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FrozenGate by Avery

**UPDATED:- )__FEELER FOR DFWTEXLEM in Oct2019 cancelled ****THE LEM Thread......SELEM, TEXLEM..any LEM--


LEM in Berlin..Laserfreaks...Sept 30 & Oct 1

'Displaser' went once.. had a great time.. very friendly to all. I hear they like things small.. Artic's RGB... Pyro's RGB.. white fusion etc would be well received.

here is the email I got (ILDA member since 2014)

Dear ILDA Members & LaserFreaks,

we have news for you regarding the LaserFreak meeting in Berlin on September 30th and October 1st 2017.

Due to your requests we have changed our ticket prices.

One Day ticket: 30,-€ (Saturday incl. Award and food or Sunday incl. food)
Weekend Ticket: 50,-€ (Saturday & Sunday incl. Award and food)
Award Ticket only: 10,-€ (for extern visitors and guests)

Donations are very welcome - as you might know - we are non commercial and organize the whole meeting in our free time and for fun!

We are also very proud that Michael Sollinger from Laseranimation.com is part of our team and that he will hold two lectures for us.
So if you would like to know more about the Lasergraph DSP or Laser used in art projects come to our meeting.
He will also provide the projectors for our LaserFreak Award this year.

Our friends from Pangolin will also be there and answer all your questions about Pangolin Hard- and Software.

Dirk Apitz will present IDN in a detailed talk and answer all your questions about it.

And we are very happy about a special guest from France. Theo Dari. The one and only Laserman.
Of course all of you know his stage performance Theo Dari on youtube.

Or maybe you would like to know more about RayComposer?
Robin Adams and Max Sternbeck will give detailed talks and answers about the new platform independent network version of the RayComposer DAC & Software.

The Dynamics Team around Guido & Jojo will hopefully also be there (registration pending).
And we might get all background information about the migration of the former Medialas Software into the Dynamics Show Software family.

We also have the LSO course. (This time only in German). So if you are interested - we have some free seats.

"Laserbowling" - on Sunday evening we will have some fun together.

The Open Show Room is waiting for your Shows. Don't forget them at home.

DIY Projects are also welcome. Felix will hopefully show his micro hazer and if you have any other project, feel free to bring it along - Projection Mapping, holograms or any other "cool nerd sh.t". (Send us a short message so that we can integrate your project.)

and ...

We will give away Hardware in a lottery. So stay tuned for more details.
If you have any spare parts or want to sell any used equipment, bring it with you.

and ....

In Berlin a very special event takes place from September 29th to October 15th. It's called "Berlin Leuchtet" (Berlin glows). In this time every night a lot of public buildings in Berlin are illuminated.
So it is great fun and we can recommend a boat tour through the city with a lot of illuminated sights. So if you like to stay longer in Berlin ... it's worth it.

and ...

If you are planning to participate in our LaserFreak Award this year, please let us know so that we can plan the whole show and which software/hardware we have to take care of. This year it is easy - the show can up to four years old. (in 2013 was our last LaserFreak Award in Aalen.)

Booking hotels.
Book as soon as you can. Berlin is crowded due to the "Berlin leuchtet" event and a public holiday on October 3rd.
If you like you can book your hotel over www.easy.reisen this is the travel agency of our travel expert Jacky and so we will have a detailed list of all bookings and so we can plan who stays in which hotel. (You also support us a little bit. We get a little provision on every booked room.)

Last but not least....
If you have any questions, ideas, projects or lecture or LaserFreak Award entries ... Please let us know. Send me an E-Mail to info@laserfreak.net.

Please use the following registration page:
https://www.laserfreak.net/de/Freaktref ... ldung.html
(We will also provide an English soon)

So that was it so far. We hope to see you in Berlin.

Marco + and the whole Berlin LaserFreak Orga Team
(Max, (the other) Max, Jacky, Karin, Michael, Heiko, Sven, Felix, Falk, Robin, Thommy, Hatschi & Georg)


If you have your own LEM big or small they ALL count and tend to grow....OR if you know of one I missed..etc PLZ post it in this thread.

MUCH more coming on TEXLEM 2017

[anyone wanting to help... ;-) ]:san:

find and post links on these LEMs ..mostly at Utube.'

My slow ISP makes this impossible

so HEADS UP,,, RADIUM, Masterpj, and others 'across the pond' go if you can --post pics if you go ...we want pics!!


I know some of you did not read all the above..n/p but did you know who will be there(aside from Pangolin) special guest from France. Theo Dari. The one and only Laserman.
you have seen him on youtube-- must be awesome in person--search him.. I dare you!
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bad news
our 'venue' took 26 " of rain-- if anyone wants to come help dr chuck and me..pm me

Man, that's a lot of rain, Len. I remember it raining like that in south east Texas. Got a flash flood one year on a Thursday night. Everyone seemed to be out that night and nobody made it back to their homes.
Re: THE LEM Thread

Everything's bigger in texas.. teehee! I'm suprised.. but not.. at the lack of interest for any lem on this forum. I know the lem guys don't really like the pointer scene.. but there is so much more to lasers than handhelds. Also a lot of these guys have been into lasers for decades!!! So much info received with even a small chat from one of these guys. Last year I flew back to portland JUST to go to nwlem.. now I'm gonna drive 5 hours to North Carolina just for selem!!!

JOE said it better than I could.

8 years ago I went to SELEM
found another Tx member going =ride share time--
BUT I had to drive 1st to DFW (5+hrs)

on the day we were to leave , while my friend was at work , his place was burglered-- lost his SELEM funds.
My POS car --iffy at best. :\
plus no copilot.
I crashed on his couch for a few hrs- and left 3AM
got a speeding ticket NC and the drive back was also brutal.

was I sorry I went..?

110% NO==

got LEM fever that to this day I still seek LEMS
held a MINI in NOV of same year.
cannot thank Platinum Jonathon and 300 Evil for going out of their 'way' to bring two awesome PJs
and entertaining my friends til 4AM.

5 SELEMs one STEXLEM (mine) and TEXLEM I (I co-hosted)
has in no way diminished my love for 'all things LEM-'
until you go to one.. you cannot imagine what you will experience.

and the ONE I just had to cancel... would have been EPIC for its size.

maybe I cant go... and maybe you could but.. . you wont..
SOMEONE who goes will have a life changing experience.


~3 weeks left before SELEM 2018.

JUST to be able to meet- exchange contact info and gain life-long friendships with awesome folks who understand us..

this is the current list- NOT on it are the drop-ins- some onbly able to get here for a day or two.. some surprise guests (like Dr Sam twice) and so much more..

List of registered attendees:
Baptist Bob (Rvto3)
Firstlight_Mike Dad


^^^ that is what ALL sign upon arrival- you accept responsibility for your OWN safety.
search SELEM Laser to see vids that while Ok do not even get close to what you see in person.

I could go on- but already composed the lost a longer better version. (must remember to copy before moving on.)
to those who live 4 or less ours from Newton NC (SELEM)

I have been in contact with many of you. .... yet few have attended-- most say the cost was too high....
for what?? they have never 'been' so until then they have no clue. every attendee except special guests and the guests (adult & NON forum) attend free.

we must pay for lodging- you don't unless you find it hard to leave the first night and stay--lodging is no problem.

we must pay for rent cars--you do not.
we can bring guests but you can bring more. (each day if you want)
we can but don't bring much food from home. you can
we do get treated to awesome food
anyone can pay at the back door- no free polo shirt-
(get a shirt NEXT year) <
Lots of the vet attendees are in the lasershow biz=some lose gigs & $$$ and instead come to SELEM bring TONs of gear to share/show and more (yes yes--much help in needed ALWAYS but most important are set-up/load in--and take down/load out....if you want us to have a great impression of you -- please be at one or BOTH of those days--

more later--
Thanks for the update, Len. Unfortunately, I can't make to any southern LEMs, so I will just wait to hear about all that I've missed.
TY for posting- I want to keep this thread showing until SELEM and after as well.

Any vet would not need coaxing to attend a gathering of 100+ bona fide laser enthausists (LE)
99% thank me over and over-- and most come back --go to other LEMs or EVEN hold their own--big or small-any LEM is a good LEM (unless you hate lasers!)

SELEM happens to be the very BEST-

there is or will be a LEM (for most) that is close..

so many good things happen its not easy to pick..

THE BS &T area is A HUGE success-- awesome deals-- especially in the last hours of the last day!! hinthint

the tutorials/demos/ company displays-- not to be missed- free stuff!!
several 'venues' in one location-- beam show- animations- much more- awesome music- live DJs
take a turn on the controls YOU control DOZENs of high power full color PJs..

no doubt an awesome photo op-- BUT just like our eyes-- your camera needs protection-- you just need to keep the beams from directly into you lens..talk to the other photogs you will see at SELEM-- everybody there wants to help and share.
No doubt, Len. But, I am 2700 miles away for NC, so it is not a drive I would be willing to make. Last time I drove that distance, it was three long horrible days and nights behind the wheel. If they have one in the Seattle area, that would be a totally different matter.
I have a huge advantage with SELEM, I'm about 60 miles away.

However, both my wife and I pay as attendees and we have been at ALMOST every one since it started, even when my wife was just along for the ride. :)

But to chime in with hakzaw, We were hooked the first time. Food is great. if nothing else, you can watch laser shows in the auditorium for days and just chill. Which my wife has done a couple times.

Several days in an airconditioned room watching and learning about lasers. What more could you ask for.

I met Sam Goldwasser at one and have bought a few awesome things from him as a result.

Also, if you've never seen one, Nothing compares to seeing something like a water cooled, large frame, gas laser, pumping out a beam through a PCAOM at several watts - sucking down 3 phase power with enough current to run a house for a year :)

Why else should you go?

It's amazing the variety of what goes on.

One year Mariomaster (Alex) was making a dirty version of Liquid oxygen in the back. He always has something interesting going on, last year it was a a pile of high power green halfnote lasers he was powering with arduinos.
I saw the coolest demo of a 405nm laser being used on glow in the dark wall for unimaginably complex images.
Every year Pangolin gives a demo and offers special pricing on products
Want to learn about Maxwell or LSX. Someone always is offering classes.
More lumia ideas than you can imagine, including one using polymer water balls
I learned about bit coin at my first one.
I saw an early release of the Laser Dock
Lately, lots of the guys are flying quad copters in the field next door.
I've met the pillars of the laser community.
Bought my large frame HeNe there.
Last year they had an Amiga running a laser show and had one person with a totally analog setup, hand made.
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Super excited for selem. Flying out to Raleigh and getting picked up there.
Paul have you ever been to nwlem? It's usually in Portland
Super excited for selem. Flying out to Raleigh and getting picked up there.
Paul have you ever been to nwlem? It's usually in Portland

No, I haven't. Last time I went through Portland was about 2002. I don't get around as well as I used to, so I have to pick my places to go carefully as I can't walk very far without taking a break. I would like to attend a good LEM sometime though. :wave:
Paul-- host one.. eve fi its you and 2 or 3 others-- you will enjoy --even ifs its only one day/night-- Zack held on in his folks garage and IIRC ATM he was not yet 17 yrs old-- his first SELEM he was 16 or 15..

heads-up-- any members in TX or west of Houston ( who would be driving near Houston going NW to NC) -- NEVER too late to head to SELEM.. if you got a vehicle that will make the trip --PM me-- do not worry about ANY of the 'details' all things will work themselves out-- gas$$, lodging, fee to attend, food etc--

I will bet you that maybe half or so of those who attended WOODSTOCK in 1969 had NO plans to go--no tickets, no ride (~90miles from NYC) BUT they WENT-(>500,000)- screw the details-- there were people still heading there on the last day.. I went to have a look-around the weekend prior-- so GREEN-- and unspoiled-- quite a change in just 10 days--BUT in no time--those who just could not leave, cleaned up Max's farm- and later you would not know what had taken place ... some camped there for weeks after--

lets do it!!

SELEM- rocks!!

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Thank you for the encouragement, Len. I will look into going to a LEM that is close by when the next one is announced.
FEELER for TEXLEM 2019 --near DallasFortWorth (DFW)

Please post asap---this is a short notice LEM- so we need LOTS of help.

If I have left you out--sorry---

There is no reason that TEXLEM cannot be the next SELEM-- which also started small.


You should skim/read all the posts before this one- lots of stuff on finding the best venue--find it-plan it and THEY WILL COME!!!

post your thought and follow this thread as well as the FBook TEXLEM --

FEELER For TEXLEM 2019 --short notice--need LOTS of help --all plans are very subject to change--

DFWTEXLEM 2019 Oct 10 to 14
Sat. Oct 12 "Bricks'' has Plano Tx Concert in Plano (not far from Dallas--)
Best ever Pink Floyd Tribute Band featuring our good friends Tiffany and Rick ('Hitevercoop' )at Laser Forums,,
Awesome Concert with outstanding Laser Show
Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 9 PM – 11 PM

Legacy Hall
7800 Windrose Avenue, Plano, Texas 75024

need ' ideal' venue-- close to Plano and/or Dallas
Need more cohosts and sponsors.
Co-Hosts Hakzaw-Tim Walsh, Rodman Kaphenated-Greg 'Displaser', 'Sugeek', 'LarryDFW' 'Gadget' sponsored by AixiZ Laser Houston Chuck Maricle- Food by ;The PitMeisters' award winning BBQ Cook-Off Team-Cheif Chef Darryl Khohry and teammates.
DJ by Digital Mayhem --Jimmy Moon and Darryl Khoury.
:Post your thoughts here please...


there are lots of requirements-- perfect venues are extremely rare.

BUT can be found-

Get with any LEM Vet to hear details--

Haven't been in the Dallas Forth Worth area for many years. I would like to go, but doubt I will be able to attend. I wish you all the luck in the world with this, though.
