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WANTED: people to contribute to the laser wiki

Nov 19, 2007
Hey 'yall
I have set up a laser wiki and I and some fellow forum members have been eagerly writing articles etc. However, we are not experts in every field of lasers and we need some contributions. everyone here could help in some way so I urge you all to help us make this wiki the best laser wiki out there. Specifically, we need some people who have used dragon lasers to write about tham, and some entrys on diodes and co2 lasers.

the wiki is at http://laserwiki.wetpaint.com


EDIT: I've just changed the permissions so that you need to be a member to edit. This is to throttle any vandalisim that will invariably come and to make sure people are accountable for their edits.

Great thing, however i´d like a wiki with the wikipediasoftware more...
Is it just me or do you think we should each throw in a couple bucks and put this on its own domain? It doesn't look very legit if it is hosted by wetpaint if you know what I mean.
styropyro said:
Is it just me or do you think we should each throw in a couple bucks and put this on its own domain? It doesn't look very legit if it is hosted by wetpaint if you know what I mean.

I'm ok with that. Although while it looks a tad unprofessional so are we, we are hobbyists. also if many people recommend it, it doesnt need to prove it's legitimacy .
ArRaY said:
Great thing, however i´d like a wiki with the wikipediasoftware more...

I know where you are coming from, but I find wetpaint more than sufficient for our needs.
Sawt al Hurriyah said:
Hey I could write some stuff about Dragon Lasers, I have had a bunch of lasers from them, including 95mw Viper, 5mw Yellow/Orange, and 2mw Blue. :)
That would be great. Thankyou.
See an eye said:
I still don't understand why you won't just put it on Wikipedia!

Because you CAN'T.

Wikipedia is an unbiased encyclopedia. NOT the great universal wiki of everything.

When was the last time you saw a tutorial on how to harvest a diode from a DVD burner sled in an encyclopedia? Never. Encyclopedias are a collection of knowledge to educate people on certain things. But this is a collection of tutorials and information SPECIFIC to our hobby, it is not a general bit of knowledge like in an encyclopedia. Thus it has no places in wikipedia, which is an encyclopedia.

I don't know how I can keep explaining this to you... You've totally confused what Wikipedia is and isn't.
Wetpaint would be fine with some good formatting and a banner. If we get our own domain we can copy it all across! Don't hold back from contributing because you're waiting for private hosting.
I'm sticking everything across to wikia. it's like wetpaint, but uses mediawiki. But keep contributing until my wikia application is granted.
