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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

We thought the Arctic pissed off Lucas?? WTF IS THIS?


Jul 30, 2010
Don't think it's real...


But if it is.... I want two.

Found in a quick google search... linked to imageshack. Some one needs to start this build or I WILL!
Lol, I thought you were talking about me for a second. :p *name is Lucas*
On topic: If someone makes a beam expander for it... :drool:
I was browsing the "Gadgets -> Light & Lasers" section of ThinkGeek today and almost felt like posting a similar thread.

There were at least 3 flashlights in their inventory using the word LightSaber.

"Star Wars Lightsaber Laser Pointer" image:
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HAHAHA!! I am building this host now! NO JOKE! I am BUILDING it!

Me too. Still trying to work on the beam expander.

I was browsing the "Gadgets -> Light & Lasers" section of ThinkGeek today and almost felt like posting a similar thread.

There were at least 3 flashlights in their inventory using the word LightSaber.

"Star Wars Lightsaber Laser Pointer" image:

Yeah someone already tried and failed. You'll need a mini red diode from a 12X Blu-Ray sled if you want to try too.
Mickey --

That housing is "futureistic" but it needs a lens assembly installed to be serious.
As I recall, a L'saber had a plasma beam output but I'm not sure.

There is someone on another Forum :whistle: that bought one
of these on eBay... It is just the Housing...no guts..


His housing is about 12 inches long...
He is planning on installing multiple 445nm LDs in it to make a
wide Light Saber type beam...

There is someone on another Forum :whistle: that bought one
of these on eBay... It is just the Housing...no guts..


His housing is about 12 inches long...
He is planning on installing multiple 445nm LDs in it to make a
wide Light Saber type beam...


The one pictured above is only ~3 inches long. Its not the same as the one pictured in the OP.
