I dislike the company as a whole. They have great customer support, and their lasershades do their job properly, but that is pretty much the extent of the good things I can say about them.
I bought a Nexus 95mW as my first laser. They were out of stock at the time, so I was given a 125mW fusion instead. I was happy about it, it was and still is good quality and in good shape. Trouble is when i metered it, I was getting 75mW peak and 70mW average! The peak output of my fusion was almost half the amount of power advertised, and was only under two thirds of what I originally paid for. I didn't get to meter it until long after the warranty ran out, so I was out of luck for getting a replacement.
Just before I found LPF, I ordered 4 5mW evo lasers as a Christmas special group buy with my friends. All four of them inexplicably failed within two months. Every one of them was working, then placed in a drawer, then when they were taken out again, they just didn't work. WL happily exchanged them all for new ones, one of which failed about a month later, the others I don't know about.
The underpowered, failing products, coupled with excessive false advertising, high prices, manipulated product reviews, live chat employees knowing nothing about lasers, and the George Orwell nightmare they call their forums, WickedLasers has left a very sour taste in my mouth. I will never buy from them again, and I will also never let anyone I know buy from them either.
The company would need almost a complete overhaul to fix these problems. Far more strict quality control, power testing of products before shipping. Replace live chat staff with people who know a bit about lasers. Marketing needs to take a backseat to product quality. Allow negative product reviews. Completely replace existing forum rules with ones that allow at least some degree of free speech. And lower prices.