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Whats Your Favorite Energy Drink?

styropyro said:
Here is the list of energy drinks I use in certain situations... ;D ;D

For early morning wrestling tournaments I usually drink a Monster or two. First off it is tradition to do so and second, I like the kick Monster gives me when I'm tired. It does make me a little shaky but it is worth it

If I just want something good tasting with not a whole lot of kick I reach for Bawls. It tastes great, but it doesn't have much of a kick.

I like amp when I am tired during the middle of the day because it usually picks me up and I don't crash for a long time.

If I'm really in a need for caffeine I eat a couple Foosh mints for a real punch. Each mint is equal to 1.25 red bulls in terms of caffeine. Too many mints can really screw you up though. I personally don't like to go over 3 or 4.

YES! those mints can be dangerous! [smiley=evil.gif]

HumanSymphony said:
i have a natural immunity to caffeine and/or any energy inducing substance. also i am immune to sleeping pills (every kind) that are known to knock you out even standing up, but no effect whatsoever on myself. one time i drank 5 cups of coffee and 3 energy drinks (hoping to get insanely hyped) but not a hint of energy so i simply went to sleep. so i drink energy drinks for taste, and hardly any of them are even good, except hunid racks, tastes better than any beverage on earth!

I’m the same way.  Chocolate, caffeine, sugar, allergy medicine, sleeping pills, nothing really effects my energy level.  It’s all in my head because the act of drinking a bittersweet carbonated “energy” drink makes me stay awake, good for long road trips or traffic when I’m lacking sleep.  I enjoy the flavor of Monster and Red bull, although I prefer Monster 10fold.  Although, turkey always makes me lazy.
I also love robust beer like Arrogant Bastard Ale, New Castle, Malt Liquor, etc.  Not too big on hard alcohol though.  I also love super spicy foods.  
Can't say I've tried your hustler's drink yet...

Ace82 said:
I’m the same way.  Chocolate, caffeine, sugar, allergy medicine, sleeping pills, nothing really effects my energy level.  It’s all in my head because the act of drinking a bittersweet carbonated “energy” drink makes me stay awake, good for long road trips or traffic when I’m lacking sleep.  I enjoy the flavor of Monster and Red bull, although I prefer Monster 10fold.  Although, turkey always makes me lazy.
I also love robust beer like Arrogant Bastard Ale, New Castle, Malt Liquor, etc.  Not too big on hard alcohol though.  I also love super spicy foods.  
Can't say I've tried your hustler's drink yet...
It is definitely in your head. I always think that taking something couldn't possibly work, so it doesn't lol. Hunid Racks is simply only sold in THE BAY AREA. They say it's sold in seattle but i've yet to see it. It doesn't have the energy drink taste to it, it's just pure delicious. It's the definition of delicious. It is also the only energy drink i've actually felt anything from, and that's saying something! Hunid racks is your friend. Drink 1 can, improve your daily hustle. Drink 2 cans, get yo hustle on! ;D
I agree with Styro in that I mainly drink Bawls for taste, monster just tastes insanely sugary whereas bawls is more of a tasty drink.
I likey Red Eye. It's like soft drink with a bit more zing.

Eye candy:

I like SoBe, it's more natural. The bottle sitting on my desk has Guarana, ginseng and tourine in it.
Im too scared to try this stuff... Im sticking with Monster :P
Maelstrom said:
Im too scared to try this stuff... Im sticking with Monster :P

I've tried that once, and I couldn't finish it because it has a "peppery" after effect that lingers in your throat, kinda like a real cocaine drip. ;D but seriously, that stuff can't be good. ;D
