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WL Googles

Ok, thanks. I might get the red googles after I solve my problem with my Evolution 95mW which stopped working after 1 day (gonna be refunded, then I plan getting a greenie from Optotronics or Nova), after that I get that DX 200mW, which looks awesome with that price :D
WL goggles are fine. I have a pair of what they call the "sport elite" model for red. They are actually manufactured by NoIR, WL acts as a retailer.


Btw Senkat, is that a copyrighted WL picture I see on your site? :P
Petrovski said:
WL goggles are fine. I have a pair of what they call the "sport elite" model for red. They are actually manufactured by NoIR, WL acts as a retailer.


Btw Senkat, is that a copyrighted WL picture I see on your site? :P

Why, YES it is ! :) And used with total permission from the owners, too I might add. I am reselling the goggles from Wicked with Wicked's permission. I, unlike others on here do NOT violate copywrite laws, or blatantly stomp all over other folks' ideas.
SenKat_Stonetek said:
Yes.  (you can also buy the red ones direct from my shop for much less shipping :-)  )

When I saw that yours were more expensive, I was about to buy from Wicked, but then when I saw the shipping prices and the discount code I changed my mind. I'll be purchasing soon.
360freak said:
[quote author=SenKat_Stonetek link=1213721006/0#1 date=1213724350]Yes. (you can also buy the red ones direct from my shop for much less shipping :-) )

When I saw that yours were more expensive, I was about to buy from Wicked, but then when I saw the shipping prices and the discount code I changed my mind. I'll be purchasing soon.[/quote]

Per an agreement with Wicked Lasers, I cannot sell them for less than they do - so I added in the cost of shipping, and then the 10% off coupon covers almost all of that, I think ! At any rate - when you get ready to order, IF for some reason it does not work with your order, zap me an email, and I will manually refund the 10% :)
eDnan said:
Can I trust on WL safety googles (both 532nm and 650nm)?

I would NOT trust my eyes to a cheap pair of Chinese made "Safety Goggles/Glasses" that you don't even know who actually makes them, other than maybe a re-seller's Logo on the frame, let alone they don't come with any kind of Certifications.

Surely ones eyesight is worth more than the $40 + shipping they charge for them. ::)

You can get a pair from FrothyChimp for example on this Forum and he will hook you up with a quality certified pair that you can be confident will protect your eyesight.  You can find them at other places too, the Key to eye safety here is the Certification, look for it, demand it. It will be stamped in the Lenses and should come with paperwork showing the specs.

Heck just one visit to an eye doctor will cost far more than those cheap Chinese made, inferior $40.00 LaserShields, think about it; your eyes are not something you want to damage or gamble with.

Stay Safe.
electron said:
[quote author=eDnan link=1213721006/0#0 date=1213721006]Can I trust on WL safety googles (both 532nm and 650nm)?

I would NOT trust my eyes to a cheap pair of Chinese made "Safety Goggles/Glasses" that you don't even know who actually makes them, other than maybe a re-seller's Logo on the frame, let alone they don't come with any kind of Certifications.

Surely ones eyesight is worth more than the $40 + shipping they charge for them. ::)

You can get a pair from FrothyChimp for example on this Forum and he will hook you up with a quality certified pair that you can be confident will protect your eyesight. You can find them at other places too, the Key to eye safety here is the Certification, look for it, demand it. It will be stamped in the Lenses and should come with paperwork showing the specs.

Heck just one visit to an eye doctor will cost far more than those cheap Chinese made, inferior $40.00 LaserShields, think about it; your eyes are not something you want to damage or gamble with.

Stay Safe.[/quote]

Well - the WL Lasershades are made by the company NOIR, PICRTHIS....Get your facts correct before trying to slam someone/something.
el-taco said:
I bought SenKat's ones yesterday (or was it the day before?)

I think it was the day before :P These are the best quality - Electron has no basis for his statements, other than hatred towards me, and total ignorance of the facts. Frothy sells high quality items - I am NOT knocking his stuff - not one bit. He has no items that are in the $40.00 price range - nor does anyone else that matches these for quality. It's what I use - and I want to see my grandchildren play...at some FAR distant point, that is...no hurry on grandkids for me...NOPE ! :)
SenKat_Stonetek said:
[quote author=electron link=1213721006/0#9 date=1214523040][quote author=eDnan link=1213721006/0#0 date=1213721006]Can I trust on WL safety googles (both 532nm and 650nm)?

I would NOT trust my eyes to a cheap pair of Chinese made "Safety Goggles/Glasses" that you don't even know who actually makes them, other than maybe a re-seller's Logo on the frame, let alone they don't come with any kind of Certifications.

Surely ones eyesight is worth more than the $40 + shipping they charge for them. ::)

You can get a pair from FrothyChimp for example on this Forum and he will hook you up with a quality certified pair that you can be confident will protect your eyesight. You can find them at other places too, the Key to eye safety here is the Certification, look for it, demand it. It will be stamped in the Lenses and should come with paperwork showing the specs.

Heck just one visit to an eye doctor will cost far more than those cheap Chinese made, inferior $40.00 LaserShields, think about it; your eyes are not something you want to damage or gamble with.

Stay Safe.[/quote]

Well - the WL Lasershades are made by the company NOIR, PICRTHIS....Get your facts correct before trying to slam someone/something.[/quote]

WL Lasershades are NOT made by the company NOIR, the Sport Elite ones are though, your "facts" are NOT correct.
SenKat_Stonetek said:
[quote author=el-taco link=1213721006/0#11 date=1214538940]I bought SenKat's ones yesterday (or was it the day before?)

I think it was the day before :P These are the best quality - Electron has no basis for his statements, other than hatred towards me, and total ignorance of the facts. Frothy sells high quality items - I am NOT knocking his stuff - not one bit. He has no items that are in the $40.00 price range - nor does anyone else that matches these for quality. It's what I use - and I want to see my grandchildren play...at some FAR distant point, that is...no hurry on grandkids for me...NOPE ! :)[/quote]
The basis is very simple, and has nothing to do with you, I don't recall even mentioning you, in-fact I know I didn't.
Contact NOIR and/or WL they will both tell you NO NOIR does NOT make the LaserShields, they ARE made in China, very True and maybe that is where the confusion comes from, the Sport Elites Are made by NOIR, and just because WL sells both, doesn't make them both made by the same company and in-fact they are not, nor does WL state they are.
