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What should I get for my first laser?

Ok, leaving burning out of the equation completely, what is a nice green laser pointer where I can see the beam in day and night. Something affordable and compact. Keep in mind that this is my first laser ever and I don't want to spend too much and lose interest later.

eBay seller overfeel. $17 military 532 laser 5 mile. I got one and it will show a great beam light matches pop balloons. Comes with batteries and charger. Mine metered at around 100 mw

Make sure it's the one with the rear button though . Focus able
Will get to you in a few days. He's in Brooklyn New York
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Do you know the exact model name? I'm having trouble finding it on the website.
Awe man. Didn't know. You should really give your location so we can help you better.

Looks like your waiting for sci fi man. You will be happy you waited though
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Wait so, where can I get this laser? I really want to get that one or something similar.
Oh and I read the product description. I was a bit confused when it said "Don't keep the laser on continuously for more than 20 secconds or it will get burnt from inside easily" Is that a bad sign or are all lasers like that? Not to mention seconds was spelled wrong.
Lol yeah they have misspelled many a description . And that is the lasers duty cycle. I've left mine on for much longer. They just want to make sure you don't overheat it. If it feels warm turn it off. And if you leave it on for a several min. The lens will melt. But normally you don't want to have it on for more then around a min anyways.

To show you how much quality the builders here work with. My 3595m laser has a three min duty cycle.
My 3000mw doesnt get too warm after two min.

You will get what you pay for.
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all lasers do this. its called a duty cycle. like every electronic ever made by man, diodes heat up. dont be concerned however as its a normal thing. dang tmack beating me to it...
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Wait so, where can I get this laser? I really want to get that one or something similar.

You can get it from sci-fi lasers website


If your willing to spend more you could go with a Ti-B 100mw green from jetlasers

TI B LASERS - 532NM GREEN. Titanium lasers by JETLASERS

They are more expensive but they look just amazing and they are made of titanium. check these threads out for the Ti-B laser as well :)



Oh and I read the product description. I was a bit confused when it said "Don't keep the laser on continuously for more than 20 secconds or it will get burnt from inside easily" Is that a bad sign or are all lasers like that? Not to mention seconds was spelled wrong.

As everyone said (almost) every laser has a duty cycle. If you got the sci-fi laser I wouldn't leave it one for more than a minute or two. The Ti-B laser from JL has a duty cycle of about 3 minutes. You get what you pay for. Sci-Fi lasers is a reputable company so you are in good hands if you go with them.
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