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WL Googles

electron said:
I already knew they weren't made by NOIR USA before I made the post; otherwise I wouldn't have stated "The burden of proof rest with the seller" I was just letting you make a fool of yourself as usual. I had already contacted WL & NOIR USA a long time ago, YOUR the ONLY ONE that insisted differently; case closed. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

No - you are still a scamming, over-inflated asswipe - I will not rest until you are banned from this site in all your incarnations. You could not post proof because you didn't have it - otherwise you would have done so. You are a waste of bandwidth - go away, and leave lasers to people with more than single digit IQ's, F UCKTARD Rather than continuing to post - and being even more egotistical, and idiotic at every turn - why not get the balls to follow up on your threatening emails to me ? Send mail direct, and don't pollute the forum with your presence any longer. When your balls do finally drop, and possibly a neuron decides to divide, thereby doubling your IQ, I am certain - maybe you can be allowed to post intelligent conversations, rather than the constant drivel of a bitter little man with low self esteem, and no way to back up what he says.

Hmmm I thought that the discussion would end with the info, guess I thought wrong. Personally I would have no problem purchasing the green laser shades from WL/Stonetek, despite they are not made by NoIR. A lot of people around here think that WL sells high priced and underpowered lasers, but I haven't read nothing but positive news regarding their safety eyewear.
Petrovski said:
Hmmm I thought that the discussion would end with the info, guess I thought wrong. Personally I would have no problem purchasing the green laser shades from WL/Stonetek, despite they are not made by NoIR. A lot of people around here think that WL sells high priced and underpowered lasers, but I haven't read nothing but positive news regarding their safety eyewear.

Their eye wear is of irreproachable quality. Joe Barry (PICRTHIS-ELECTRON) knows not of what he speaks, period. At ANY time.
SenKat_Stonetek said:
[quote author=Petrovski link=1213721006/24#33 date=1214837243]Hmmm I thought that the discussion would end with the info, guess I thought wrong. Personally I would have no problem purchasing the green laser shades from WL/Stonetek, despite they are not made by NoIR. A lot of people around here think that WL sells high priced and underpowered lasers, but I haven't read nothing but positive news regarding their safety eyewear.

Their eye wear is of irreproachable quality. Joe Barry (PICRTHIS-ELECTRON) knows not of what he speaks, period. At ANY time.[/quote]
Greg, you might want to read that again. :D
SenKat_Stonetek said:
[quote author=electron link=1213721006/24#31 date=1214836351]Greg,
I already knew they weren't made by NOIR USA before I made the post; otherwise I wouldn't have stated "The burden of proof rest with the seller" I was just letting you make a fool of yourself as usual. I had already contacted WL & NOIR USA a long time ago, YOUR the ONLY ONE that insisted differently; case closed.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

No - you are still a scamming, over-inflated asswipe - I will not rest until you are banned from this site in all your incarnations.  You could not post proof because you didn't have it - otherwise you would have done so.  You are a waste of bandwidth - go away, and leave lasers to people with more than single digit IQ's, F UCKTARD  Rather than continuing to post - and being even more egotistical, and idiotic at every turn - why not get the balls to follow up on your threatening emails to me ?  Send mail direct, and don't pollute the forum with your presence any longer.  When your balls do finally drop, and possibly a neuron decides to divide, thereby doubling your IQ, I am certain - maybe you can be allowed to post intelligent conversations, rather than the constant drivel of a bitter little man with low self esteem, and no way to back up what he says.[/quote]
STUPID SCAMMER, Greg Stoner/SenKat/Riddle/SenKat_Stonetek/Trinket Boy; You should be Banned for your Filthy mouth.

I told you a year ago they weren't made by NOIR, but noop can't tell you anything.

You knew they weren't made by noir all along, that's why you didn't have the balls to post on your trinket site that they were.

I called both WL & NOIR, after you tried in vain to convince me back then NOIR made them, I did my research and I wouldn't drink the Cool Aid back then, nor will I now.  ;D ;D  It's a shame someone else posted "the proof", as I was hoping you would have changed your Trinket site to said that noir made them, and I repeated that a few times in these posts; I had no intention of showing you my "hand" until then; exposing the SCAMMER you really are.  Time to simply IGNORE you, you've wasted too much of my time, your simply not worth it, in-fact your just plain worthless, GO AWAY!
NoIR or otherwise, LaserShades are great goggles for a laser enthusiast. They are good quality and work well. Just because you have the green to buy top-end safety equipment and multiple LPMs ( :-?) and several grand worth of lasers, doesn't mean the average joe does. So what if they're Chinese made? Your X-150 is Chinese made. So is your RPL(s?).

StoneTek is not a 'trinket site'. It's a simple, easy, well-priced site with pretty much everything you need to build a laser. I don't know of a better place like it. If you're insulting his site, you're grasping at straws.

All up, STFU. He doesn't even sell the shades anymore.
He's actually getting some more LaserShades soon, so that should be good :)

Does anyone know who actually makes the LaserShades? Might be even cheaper to get them direct :)
Yes it's true the X-150 is Chinese made and so are the RPL's, However there are huge differences here, first off they are sold and QA'd by very quality minded companies by experienced engineer's, and the 2nd thing ought to be very obvious on this, Lasers are not safety devices for our eyesight, rather they can damage our eyesight very easily.

Laser Safety glasses on the other hand ARE safety devices designed for the SAFETY of our eyes, that is why FDA/CE certification is PARAMOUNT for Laser Safety glasses.  IF those cheap Chinese manufactures could produce them with fully qualified FDA/CE certifications they probably would. Cheap is cheap and that is all there really is to it. If you really don't care about your eyesight fine, after all you do have two of them  ;D

I don't gamble with my eyesight, no FDA/CE certs, NO SALE.

Reminds me of the cheap Chinese cars they want to to bring into the USA for sale, no Laminated Safety Glass for the Windshield, inferior brakes, etc etc BUT hey they had a really CHEAP price for the car though.

Some argued to let them import them because of how cheap they actually are, and that many young today and those on fix incomes can't afford "today's cars".

They are cheap and they can make a fast buck off of them; fortunately the Feds wouldn't let those cars in w/o extensive modifications, and then they're no longer a "bargain" anymore, Fact is they where never a bargain when it came to safety, it's amazing how many people will skimp on safety and defend cheap stuff for the almighty buck.  :P
electron said:
Yes it's true the X-150 is Chinese made and so are the RPL's, However there are huge differences here, first off they are sold and QA'd by very quality minded companies by experienced engineer's, and the 2nd thing ought to be very obvious on this, Lasers are not safety devices for our eyesight, rather they can damage our eyesight very easily.

Laser Safety glasses on the other hand ARE safety devices designed for the SAFETY of our eyes, that is why FDA/CE certification is PARAMOUNT for Laser Safety glasses.  IF those cheap Chinese manufactures could produce them with fully qualified FDA/CE certifications they probably would. Cheap is cheap and that is all there really is to it. If you really don't care about your eyesight fine, after all you do have two of them  ;D

I don't gamble with my eyesight, no FDA/CE certs, NO SALE.

Reminds me of the cheap Chinese cars they want to to bring into the USA for sale, no Laminated Safety Glass for the Windshield, inferior brakes, etc etc BUT hey they had a really CHEAP price for the car though.

Some argued to let them import them because of how cheap they actually are, and that many young today and those on fix incomes can't afford "today's cars".

They are cheap and they can make a fast buck off of them; fortunately the Feds wouldn't let those cars in w/o extensive modifications, and then they're no longer a "bargain" anymore, Fact is they where never a bargain when it came to safety, it's amazing how many people will skimp on safety and defend cheap stuff for the almighty buck.  :P

I bouth a pair of lasershades b4 I read this forum. I asked here if they're suitable for a dilda, and they said that ppl have tested them and they're actually OD 3+, so I'm using my dilda tith them. But now, reading this stuff i think i'm gonna buy some red/blu-ray certified googles. But i have a big doubt. because, if my laser shades can actualy protect my eyes properly, why buying new ones? I know they aren't certified and that they can't probably withstand a 3 seconds hit, but i won't focus the laser to my eyes, so if they can protect me from a 1 sec shot, that's enought.

I think the worst part of laser shades is it's design, that doesn't cover the whole sight field. I'm gonna make a mod to be more safe.
erdabyz said:
[quote author=electron link=1213721006/36#43 date=1215785452]Yes it's true the X-150 is Chinese made and so are the RPL's, However there are huge differences here, first off they are sold and QA'd by very quality minded companies by experienced engineer's, and the 2nd thing ought to be very obvious on this, Lasers are not safety devices for our eyesight, rather they can damage our eyesight very easily.

Laser Safety glasses on the other hand ARE safety devices designed for the SAFETY of our eyes, that is why FDA/CE certification is PARAMOUNT for Laser Safety glasses. IF those cheap Chinese manufactures could produce them with fully qualified FDA/CE certifications they probably would. Cheap is cheap and that is all there really is to it. If you really don't care about your eyesight fine, after all you do have two of them ;D

I don't gamble with my eyesight, no FDA/CE certs, NO SALE.

Reminds me of the cheap Chinese cars they want to to bring into the USA for sale, no Laminated Safety Glass for the Windshield, inferior brakes, etc etc BUT hey they had a really CHEAP price for the car though.

Some argued to let them import them because of how cheap they actually are, and that many young today and those on fix incomes can't afford "today's cars".

They are cheap and they can make a fast buck off of them; fortunately the Feds wouldn't let those cars in w/o extensive modifications, and then they're no longer a "bargain" anymore, Fact is they where never a bargain when it came to safety, it's amazing how many people will skimp on safety and defend cheap stuff for the almighty buck. :P

I bouth a pair of lasershades b4 I read this forum. I asked here if they're suitable for a dilda, and they said that ppl have tested them and they're actually OD 3+, so I'm using my dilda tith them. But now, reading this stuff i think i'm gonna buy some red/blu-ray certified googles. But i have a big doubt. because, if my laser shades can actualy protect my eyes properly, why buying new ones? I know they aren't certified and that they can't probably withstand a 3 seconds hit, but i won't focus the laser to my eyes, so if they can protect me from a 1 sec shot, that's enought.

I think the worst part of laser shades is it's design, that doesn't cover the whole sight field. I'm gonna make a mod to be more safe. [/quote]

You would be SO much better off in life if you didn't listen to people like PICRTHIS/ELECTRON :) As a matter of fact, you may even be able to shit again if you don't listen to him - because otherwise, your ears fill up with so much shit, there is no way you can get it out of your system. Just friendly advice ;)
Froty chimp also says that not certified googles aren't good.
With two experienced members telling my googles are crap, I have a terrible doubt.
Some members say LaserShades are good, but then it turns out that they have the Sport elite, which are manufacturated by noir. I've also seen that certified googles have different colour than mine's. And WL isn't a good compaly, many pepople complain about their underpoered lasers...

I don't know what to do. If someone can tell me exactly how safe am I with Laser Shades (real OD, time before degradation) and it's enough for me, i'll keep using them. If not, I'll sell the LaserShades and buy some certified ones.
SenKat_Stonetek said:
[quote author=erdabyz link=1213721006/36#44 date=1215806092][quote author=electron link=1213721006/36#43 date=1215785452]Yes it's true the X-150 is Chinese made and so are the RPL's, However there are huge differences here, first off they are sold and QA'd by very quality minded companies by experienced engineer's, and the 2nd thing ought to be very obvious on this, Lasers are not safety devices for our eyesight, rather they can damage our eyesight very easily.

Laser Safety glasses on the other hand ARE safety devices designed for the SAFETY of our eyes, that is why FDA/CE certification is PARAMOUNT for Laser Safety glasses.  IF those cheap Chinese manufactures could produce them with fully qualified FDA/CE certifications they probably would. Cheap is cheap and that is all there really is to it. If you really don't care about your eyesight fine, after all you do have two of them  ;D

I don't gamble with my eyesight, no FDA/CE certs, NO SALE.

Reminds me of the cheap Chinese cars they want to to bring into the USA for sale, no Laminated Safety Glass for the Windshield, inferior brakes, etc etc BUT hey they had a really CHEAP price for the car though.

Some argued to let them import them because of how cheap they actually are, and that many young today and those on fix incomes can't afford "today's cars".

They are cheap and they can make a fast buck off of them; fortunately the Feds wouldn't let those cars in w/o extensive modifications, and then they're no longer a "bargain" anymore, Fact is they where never a bargain when it came to safety, it's amazing how many people will skimp on safety and defend cheap stuff for the almighty buck.  :P

I bouth a pair of lasershades b4 I read this forum. I asked here if they're suitable for a dilda, and they said that ppl have tested them and they're actually OD 3+, so I'm using my dilda tith them. But now, reading this stuff i think i'm gonna buy some red/blu-ray certified googles. But i have a big doubt. because, if my laser shades can actualy protect my eyes properly, why buying new ones? I know they aren't certified and that they can't probably withstand a 3 seconds hit, but i won't focus the laser to my eyes, so if they can protect me from a 1 sec shot, that's enought.

I think the worst part of laser shades is it's design, that doesn't cover the whole sight field. I'm gonna make a mod to be more safe. [/quote]

You would be SO much better off in life if you didn't listen to people like PICRTHIS/ELECTRON :)  As a matter of fact, you may even be able to shit again if you don't listen to him - because otherwise, your ears fill up with so much shit, there is no way you can get it out of your system.  Just friendly advice ;)[/quote]
Very elegantly stated as usual by a boy that for the last year or so SWORE they were made by NOIR and put down anyone saying otherwise, while all along he knew the real truth, even WL's themselves have never as far as I've know, ever stated they were made by NOIR, also Greg Stoner didn't have the guts to post on his Trinket site that they were made by NOIR and branded for WL, because he KNEW since his in located in the USA, NOIR USA would have been all over him like a ton of bricks. So instead he puts out this spew on the forums until finally the jig was up, sounds like your looking into the MIRROR again Greg.
