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FrozenGate by Avery

What has this hobby ever done for me?

Congratulations to your success! :yh: This forum is very giving indeed and love it here. I hope one day things will turn around for me, it's been so slow after graduating and there's still no jobs available in the industry. Really feels like my mind gets wasted.

This thread begs a question I often have a hard time answering---People ask me-- why? whats up with you and the lasers - what are they good for?? I give different answers to different folks- sometimes I just tell them to 'use the search button-you noob'. I will list a few of the hundreds of uses but often just get a blank stare back. Guess you have to be there. Anybody got a good stock answer?? maybe I should tell them that I would have to kill them if I told them the answer! HeHe
This thread begs a question I often have a hard time answering---People ask me-- why? whats up with you and the lasers - what are they good for?? I give different answers to different folks- sometimes I just tell them to 'use the search button-you noob'. I will list a few of the hundreds of uses but often just get a blank stare back. Guess you have to be there. Anybody got a good stock answer?? maybe I should tell them that I would have to kill them if I told them the answer! HeHe

Happens to me. Happens to all of us.

If it's a woman just say "Well, you pay 500 bucks for a bag" and you're done. If it's a guy then just use whatever you know about him :p

I'm not saying they're useless, but not many people will understand what you're talking about if you say "Yes, lasers are used for interferometry, cooling atoms in labs, moving particles, etc.".
