Please correct me if i'm wrong, but seem that your basical question was not just "why we use test loads", but more probably "why we use these test loads with diodes and different voltage drops" ..... or i'm understanding wrong ?
Supposing i have understood right, then the answer require a specification, too ..... linear constant current drivers (like the ones that use LM317, as example), maintain a constant current through the load, as far as the input voltage is higher enough respect the output voltage, for have a difference bigger than the dropout of the regulator (plus something for the dissipations

This means that, as example, if you power the driver with 12V, and the dropout of the regulator is 3V, no matter if you use an IR, a red or a BR diodes, cause, regardless the fact that the diodes requires 1,8V, or 2,5V, or 5,5V, the difference from VI and VO is always enough (1,8+3=4,8, 2,5+3=5,5, 5,5+3=8,5, from these to 12V, there's always a good difference)
But, if you power a linear driver with, as example, 2 li-ion cells (7,2V, nominally), when you use an IR diode, you still have a good difference (4,8V), when you use a red one still the difference is enough (5,5V), but if you connect a BR diode, the required voltage (8,5V) is greater than the one that you have available (7,2V), so you can never reach the current that you want, or also in case that the current that you need is low, it's still unstable.
So, the diodes are used for simulate the VF of a real LD (or, also better, a little bit more high) ..... in this way, you see immediately with the load if the driver is working good or not, without risk an LD ..... the "risk an LD part is due to a thing that, usually, peoples don't take in consideration, about linear drivers ..... let me do an example, with the BR thing .....
Suppose that you connect the two cells at their nominal value to the driver, and then set it with a PHR diode connected, measuring 100mA ..... the driver is NOT working in current stabilizer, in this moment, cause the voltage at the input is less than the one you need ..... so, practically you're regulating the 100mA only from the trimmer (and this mean that the trimmer can be in a position that, at regular power voltage, may give like 200mA, as example) ..... now, suppose that you change the batteries with a pair of fresh, just charged ones ..... that for li-ion cells, usually means 4,2V each, so, 8,4V ..... at this point, your driver is working almost at his set current (that was NOT the right one, before), so, 180 / 200 mA pushed in the poor PHR, that, probably, don't agree and say you "bye bye" in few seconds ..... and i'm sure that you agree with me that if this happens with a PHR, is not a big pain, but if the same thing happens with your new 8X, it's a bit different, right ?
So, also if a dummy load is not needed if you have a steady hand and are working with input voltage high enough, is always better to use a dummy load with a dropout voltage near or a bit high to the real LD, when you are working with low or near-the-limit input voltages (or if you're working near the end of the trimmer track and you're not sure that your hand is steady enough

) .
BTW, there's also a secondary reason, for use a dummy load, not so important as the first one ..... if you drop some voltage through the diodes, and dissipate it with them, is all power that not become dissipated from the LM317 (the power dissipated from linear regulator is given from the difference from the Vi and the VO, minus the dropout, multiplied for the current) ..... you can also use just an 1 ohm resistor, instead a full dummy load, example (again

), VI = 12V and current set to 300mA, if with the load simulating a BR, plus the dropout (8,5V), the power dissipated from the LM is 1.05W (12-8.5)*0.3 , with an 1 ohm resistor only, the power dissipated from the LM is 2.7W (12-3)*0.3 ..... and, cause the TO220 container is based on a 1W (maximum 1,5W) dissipation, your driver become burning hot and go in self protection each few seconds (if not just die

Sorry for the long post, and i hope i understood correctly your question