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FrozenGate by Avery

Wanna build a green laser.. what do to..


Jan 20, 2014
Hello everyone,

i planned to build my own green laser. i already offered sinner ms-ssw II host but im not sure if it will come to me.. so i searched on ebay for an host.
there it is: *hit me haard*

it is running with a 18650 batterie (i think i can use here 2x C123A rechargeable batteries too) and has as nice pocket size. so.. what do you mean? :)

the only trouble would be, that i need a little heatsink to hold the aixis module in place.


if will use a 500mW 808nm 9mm IR-diode with an IR-filter and a associated driver and of course a aixismodule for 9mm diodes, so i would have a powerful cute green laser..

what do you think about that?

thank you,

so i would have a powerful cute green laser..
it would be more cute than powerful. At 500mW pump power you would be looking at 85mW @ 17% eff. that is if you can get the most power out of it through proper alignment.
Since it looks like you never aligned a DPSS laser before check out this thread laserpointerforums.com/f45/do-yourself-complete-green-dpss-o-like-crystals-42495.html Lastly and most importantly you will need some good 808nm safety glasses because when you are trying to focus that 808 on the crystal all you will see is a little spec of red but it will destroy your eyes. 808nm safety glasses cost a bit more than visible light ones. it is the only reason why I have yet to build my portable 473 laser
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i dont really understand what do you mean ;o

He is trying to tell you that goggles which protect from the infra-red part of the spectrum are mandatory!!!

I don't know the entire power/ratio power, but I can try and explain it as best I can.
An 808(infra-red) diode pumps through a crystal which lases at 1064(deeper in infra-red), that is then doubled to 532nm, which is the green light we can see.

The 808 diode will be alot, alot more powerful then the green output you will see since more 808nm light is needed to produce more powerful 532nm light.

I.e: 500mW of 532nm uses a 5W 808 diode(or something near there).
ah.. okay i think i understand.. so the 500mW irdiode filtered in green has just 17% of output power?
I think you may be under the impression that the filter changes it to green. Not so. You will need some more things to begin this journey and some basic knowledge of each.

808nm Diode -> Just an infrared laser diode
A set of crystals -> the crystals are what converts the light, not the filter. The first crystal will lase at 1064nm, which is another infrared wavelength. The second crystal will frequency double (wavelength halve) the light to 532nm which is green.
IR Filter -> this process is very inefficient and a lot of IR light does not get converted. So an IR filter is used to block the remaining IR light as it can be quite harmful to your eyes.

For a homemade you can probably expect an efficiency of 12-15% unless you were just born to align modules.

The crystals need a precise orientation and you will also need a collating lens to gather the light and focus it into a beam.
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No, don't give up, just realign your goals and expectations to match reality and go from there. When I build my DPSS lasers I buy the modules, design a host, have the host made, and then assemble it. I have yet to attempt to build the module itself. Something like that is quite a feat to be proud of, no matter what anyone says or how powerful it is
Building a DPSS alignment is challenging, and quite hard.

For 500 mW you'd need about a 3-3.5 Watt pump that is thermally stablized, and really high quality crystals to do this and expect it to run halfway decent....bust out the TECs and thermal sensors.... (3W 808s get hot fast so if you don't its lose power almost instantly)

For a firstie, i'd reccomend a small 50mW 808 and one of those hybrid crystals that has both of them combined. everything can be had for <40 bucks. and some glasses, then you can play all you want.

setup would be something like this:
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