I don't understand your bad languge to me! I deal in the industy of laser shows from 1983 to now, GODSLIGHTSHOWS.COM (GODS LIGHT SHOWS and advertising) I did not make up that ratio It was given to me by CT LASERS (Marc) who builds commercial projectors, and was comfermed by Bill, W at Pangolin they by any means have an undersstading that gose past you and your wiki pidea knowladge will ever be! I have e-mailed them both and asked the rookie Q's to them, But thats what I remember the ratio to be, If you look at my 2010 SELEM show the white looks perfict, so when they e-mail me back and tell me my version of the ratio is wrong or right I'll be shure to post acrdingly and kiss your ASS or tell you to kiss my ASS!
please stop the abusive language! using degrating words to hit home a point is a childs tactic and aidiots attempt at greatness, I am open minded to be wrong and don't mind being wrong thats how I learn not to be wrong.
If you realy think you are on top of your game, THIS IS A CHALANGE TO YOU! become a PHOTONLEXICON member and put your money were your mouth is and post your debates thair about your laser and electrical knowledge, YOU would be in for an EDUCATION! So lets not fight and call eachother names and negative replys