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Underwater laser beam

Hi, i got a ziplockbag with 2 sillica gel packages in them, i put my lens and the window in them, then i waited 5 minutes to make sure its absolutely dry in there, then i assembled the window on the lens which seals it with dry air, hardest part was to seal it without dust getting in there. Then i put the entire laser inside the bag, and put the lens on there, no condensation anymore between all lenses

Oh, i had to use some sort of gel used in the boiler industry to seal around the diode when press it so the air doesn't escape around the diode

Very inventive, now that's thinking outside the box. Nice!! :)

i'm interested to see what their solution is for the underwater laser! I actually sended 2 mails but the last one is nothing importand i think my browser is broken so need to fix that now

Nice work!

Have you seen the dive laser good for 50 meters made by laserbtb? If not see: Diving laser 50 meters
Look we don't want the Navy adding to the pressure for laser bans. :tinfoil:
