If you open safes as part of your job, you will find that they rarely have anything in them. However, the very first safe I drilled and opened in Texas was full of stuff. Silver spurs, Guns, old coins, money, medals and an antique gold Hamilton pocket watch. The gentleman I opened it for was very nice and appreciative that I opened it and on finding all the things in it. I was all excited about it especially being my first one to open. He came to the shop to pick up the contents when I wasn't there, so the shop owner gave him all the contents. He came back to the shop the next day and gave me the Hamilton pocket watch as a gift. I still have it.
Creepiest thing was having to rekey all the doors in a mental institution that was shut down and being sold. The building had been closed a few months. No one there and there were several padded rooms I had to do.
First few years I did lots of after hours work and its amazing how stupid drunk people are. I'd get calls, multiple times at 3 in the morning. People wanting keys for their car or pretending they were the owner of the car or the house they wanted to get in. Or being asked to open a car and the person didn't want to pay. So I'd throw the keys back in the car and lock it back up. We would sometimes get burglars calling, asking us to open a house for them. Funny, but I was required to always checked ID so it didn't go very far.
We had a situation where we rekeyed a home about 7 times in a divorce proceeding. Husband call and lock wife out, then the wife would call and lock the husband out.
I regularly did a couple armored car companies facilities. With armed guards everywhere and money up to your shoulders. I also regularly did a county jail facility including the evidence lockers.
Saddest things was rekeying the county animal shelter and seeing piles and piles of dead dogs and cats ready to be incinerated.
