Read the book up to the part where they start to describe all the languages involved.
While it is interesting I don't think I agree with their methodology.
First because they asked the participants to name all their colors *before* showing the table. Of course this limits the answers.
They define a completely arbitrary set of rules to determine whether a term is "basic" and use those rules to eliminate a lot of words which are, IMHO, legitimate names for colors. TBH they don't even follow their own rules, as they exclude from other languages the "descriptive terms" - which should have excluded orange. They also exclude cyan even though later on they admit Russian has two different terms for light-blue and dark-blue.
This seems to be the color table they used:
I think it's kinda muddy around cyan and magenta. The use of an
HSV "color picker" would most likely trigger a different response.
I have never actually studied "color nomenclature theory" (as it is called) although I've run into it in passing. For example, just reading the kind of books they advertize in Scientific American, on linguistics, anthropology, evolutionary psychology, etc.. Even though I have studied many different aspects of light, color and vision, this just hasn't been one of them. The only reason I brought it up is because people were implying that color names are arbitrary, and I remembered having read something to the effect that they were not.
I have also read enough about evolutionary psychology in general to have an opinion about how plausible such a thing is. When AI researchers design a robot that can navigate a room, pick up some wooden blocks, then pile them on top of each other in a certain order, the programming behind that is really complicated. Mathematically it involves "intractable problems." One way to solve intractable problems is to have default values for unknown variables, then try solving it, then go back and make corrections as needed. It turns out that the human brain has a whole bunch of default assumptions built in. Optical illusions are good examples of what happens when those assumptions fail. In other words, the assumptions hard-wired into our brains don't always work, and can be overridden by learning and experience.
The original work on this was a book by Berlin and Kay published in 1969. It wasn't available on Google Books in preview mode, so I linked to another book that summarized their work.
In 1970, the World Color Survey was started at UC Berkeley, based on the work of Berlin and Kay. They have research projects going on at many different universities. So far they've got data from 110 unwritten languages (not to mention plenty of written languages).
The World Color Survey
Linguistic relativity and the color naming debate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As for the idea that these rules are arbitrary, there have actually been some changes. For example, instead of asking people for a list of basic color names, they now just show them the color chips one at a time and ask, "What color is this?" I'm not sure if this takes care of the problem of orange.
What you said about Russian doesn't make sense. They are surveying dozens of cultures and looking for patterns. This is a signal-to-noise issue. A single instance does not constitute a pattern.
As for using an HSV color picker, we're talking about a field of research that spans decades. My earlier work in graphic design is stored on 8-inch floppy disks. (This was before they came out with the new 5 1/4-inch "mini floppies" or the even newer 3.5-inch "micro floppies.) Scientific research has to be reproducible.
I think what it all comes down to is that you either believe in evolutionary psychology or you don't. Some people just have a visceral reaction against it.
And now a progress report on my wavelength to hex conversion tool.
I have two that I've been looking at, one from an LPF member, another called Spectra that I downloaded from Wolfram Alpha. They seem to be identical in terms of input v. output. However, they require a monitor that I don't have, so I'm working on one that would work for sRGB. The wavelengths and hex values of the primaries and secondaries look like this:
nm sRGB
650 611 #FF0000 red
510 549 #00FF00 green
440 464 #0000FF blue
580 580 #FFFF00 yellow
490 490 #00FFFF cyan
The first set of wavelength numbers are the ones built in to the two hex converters I mentioned. The second set of what I have on my computer: sRGB.
I know sRGB has a very limited gamut, but that's what most people have in cheap laptops and cheap digital cameras, so such a tool would be useful for Joe Average.
There's a trick for simulating a deeper hue of red: reduce the intensity of the red dots, and add a little blue. For violet you go down on the blue and add a small amount of red.
My own approach to trying to make this work is to hand craft it using certain wavelengths as landmarks. Assuming you're first modeling this on a vector graphics program like Inkscape, you create a long narrow rectangle with tick marks and wavelength numbers, then use the gradient tool to put in a bunch of nodes: two at the ends, plus 3 for the primaries, 2 for the secondaries. Then you create additional nodes for tertiary colors, and eventually quaternary and quinary colors. (In some places you need to add a few ***tary colors.) All the nodes (except for out-of-gamut colors) are equal spaced in terms of their hex values.
Then you get a list of items of known (or semi-known) wavelengths. For example, green and amber traffic lights (500-507 and 590-594.5). Also "Don't Walk" signs (610). Common laser colors: 405, 447, 473, etc. Then just adjust the nodes so that nothing looks terribly out of place. In other words, you don't aim for perfection but just nothing obviously standing out as wrong. Then alpha test it on your friends. Since nobody sees color exactly the same way, the goal should be to just get something that looks decent to most people.
Finally, here's a little experiment: if you have graphics software on your computer, make a yellow square. The hex values should be pure RGB yellow: ffff00. Question: does it look yellow? How many people do you know who see it as yellow?