Hang on. OP seems to be fairly new to burning lasers. I don't recommend anything over 100mW
Honestly, if what you're trying to burn is black, as long as you focus the laser well, you won't notice much of a difference between the laser colors. 50mW is enough to light a match if you focus it well, but I would recommend something more along the lines of 75mW
I would not recommend getting cheap laser goggles- they're protective equipment. Do you really want cheap quality protection from a dangerous laser? Eagle Pair goggles get the job done, get them before you roast your eyeballs
Duty cycle has nothing to do with burning ability, for the most part. Duty cycle refers to how long the laser can remain on before it gets too hot. That is more directly related to the size of the heatsink and the efficiency of the laser diode/module
As your first burning laser, I would try a green laser pen from laserbtb or something along those lines. Until you're familiar with higher power lasers, I wouldn't even recommend LPC-826 laser diodes, much less a 445nm/450nm. Granted, they present the best bang for the buck power, but seriously those are scary power levels for new laser owners. Stick to something at or below 100mW