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FrozenGate by Avery

WickedLaser Core vs. Lyra Series Laser 5mW from Laserglow vs. Novalasers X15

What do you mean a housing color? Also they say that the Wicked Laser Core is actually a good laser compared to their others. Will there actually be a difference?
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Wicked Lasers core is ok but they don't ship with a chart of your lasers power and they are not good quality.

Housing colour is what the colour laser is painted on the outside.
Most pictures make shiny/chrome colours look s**t but in real life they are much better looking, also about the clip I think you'll like and it's hard to find pen lasers w/o them anyways.

Yes that does look like right one for you!
It seems overpriced...for $50 i could get a Core. It seems like if i am spending $70 for the Lyra i am getting ripped off even if it is a little better quality.
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little better quality.

More like ALOT better quality AND they ship there lasers with a chart of the power AND only 20 more.

It IS worth it.
If you have ordered from them may you answer this question. They say they will not insure the shipment against loss unless you get shipping with tracking, but then in their shipping facts on their website they say, " If your product has been sent without tracking confirmation, please wait until the estimated date of arrival before contacting us. If the product has not arrived at your door within a reasonable amount of time, we will be happy to re-send your product at no additional cost to you"

Are those contradictory or do i not get something? The reason i ask is because the shipping with tracking option is $20 instead of $10 without. They also offer shipping insurance for $2. So would ordering without tracking void your shipping insurance?
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Dont bother you'll get your package might as well get the insurance for the hell of it.
I have had about a dozen of each, WL ships fast, and I think the Core is a fine $40 laser. I am more used to using a 50+ mW these days, but it is safer to own and learn to use care at the beginning with a 5 mW and if you are more careful even a 20 mW is usually O.K. I didn't see a lot of quality difference from the LaserGlow pen to the WL ones. I still have 2 Core lasers that have not ben converted into Blu-ray pens, and about 2 LG's with adjustable dot as well as a pen from LG that has the pocket clip removed. But I really use the higher powered units the most as I said earlier. I have several LED Shoppe units rated as 50 mW and these will light a match if focused to a smaller dot w/ a lens. These are only about $25, and one in 6 or so is >65 mW I even got one that hits 169 mW at <$25 it was a steal! The beam is great on them, but yes, use them with a lot of care. I have found many ways to make light effects with lasers, it's great fun! Eventually almost everyone wants the powerful ones, imho. but taking your time is a good idea too! Best Wishes! -Glenn
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go dealextreme lol, 5mW on any of this companys is a rip-off IMO
