninhabitable in the process.

I saw some things here and there that seemed to get at me in from time to time that I did not like some features in millenium which I just used 2000 NT instead till XP came around some more stuff in xp and and in then it started getting a little peeved with 7 as it had an amazing foundation but was the start of the real shift probably due to shareholder pressure seeing all the ways they are just letting google take it all. Windows 8/10 was over the line. Unforgivable in my eyes especially due to the complete 180 from years before where they touted respect for their customers going as far as this smear campaign "the Gmail-Man" against google for being invasive and downright creepy invading their users privacy. Now in the most hypocritical move they not only want to collect data that is form reaching out over the internet. They want to log every keystroke, access every file, play games with opt outs and then there are mandatory auto updates that rest all them till you figure it out and opt out again. Even after all that just like everything else out there you can go turn off every option and it still sends near everything out under some catch all options that you have no choice if you want to use the OS.

I am linux only now. Microsoft will never get another single dime from me for software licensing fees not just for changing their model from proving a operating system to offering a zoo where they cage us for companies to come by and study us but the absolute hypocrisy. Hope the data they collected or still somehow get through third parties or apps I have to use for one reason or anther which that list if very short now as linux has come a long way. Running mint mate right now but at some point plan to go with a more secure option than that for my house.
they are 10X with windows 10 the schmucks they want to liver in your hose with you with studying us like some over documented reality tv study. Not that long ago they were screaming privacy concerns from the ceiling painting google to be like inviting some kind creepy company in these ads for 365 mail. Now they not only read your mail if feels like they follow you into the bathroom and capture every second of it and will figure some way to sell the data for all I know so they can target me for fiber supplements to offering it to some freak that gets off on it. It is so bad they have the G-Mail man going who cares like screw you and I don't care which is what they keep saying now.

Sep 20, 2008
So... you don't like Microsoft/Widows....:crackup:

Seriously Jordan... Couldn't agree more with
all your points.
Have been thinking of switching over to Linux
myself for most of the Windows reasons you

I'm still running XP on my daily use computers.
I have paid copies of Win 7, 8 and 10 on Laptops
that are only used to test compatibility with our
EagleEye Data Logging Software/LPMs.

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Jun 24, 2010
So... you don't like Microsoft/Widows....:crackup:
Seriously Jordan...

Yea seems I was dribbling on there a bit but yea.:tinfoil:

I have used different linux distros for certain things over the years mostly for media players so not completely in the woods when it comes to managing and navigating the system via the terminal but will say there are quite a few distros that have come a very long way where someone that is fairly fairly familiar with a windows or mac environment can now feel pretty comfortable. Large and ever growing repositertiers of apps and the fact that more and more stuff you do though your browser anyway makes taking the plunge less scary that you might find yourself needing to have a backup win/mac unit or find yourself up some creek. And a big one much less the old discouraging atmosphere on the forums some would find when searching around for info or eve asking for help and being label a wind the forums when not very versed in navigating/operating solely via the terminal.

I have not found anything yet that I can not do with the mint mate variant that I mostly amusing now that I could do with a windows or mac as well as a few things that I can do or do now not have to jump through many hoops in this environment. Give it a run. 2000 and XP were awesome but they are just too dated and if you plug into the net you open yourself up to many security risks to the unit it can be a access point into your network that all your connected devices are linked to. If you want to use 7 and 8 you are in the same bag as to get security updates you have to agree to back port a lot of things about 10 that you want to avoid so no joy there.

Most of the spam calls only come to my cell phone. I don't publish my land line phone number, but I doubt that would stop them from calling.

Yea iit would not stop the spread of your number and a lot of possibly creepy personal details one I could rant on for a while but basically just look at your contact list in your phones and every incoming and outgoing . Every one of those people have probably given your personal details and contact info which is in their address book to countless entities and before you get worked up realize you have done the same to every one of those people.

One that is a real head scratcher to me and gets me a little worked up is:thinking:e I don't see what gives me the right to consent to give share personal details of everyone that has trusted me with any of their personal details with who knows who other of which I may or may not have collected with their permission and might not be deemed public info and what gives others the right to consent to share my details. I have seen people put all kinds of info in their address books/contact apps and I notice mine has so many different fields I can add more and more details about people to that directory. My sister had here kids socials in there for easy access as well as lots of details in the all the different fields here Iphone lets here add to their v-cards or whatever you call them. I just don't


Aug 16, 2007
That is screwy, Ben. I never imagined one could be held liable to pay for something without giving a means for paying for it; bank account, credit card, etc. What happens if the item is misdelivered to someone else? You wouldn't even be aware that you were obliged to pay for something. I would think consumers in your country would not sit still for this. I know I wouldn't.

The burden of proof is on the one wanting to collect the payment.

Let's say i would have sold you something over the phone, and you don't want to pay for it, but did get it delivered (like signed for the package, or took delivery of some website programming and integrated that in your website so i could proof delivery).

In such a case delivery of goods or services is not disputed, but if you never asked for the goods or services you obviously should not have to pay for them.

In such a dispute i'd take you to court, present the recorded phonecall as evidence of you actually ordering the goods or service. Provided i can prove the goods or services were delivered or you don't dispute that aspect court would then order you to pay (plus legal fees etc).

This is often used in scammy things like changing phone or energy providers where it's very easy to prove the service was delivered and the only dispute is if the buyer actually bought it or not.

With physical goods it can be a bit more difficult: if someone doesn't want to pay they can state to have signed for the package, but the content was not what they ordered. Scams like that have been pulled too, like sending a package with the proper size and weight, but the content being a few bathroom tiles instead of a notebook computer or such. People don't get away with that easily though, if it happens more than once courts will probably suspect the scammer.
Sep 20, 2013
If I ordered something expensive, like a laptop I would be expecting it. I have actually done this and signed for it and was pleased with what I got. But, if I am not expecting something, I won't sign for it. I track everything of value coming to me daily. I can't imagine a utility provider trying to switch me over to their service as I would be aware of that and would file a complaint immediately. Nothing like that has ever happened to me.

If, for instance, I ordered a laptop and got a brick in place of it, I would fight paying for it, but someone would have to be very desperate to do that as they couldn't get away with it as a business model.
