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Underwater laser beam

May 7, 2016
I made a perfect 8mmx1mm glass which fits perfectly inside the laser focussing knob and on my 150mW bluray. I sealed it off with a special silicone film which i later cut out when the 8mm window was installed, which leaves a o ring where the edge blocks the window. Then i screwed it on my lens with teflon tape over the threads inside a dry airbag. It doesn't fog up inside, its airtight and watertight, tightened with dry air.

The lens is protected against dust, water, scratches. Since the window protects the lens, i no longer have to clean the lens, the window is much easier to clean and harder to scratch. The only drawback is power loss which is minimal, beam quality is perfect no reflections.

And the awesome thing is, this laser could be used inside water without it being turned into a flashlight, the beam looks beast and aqua color, very visible and bright inside water. Without the glass window, the water would un focus the laser beam. Its very hard to form 8mm glass from 20mm and perfectly round, took me a couple hours to do without chipping or scratching


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Very good BlackOps. +rep :beer:
You did a very good job on that glass window. :gj:
I made a perfect 8mmx1mm glass which fits perfectly inside the laser focussing knob and on my 150mW bluray. I sealed it off with a special silicone film which i later cut out when the 8mm window was installed, which leaves a o ring where the edge blocks the window. Then i screwed it on my lens with teflon tape over the threads inside a dry airbag. It doesn't fog up inside, its airtight and watertight, tightened with dry air.

The lens is protected against dust, water, scratches. Since the window protects the lens, i no longer have to clean the lens, the window is much easier to clean and harder to scratch. The only drawback is power loss which is minimal, beam quality is perfect no reflections.

And the awesome thing is, this laser could be used inside water without it being turned into a flashlight, the beam looks beast and aqua color, very visible and bright inside water. Without the glass window, the water would un focus the laser beam. Its very hard to form 8mm glass from 20mm and perfectly round, took me a couple hours to do without chipping or scratching

Very nice, you beat Sanwu to the punch. Their working on a underwater laser. Man I can just imagine how much time it took to align that and get it right. :bowdown: :gj:

Ps, you get my pm?
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Very nice, you beat Sanwu to the punch. Their working on a underwater laser. Man I can just imagine how much time it took to align that and get it right. :bowdown: :gj:

Ps, you get my pm?

Hi, thanks! I got your PM, not sure if you got mine, i will send you the PM again. It took a little time to figure out how to get rid of the back reflections between the glass window and the lens, and i used 2 sheeds of graphite perfectly paralel to each other to press the window against the rim (see picture), with 1 of the graphite sheets a little less then a hundered of a milimeter thicker then the other, this kinda angels the glass (invisibly) so it doesn't reflect. I'm left with a perfect beam except for a little cutout due to the graphite sheet but thats probably 2mW loss. If sanwu wants a underwater laser they should go for a different design as this is way to complex, but its nice to have something no one has especially with the size:)


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Hi, thanks! I got your PM, not sure if you got mine, i will send you the PM again. It took a little time to figure out how to get rid of the back reflections between the glass window and the lens, and i used 2 sheeds of graphite perfectly paralel to each other to press the window against the rim (see picture), with 1 of the graphite sheets a little less then a hundered of a milimeter thicker then the other, this kinda angels the glass (invisibly) so it doesn't reflect. I'm left with a perfect beam except for a little cutout due to the graphite sheet but thats probably 2mW loss. If sanwu wants a underwater laser they should go for a different design as this is way to complex, but its nice to have something no one has especially with the size:)

I got your last email ( only got one )
But all is well and I'm real impressed just how intricate this build was/is :gj:
Don't know what Sanwu's building but they put out a while ago they were working on one. So we'll see???
I got your last email ( only got one )
But all is well and I'm real impressed just how intricate this build was/is :gj:
Don't know what Sanwu's building but they put out a while ago they were working on one. So we'll see???
i'm interested to see what their solution is for the underwater laser! I actually sended 2 mails but the last one is nothing importand i think my browser is broken so need to fix that now
i'm interested to see what their solution is for the underwater laser! I actually sended 2 mails but the last one is nothing importand i think my browser is broken so need to fix that now

It will be interesting to see what they come up with. But it no comparison to yours, you did yours all by yourself, that's real impressive !!! Can't say enough good things :gj:
Sweet idea. I'm wondering what you use a laser for underwater though.

Hey Bob, the guardian is listed as waterproof just so you know.
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Hey Bob, the guardian is listed as waterproof just so you know.

All Sanwus lasers are listed as " water proof " as their video shows. But as it's says in their website it's not recommended. As far as I know Sanwu' is working on an underwater dive laser that is made to work full time under water this I believe is what BlackOps made if I'm not mistaken. And that is something special.

As far as what to do with it ? Just like all other handhelds " coolness " ~~~~edit , now if BlackOps can build a laser that can "burn" underwater than I think Bill Gates can step aside. :). Hint hint
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Sweet idea. I'm wondering what you use a laser for underwater though.

Hey Bob, the guardian is listed as waterproof just so you know.
Hi, thanks! Its actually more for lens protection, dust and water to prevent scratching. Already ruined a couple lenses so this should make the lens last for ever. And i didn't know until the underwater beam till now and that makes another cool thing about the window

All Sanwus lasers are listed as " water proof " as their video shows. But as it's says in their website it's not recommended. As far as I know Sanwu' is working on an underwater dive laser that is made to work full time under water this I believe is what BlackOps made if I'm not mistaken. And that is something special.

As far as what to do with it ? Just like all other handhelds " coolness " :)
Yes mine could be used inside water at any time. The problem for sanwu is they never know how long it would be watertight and if condensation is going to form or not(temperature and humidity level dependent) To make a water proof laser for someone which could be used inside water at any time, you need to trap dry air inside and seal it so you can't focus the laser which most people don't like, or making it airtight alone, airtight means watertight, watertight doesn't nessecary mean airtight. And airtight alone with no dry air could lead to condensation which stays there for days

This laser condensed like crap when i turned the heater on in the car or climate control, and it would stay there for days as it could not vent, now i trapped dry air inside it and it doesn't happen anymore

Edit, i never tried the underwater burning, might try that tomorrow, if it works that would be amazing!
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i trapped dry air inside it and it doesn't happen anymore

When I had time I went back to reread all you did and went through to make this Laser, wow !! Great read . Gotta ask though, how did you fill it with "dry air" ? That one got me bewildered. Thanks
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When I had time I went back to reread all you did and went through to make this Laser, wow !! Great read . Gotta ask though, how did you fill it with "dry air" ? That one got me bewildered. Thanks
Hi, i got a ziplockbag with 2 sillica gel packages in them, i put my lens and the window in them, then i waited 5 minutes to make sure its absolutely dry in there, then i assembled the window on the lens which seals it with dry air, hardest part was to seal it without dust getting in there. Then i put the entire laser inside the bag, and put the lens on there, no condensation anymore between all lenses

Oh, i had to use some sort of gel used in the boiler industry to seal around the diode when press it so the air doesn't escape around the diode
