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Where to buy "Danger" Stickers


New member
Jan 4, 2021
Hello, I was just wondering if anyone knows where you can buy the silver "Danger" Stickers that you see on laser pointers. I have many with no labels and many with incorrect labels. Honestly I like the look of them, especially on smaller pens. If anyone has a source, please let me know! Thanks for any and all help


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I want some of them WL labels, not because I'm a moron who can't understand that my lasers are class 4 but because I think it makes them look more badass
I've got a bunch of custom labels.
I have some in clear vinyl and others on white vinyl.
I use the clear ones. I carefully write in the wavelength and power class with a permanent marker on the BACK of the sticker so the ink doesn't rub off. See the pictures.
Version 1 doesn't have a space for the wavelength specification. I have some of these in white.
Version 2 does have a space for the wavelength specification. These I only have in clear.
Note that for the clear version, the text will not show up well on a black background, since the text is black.
However, the clear ones look great on silver/chrome.
For the white version, a good permanent marker will stick well enough but will eventually rub off if it's handled a lot.
If you're interested, I can send you a bunch. How does 10 stickers for $1 + postage sound?
If you want the clear ones, I'll even write the numbers you want for you if you'd like. That way you only pay for labels that work out and don't risk ruining some... it can be hard to get the text clean and neat sometimes.





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I've got a bunch of custom labels.
I have some in clear vinyl and others on white vinyl.
I use the clear ones. I carefully write in the wavelength and power class with a permanent marker on the BACK of the sticker so the ink doesn't rub off. See the pictures.
Version 1 doesn't have a space for the wavelength specification. I have some of these in white.
Version 2 does have a space for the wavelength specification. These I only have in clear.
Note that for the clear version, the text will not show up well on a black background, since the text is black.
For the white version, a good permanent marker will stick well enough but will eventually rub off if it's handled a lot.
If you're interested, I can send you a bunch. How does 10 stickers for $1 + postage sound?
If you want the clear ones, I'll even write the numbers you want for you if you'd like.
I'd love to grab some! I was hoping to find the pre-specified kind if anyone still has a source, but I am happy to take some of those off your hand and I appreciate the offer! The "official" kind are near impossible to come across. Do you mind to upload some pictures for everyone? I will dm you and we can figure out details 😀. Thank you again!
I'd love to grab some! I was hoping to find the pre-specified kind if anyone still has a source, but I am happy to take some of those off your hand and I appreciate the offer! The "official" kind are near impossible to come across. Do you mind to upload some pictures for everyone? I will dm you and we can figure out details 😀. Thank you again!
I forgot to upload photos but just added them. Also check edits to the text. I have a habit of leaving out details and filling them in after I post... See above.
I forgot to upload photos but just added them. Also check edits to the text. I have a habit of leaving out details and filling them in after I post... See above.
They look awesome! And it would be great if you filled out the info for me! Also can I ask where you get those chrome pen hosts? That style of laser pointer is my absolute favorite and I cannot find them anywhere! Could I buy one from you? (A host or completed laser). Thank you for your reply!
If someone needs a laser warning sticker, chances are they're a moron to begin with and should never own a laser pointer. There should be no warning stickers for any laser pointers whatsoever. It's a stupid concept. It's like the directions that say "Remove plastic before baking" GEE WHIZ, YA DON'T SAY.
You need to change your nickname and also refrain from calling people morons. You only end up making yourself look stupid
I've got a bunch of custom labels.
I have some in clear vinyl and others on white vinyl.
I use the clear ones. I carefully write in the wavelength and power class with a permanent marker on the BACK of the sticker so the ink doesn't rub off. See the pictures.
Version 1 doesn't have a space for the wavelength specification. I have some of these in white.
Version 2 does have a space for the wavelength specification. These I only have in clear.
Note that for the clear version, the text will not show up well on a black background, since the text is black.
However, the clear ones look great on silver/chrome.
For the white version, a good permanent marker will stick well enough but will eventually rub off if it's handled a lot.
If you're interested, I can send you a bunch. How does 10 stickers for $1 + postage sound?
If you want the clear ones, I'll even write the numbers you want for you if you'd like. That way you only pay for labels that work out and don't risk ruining some... it can be hard to get the text clean and neat sometimes.




I've been looking for these also. I have two lasers with no labels. Would like to have the wavelength and power on them. The third has a label but of course the info is wrong.

Are you still offering these? They look great. Two of my lasers are silver and one is black.
If someone needs a laser warning sticker, chances are they're a moron to begin with and should never own a laser pointer. There should be no warning stickers for any laser pointers whatsoever. It's a stupid concept. It's like the directions that say "Remove plastic before baking" GEE WHIZ, YA DON'T SAY.
an all new level of ass-hatted-ness
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There is something very sick about this new member...

mods==please dele and block and perma-ban.....
Hi, new to here as Im looking for these labels too. Im making mine in carbon fiber tube and have been looking fo labels for weeks!
Finally light at the end n the tunnel.

How do I go about getting some please?
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I've got a bunch of custom labels.
I have some in clear vinyl and others on white vinyl.
I use the clear ones. I carefully write in the wavelength and power class with a permanent marker on the BACK of the sticker so the ink doesn't rub off. See the pictures.
Version 1 doesn't have a space for the wavelength specification. I have some of these in white.
Version 2 does have a space for the wavelength specification. These I only have in clear.
Note that for the clear version, the text will not show up well on a black background, since the text is black.
However, the clear ones look great on silver/chrome.
For the white version, a good permanent marker will stick well enough but will eventually rub off if it's handled a lot.
If you're interested, I can send you a bunch. How does 10 stickers for $1 + postage sound?
If you want the clear ones, I'll even write the numbers you want for you if you'd like. That way you only pay for labels that work out and don't risk ruining some... it can be hard to get the text clean and neat sometimes.



since someone already necroposted, i would like to say how nice those GLP pens look, did you build them?
Hi, new to here as Im looking for these labels too. Im making mine in carbon fiber tube and have been looking fo labels for weeks!
Finally light at the end n the tunnel.

How do I go about getting some please?

I still have some of these labels.
The clear ones look best but don't work well on dark materials since the text is in black.
Send me a message if you'd like a few.
I could modify the design to better suit dark backgrounds and get those printed... there's not much of a financial incentive for me but I'll give it some thought if there is interest.

since someone already necroposted, i would like to say how nice those GLP pens look, did you build them?

Yeah, I built all of these. The Leadlights are one of my favorite "classic" laser pointer hosts. Reminds me of the good ol' days when we were excited about "pot modding" 5 mW pointers and ripping 200 mW red diodes from DVD burners.
I've got one in 660, 638, 633, 532, 495, 488, 450, & 405. A couple years ago I even built a 2W 638 in a leadlight with cylindrical correction optics - it's one of my favorite builds. The results weren't perfect but I've since upgraded my workshop and just need a little time to work out the bugs.
Here's the thread: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/optically-corrected-pen-mm-638-v1.102900/
I still have some of these labels.
The clear ones look best but don't work well on dark materials since the text is in black.
Send me a message if you'd like a few.
I could modify the design to better suit dark backgrounds and get those printed... there's not much of a financial incentive for me but I'll give it some thought if there is interest.

Yeah, I built all of these. The Leadlights are one of my favorite "classic" laser pointer hosts. Reminds me of the good ol' days when we were excited about "pot modding" 5 mW pointers and ripping 200 mW red diodes from DVD burners.
I've got one in 660, 638, 633, 532, 495, 488, 450, & 405. A couple years ago I even built a 2W 638 in a leadlight with cylindrical correction optics - it's one of my favorite builds. The results weren't perfect but I've since upgraded my workshop and just need a little time to work out the bugs.
Here's the thread: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/optically-corrected-pen-mm-638-v1.102900/
That was nostalgic to read, I remember how popular these hosts were. That's cool that you managed to put a 2W red in there
I want some of them WL labels, not because I'm a moron who can't understand that my lasers are class 4 but because I think it makes them look more badass
Exactly. No matter how dangerous a cheap keychain laser for example really is, it only looks so dangerous because of the warning label. and also a laserpointer without one looks like if there is something missing. like they forgot it. kinda uncompleted
