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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

What's going on around the world.

Jul 10, 2015
I talked before about seeing shoulder fired anti armor weapons being used against Russian tanks in Syria by people chanting Allah Akbar all the way.

Well now it's finally getting some attention because of escalation?
I am afraid a lot of people don't know what is going on.

Russian oil production can't make a profit at the current market price, do you see how manipulated we are, fear not Uncle Sam wants a 10 dollar a barrel tax, we can't leave that gas money on the table and let people get used to low prices, they may make the tax 20 or 50 a barrel in time as this is expected to last for quite a while.



My videos on this site are still black boxes, anyone else having trouble?
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Jan 26, 2015
There are always snakes in the grass behind the scenes and behind peoples backs, right?!? :whistle:
Jul 10, 2015
For every 1 sneaky thing we hear about there's 100 more that we don't hear about.

But hey, you know women never manipulate anyone or pull any tricks, right?

I love it when I'm driving somewhere the next day and my subconscious connects the dots and it's like BANG....Oh my GAWD, she planned that from the start 1st thing in the morning...I've been played like a violin. Dohh

But what's really fun is when I play dumb and watch the show, still somehow it's supposed to all be my fault anyway, you know when you come right down to it, love is just not worth......the money :p


Aug 16, 2007
I doubt the conflict in Syria has much to do with oil at all. While it is (was?) an oil exportig country, it is a minor oil producer. Russian military intervention is also a fairly recent development, while the conflict down there has been going on for almost 5 years now.

It could be a proxy war because NATO and russia have very different agenda's for the eventual outcome. Russia basically supports the Assad regime and wants to help to return Syria under his control, while most european countries and the US want a solution without Assad.

I think it would be fair to say that nato has been in the wrong here, supplying fairly random groups of 'rebel' combatants with varying agendas.

The conflict between the syrian government and these rebels has left space for ISIS to gain quite a bit of territory, something Assad would never have allowed to happen if his forces weren't so busy fighting with nato supplied rebels in the first place.


Dec 1, 2014
"Well now it's finally getting some attention because of escalation?
I am afraid a lot of people don't know what is going"

Glad you started this thread. Political, I know, no lasers. Be interesting to see what are members have to say about the Mid East. Especially the growth of ISIS.
People need to pay attention. More going on then what Kardashian has done what.
Thank you

Watched the HBO special on ISIS. a real eye opener.


Aug 16, 2007
One important thing to realize is that you will probably -not- understand what's going on in the middle east. Not if you read up on it, not even if you have visited several countries in the region over the years, and certainly not by just watching mainstream western media coverage.

I have visited many countries in the region, including syria and lebanon (before all hell broke lose), but also egypt, jordan, turkey and such. Before the fighting started there really is no obvious 'war waiting to happen'. There is no hard segretation, no open hatred, no sign of impending doom whatsoever.

One thing to understand is that a country like syria was not a democracy like we know them in the west, and probably will not be anytime soon.

For many years it was simply under control by Assad, who managed to keep the peace for a remarkable length of time. This could be labeled as dictatorship, but it did allow for shia and sunni muslims, and some christians and jews, to live in the same country with little or no violence between them.

I'd say these countries actually require some form of dictatorship to function at all, democracy will not work. The problem with attempting democracy in these countries is that even when fair elections are possible, the winning group will opress and humiliate the others to a point of civil war.

Egypt would be a prime example of this problem: after Mubarak was removed from power elections were held, a government was installed, and civil war ensued shortly after. The egyptian military took control at that point limiting the fall out, and still are in control to this day. While a lot could be said against military coups as a 'normal' method of changing government, for egypt it still works out - it's relatively safe, no bombs are flying, no gangs are shooting.

If there is no strongly lead military force to take control you end up with completely failing states like libya. Down there they are still fighting about which government is the legal/official one while the country is in complete chaos.
Jan 29, 2014
Anymore, I'm surprised to find myself rooting for Putin, but I know he can be just as bad as any of our corrupt officials too, just that he appears to be pushing back against the one world government plan which I am also against.


Aug 16, 2007
I can imagine why one would be. Putin at least makes a clear choice by backing Assad openly and supporting that stance with military action. This goal may not be in line with what most western countries want for Syria, but at least it is a clear agenda.

The western coalition has little idea on what they want the end result to be for Syria. Fighting ISIS seems fairly obvious, but without a plan for the country/region when they are defeated it all seems fairly pointless.
Jul 3, 2015
I am with RedCowboy on this one all the way. Actually, this has been going on for a long time. I don't know if anyone has seen the recent BBC documentary basically using the US and Russian ex-pats to paint Putin as a Kleptocrat along with his cronies who are the inner circle he brought with him from St. Petersburg. Much of it is from the recent book Putin's Kleptocracy y Dawisha. He is also accused by the British of ordering Litvinenko's assassination. As for Putin's wealth, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I don't think he had Litvenko killed.

The US government drive against Russia is in part fueled by the Zionist agenda in my opinion. It is also a culture war between the declining morality of the west and the Russia's Orthodoxy. The recent historical meeting of the Pope and the Russian Patriarch in Cuba is no coincidence, that is they did not meet in Europe or the US.

The US has been pushing its democratization agenda and projection of military power with terrible results for far too long. The Mordad Coup against Moseddegh gave us the Shah and ruined our relationship with Iran giving us what we have now. Why? The Anglo-American interest in their oil. Iraq was better off with Hussein. Perhaps some countries simply need a dictator; end of story. It is not our business. Afghanistan is corrupt and always will be. Opium crops can't be beet compared to any other. Libya was actually doing pretty well under its former leader: free electricity, free farmland for farmers, the world's largest irrigation project, 50% car subsidy by the government when you purchase a car, the country had no external debt, because of Gaddafi 87% of Libyans are literate (25% before him,) and a whole lot more. The reason he was literally torn apart however was because the West did not like his proposal for a single African currency. He was a very smart guy: “They want to do to Libya what they did to Iraq and what they are itching to do to Iran. They want to take back the oil, which was nationalized by these country’s revolutions. They want to re-establish military bases that were shut down by the revolutions and to install client regimes that will subordinate the country’s wealth and labor to imperialist corporate interests. All else is lies and deception.” All the US did by its involvement in Syria was to create ISIS. (The US also armed the Ukrainian Stepon Bandera styled fascist nationalists against the Russians which to me is inconceivable.

Putin spoke about much of this at the last Valdai club meeting. Sadly, you never see an American leader there because we don't have one intelligent enough to know what to say. Putin has done an absolutely amazing job bringing Russia out of the problems it had when the Soviet Union broke apart. The US government now sees Russia as a threat rather than the powerful ally that it should be. Russia's energy sources, that is its exports are something like 50% of its GDP. Unless you are a proponent of the abiotic genesis of oil, then it is a finite resource and you are an adherent to the concept of peak oil. (You would think shale grows on trees with all the clamor about US energy independence. It only buys us time.) If it is the later, gas prices should if anything be increasing, or at the least leveling out. The reason that is not the case is because the US has manipulated oil prices in an attempt to strangle Russia.

This is a very dangerous game and sadly US citizens are totally unaware that it is going on. IMO if this continues it could force Russia's hand. Russia has absolutely no interest in war and never has. However, as a result of what the west has been doing, its military is growing. Their army eats ground glass for breakfast. Women can be in non-combat roles. (In Russia, men are men and women are women like it was once upon a time in the US before we became "a nation of wimps." ever read the 80s book Real Men Don't Eat Quiche?) Let's just say I would not want to see us go to war against a combined Russian/Chinese coalition.

Getting back to the Zionist agenda. It is very simple. Prior to the British making a mess of things, those Jews who lived in what was then Palestine, lived among Arabs in harmony. There were no problems. According to the Bible, the Jews were banished from Israel. However, the Zionist political movement is ultimately what brought them back to what is really a secular state. This was done by literally removing or perhaps a better word is expelling people from their homes, to wit, the Arabs that were living there who now call themselves Palestinians. They were not paid for there property. So, there are families living in Gaza and the West Bank who can see their homes, their property on the other side of a wall or fence, which is now inhabited by Israelis.

The Israelis don't want to lose their claim to land that does not belong to them. They don't like Assad that is for certain because he is a neighbor who knows the truth and is on the side of the Palestinians and supports Hezbola. So, the Jewish/Zionist lobby, one that controls more of US industry than most people know, is pushing the US to oust Assad. (The Zionists control the media by the way.)

So, there it is.


Aug 16, 2007
I'm not sure Isreal is that important in the current conflict. Who prevails in Syria may ultimately result in a state that is an enemy or friend for Isreal, with enemy being the most likely. This doesn't change things much since there are so many enemies already in the region.

One, more or less far fetched, outcome could be that iran will eventually use syria as a beachhead to set up attacks on isreal. This would negate the need for long range missiles to strike, but would probably also mean that isreal will retaliate against syria if it comes to that. That scenario certainly is not something Assad would want.

Also, it's not what russia wants. The worst case scenario would be some kind of nuclear conflict in the region, which is a LOT closer to russia than it is to the US.

A nuclear conflict may seem far away, but it probably is not. Isreal certainly has capability (doesn't deny or admit - but it's no secret they have nuclear weapons, sourced from the US or otherwise) and iran potentially has too - either from it's own programme or from imports from pakistan which acknowledges having nuclear weapons (developed for the war with india, but those bombs don't really care what they are dropped on).

As for the nato vs russia conflict: it does not really matter. Mutually assured destruction still exists today and neither party would go that far over a bit of middle eastern oil - especially since the US is now producing shale oil and gas and is less dependent on imports from the middle east than before.
Feb 26, 2015
i wonder why people just won't live in harmony....people all know the effects of wars and yet still start one anyway.... and many countries decide to join the conflict even though it's none of their business. ( Eg: Australia decide to fight against the ISIS because the big boys nation is involve..... and where did it get??? Australian became a terrorist target and have to live in constant fear; all major high school across Australia receiving phone calls of bomb threats...


Aug 16, 2007
I'm not sure what the interest of Australia is in the syrian conflict. European countries have an interest in ending it some way as it produces a huge amount of refugees that flood the continent. Sadly europe is not an island and stopping this migration proves extremely difficult even for those that actually want to stop it.

Perhaps australia is joining the coalition expecting to be supported if it gets threatethened in the future. This expectation is not irrealistic - while not a NATO member, australia surely has the support of the us and most european countries if required.

European countries generally do not seek war at all, but conflicts do occur from time to time. The last major one was probably when yugoslavia fell apart, the outfall of which is not fully resolved to this day (independence of kosovo from serbia is still disputed by the latter etc).

Australia seems to be rather safe though, so it's involvement in the conflict is nothing but brave, albeit with a risk of serious backfire onto the population.
Jul 3, 2015
@everyone The biggest problem is that the US uses its big stick threatening European as well as the Commonwealth countries. Do what we want or else. Just as the US created Al Qaeda, although for different reasons in a different manner, it created ISIS. The US is constantly reeking havoc and mischief everywhere it wants to extend its influence.

Right now it is blaming Russia for bombing two hospitals in Alepo that clearly it itself was responsible for bombing. The US also blamed Russia for the Malaysian aircraft downed in the Ukraine, an act Russia would have absolutely no motive to commit.

If we are true patriots, we need to do something about this. What can we do? At the least I continually hassle my Federal and State legislators. However, obviously, that is not effective. I also try and raise awareness wherever I go and with whomever I interact.
