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FrozenGate by Avery

Wicked 25mw Blu-Ray & Green 125mw

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Sep 16, 2009
These are brand new with maybe 10 minutes runtime each.

25mw Blu-Ray $50 shipped (US)
125mw Green $75 Shipped (US)

PM me if interested.

You'll need photos with a handwritten piece of paper reading "LPF" with your username and date.

Relax I'm working on it. Is there a sticky that explains this needed info?

Have these been LPM'd (power tested) ?

WL is well known around these parts for thier "enthusiastic" power rating claims...
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So are any of you actually interested in the Lasers or just love to bash WL?

The spec sheets are from wicked lasers. My friend has a tester and his tester if I recall correctly read about 10% lower than WL.

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The blue ray, maybe $30. Depends on the host... the diode in there is very cheap though.

The Greenie, hard to say without getting it tested, and better pictures of the host. As it is probably ~$50.

Edit: It would help you to post more pictures of the laser. Also some un scientific testing... Like can it light a match, that kind of thing.
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USPS Priority small flat rate box would be $8 additional. Though I could not fit the original box in the package. If you wanted the original packaging regular priority mail starts around $30 for 1b or EMS for around $35.
hmm, back to lurking mode.
If the price on the 532 drops i may strike.
These are brand new with maybe 10 minutes runtime each.

25mw Blu-Ray $50 shipped (US)
125mw Green $75 Shipped (US)

PM me if interested.

Hey man, when you get a chance, take some good quality pictures (meaning more than one) of each of the lasers. Take some shots of the hosts and the beams. Give us as much info as you possibly can and update the OP with it. The more information that you give, the more people will be interested in what you have. Nobody is going to buy a laser that they know nothing about. Since you're new to the forums, you've got to put some effort into selling these since nobody knows who you are.

Good luck with the sale. They will sell, you just have to do it right.
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