This was blown way out of proportion. The concept has already been thoroughly explored and tested at long distances. The only thing different about this is that it was done using a satellite.
The thing about entangled particles is that there's no way to actually use the information shared between them. If one particle's wave function is collapsed, the output is random, and if the other particle is observed then it will exhibit properties opposite of the first particle, but it will still be random. The two observers still have to communicate their results classically before they can extract any information out of the observed state. While the particles do appear to communicate faster than light, QM will always have a way to prevent us from doing anything useful with it (aside from maybe encryption).
Good comment--very true--is scientists marketing and trolling for funding $s by blowing their findings way out of proportion.
No funding >>> no job security, no job>>> no pay/money, no pay/money >>> no food, fun, or anything else in life.
Most all of "quantum" anything---it is an entirely artificial framework/lattice---a human mind created tool that some find a useful tool in some situations, not an absolute or complete explaination or representation of how things really are in real world reality.
Quantum theory is just another way of looking at what you already know. Only what actually happens can happen ---there is no "probability" in the real world of any other outcome or anything else happening----the proof is what happened, happened.
As to use in communications --see interesting explaination "The Real Reasons Quantum Entanglement Doesn't Allow Faster-Than-Light Communication" here:
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