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FrozenGate by Avery

What company can make custom aluminium?

Jun 30, 2008
I need a company who can make custom aluminium plates, who can do this?
Also needs to ship international.
I need a specific thickness lenght width and the edges cut out 1cm...

problem is i only need 1....i can find companies who do this in volumes only.
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Can you post a rough dimensions of what you actually want to accomplish here maybe i can help.
just tried that meatball. 29 dollar for 1 single plate of 70x40x10mm and that doesnt include probaly double the shipping costs to the netherlands.
Find a local Machine Shop to get the part made
without the shipping costs. You can go and pick
it up.


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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Would 76 x 40 x 13mm work for you if so I can do that for $15.00 plus shipping and PP fees.

seriously, get off your behind and find a local machine shop on a slow day.
getting this done from another country will be cost prohibitive.
ive asked around and they all be more then happy to make it for me..........in quantites.
We've got a few machine shops around here, and we have raw metal stock suppliers too. Any medium to large city should have plenty of options for machine work.
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