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FrozenGate by Avery

Was this a good purchase?

Jun 13, 2015
hi i bought a green laser 50mw at megalaseruk for £49 was this a good buy or not

i only bought it there because im in the uk and i didn't know what sites were good and bad and buying from america had a big shipping cost

High power laser pointers. Green laser pointers with 50 mile range.

scroll down and see the first laser at 50mw megalaseruk.com

Budget priced laser pointer many times more powerful than conventional laser pointers. The laser comes complete with executive case, instructions and batteries. This laser is supplied in Silver.

Range: 20 miles
Continuous output power: 50mW class 4B
Power: 2 X AAA 1.5v batteries (included)
Dimensions: 13 X 143mm
Battery duration: 3 hours
Laser life: Up to 10000 hours
Wave length: 532nm
Weight: 65gm

US$ 115.00 NOW: US$ 79
UK£ 69.00 NOW: UK£ 49
Buy Now
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Class 4B? That's not even a thing. Sorry to say, but you got scammed. You can buy that kind of lasers for $3 on ebay with free shipping...
Class 4B? That's not even a thing. Sorry to say, but you got scammed. You can buy that kind of lasers for $3 on ebay with free shipping...

what will i do, i ordered it thursday night, the guy sent me 2 emails , and i put my card details into the site.
Wipey96 if your going to stay around, please add your location to your profile so it shows under your name, you should also post an intro thread in the Welcome area.

You should have posted here first asking where and what to buy instead of buying and asking was this a good purchase. Then you would have got some safer recomended sites to buy from.

It remains to be seen if you got scammed. There are even more expensive high quality pen type lasers, the cheap less than $10 ones from China are always a gamble, the one I bought lasted only 10 days. The 4B thing is disturbing but it could just be a mistake, it should be 3B, also I have never heard of megalaseruk.com, so it is not a well known site here, it could just be new. Let us know if you get what you paid for and if you are satisfied with it. At 50mW it should have a visible beam in dim light or in the dark, it may burn black plastic or pop a black baloon but 50mW is borderline for that, pens like that aren't focusable so not as good for that anyway. Hopefully you get what you paid for.


Edit: I am mistaken, they aren't new, there are many threads on them going back a few years, it looks like mixed reviews, you will at least get your laser. Let us know how it turns out.
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I should have checked this site first yes lol that was my mistake

thanks for your reply
It's not a great laser for the price, but you'll probably be happy with what you got. Just shop around next time.
The ad has a fair amount of mistakes in it. It seems high priced for what you are getting but hopefully it will turn out okay for you. Good luck with it :)
Let us know how it turns out.
Threads like this are really annoying!

What kind of logic is: "I buy something, then I ask for advice about it"?
I just got the lazer it's pretty good

ty for the replies

i know Cel i was dumb but it turned out ok ;)
