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FrozenGate by Avery

UK Police using lasers

Just finished watching the Into the Fire documentary. Only planned to watch 10-15 minutes... here I am two hours later.

Unfortunately it's nothing new, and the problem is not a canadian one. The end of the documentary touches on the key point.


Until people at the top are accountable, why is there any expectation that people at the bottom, the cops, the enforcers, will be held responsible?

Sometimes a politician or ceo is made an example of, usually after a major f*ckup on their part. In most cases though it's nothing but a token gesture from a broken system that does not hold anyone in power accountable.

What does happen with alarming regularity is a contrite and apologetic politician/ceo makes a public statement, apologizing, and vowing that it will never happen again.

That is until next time.


One of my favorite books. Shame it's strictly fiction.

Same thing happened to me. I planned to watch 15-20 minutes last night and I watched the entire thing. I completely agree, in the end accountability is critical. Through the entire financial crisis and the sub-prime mortgage crisis not one person or corporation has been held accountable for what has happened and wall street is back to business as usual.

Same thing happened to me. I planned to watch 15-20 minutes last night and I watched the entire thing. I completely agree, in the end accountability is critical. Through the entire financial crisis and the sub-prime mortgage crisis not one person or corporation has been held accountable for what has happened and wall street is back to business as usual.

Look at Corzine right now.

He was CEO of MF Global. Over a BILLION disappeared, and I'm willing to bet that he will not be prosecuted for ANYTHING. Meanwhile there are people ruined as a result.

I mean imagine a bank basically just taking the money you deposit, using it for whatever the f*ck they want, and then saying, "Sorry, we don't know where we put it, we know your life is ruined, but we promise not to do it again."

Seems like a crazy scenario, but that's EXACTLY what happened here.

The amount of money the US government misplaces meanwhile, runs in the trillions.
The amount of money the US government misplaces meanwhile, runs in the trillions.

Remember back a few years ago when the DOD sent hundreds of millions of dollars in cash to iraq and more than 85% of it went missing. They literally just didn't know where the crates went or who had them and they never recovered it. FUCKING INSANE! :banghead:
Eye for an Eye leaves the whole world blind! Violence breeds violence. Negotiations before intimidation. There was no need for chemical spraying in the face, these unarmed civilians were willing to be arrested peacefully. We don't even treat our animals that way! If there was a dog loose outside in the park not listening to his "master" are you going to go beat the dog and spray chemicals in the dogs face? Where has this would come to when you got judges, who are suppose to be the epitome of morality and justice, beating the crap outta their daughters for using the internet. >
Or like what happened during the g20 here in Toronto when they arrested over a thousand innocent people, held them in the worst conditions for more than the legal time frame allows and then let most of them go with no charges after suffering humiliation and in many cases injuries for exercising Freedom of Assembly. Mean while the so called "Black Bloc" who were causing destruction and damage, was allowed to parade the streets for more than an hour and a half with no police interference." I am not here to place blame on a specific group. Nor was i there. Critically thinking, there are innocent people caught up on all sides of the mess as will as wrong doers. There are a lot of good regular police officers but there are also bad one who lost their jobs that day for using excessive force. Many were caught covering up their name tags which is illegal and so we must look at the premeditation of unnecessary violence from all sides. >> Heres a good documentary this fellow i met made about the event. It has won awards from different countries
And more unnecessary violence that day >>

Watching it now... good stuff!
Not that japan doesn't have plenty of issues, but still... I think they are on the right track when it comes to cops.

Btw, the same "experimental weapon" is already rather common on paintball fields... at least for those who want to add on a laser:p
Oh dear, this stuff, with hats and bats...

UGH, not good news for the broskiiis up in NYC
All the better to make tax revenues disappear...

I remember watching The West Wing a few years back... there were some great episodes in that series.

Anyway in one of them a submarine captain goes on a tirade when one of the secretaries questions why everything for a submarine is so freaking expensive.

So he picks up a special $600 "submarine" ashtray, and proceeds to smash it.

Unlike the your regular glass ashtray, this one breaks into three nice even pieces. The captain goes on to say that the reason everything is so expensive, is you don't want to be dealing with sharp glass flying around when the submarine is hit with a torpedo.

Everyone in the room goes "AHH so that's why!" and queue next scene.

Here's my problem.... WHY THE F*CK is there an ashtray on a submarine in the first place?

After all... there is no smoking on submarines:p

They only banned smoking on submarines last year. Prior to that smoking was allowed.:angel:
One common misconception about cops, that I find american media is responsible for, is that everyone thinks cops are overworked, and underpaid.

This is true in some departments.

The reverse is also true for MANY others. This guy for example makes a fairly decent living.

Bear in mind that he also has fantastic health benefits, and a good retirement package.

Fairly decent? 110 grand is fairly decent? LOL. Man, 50 grand is fairly decent. 100 grand is very well paid...
I don't intend to encourage illegal activity, but I'm surprised that nobody has tried to blind them back. Current hobbyist-grade lasers tend to be more powerful, more portable and very easy to obtain.
They only banned smoking on submarines last year. Prior to that smoking was allowed.:angel:

:wtf: I figured smoking on a small metal tube where air is a limited resource would never have been allowed in the first place:banghead:

Fairly decent? 110 grand is fairly decent? LOL. Man, 50 grand is fairly decent. 100 grand is very well paid...

Actually I agree, it's a great salary... but I wanted to understate in order to drive the fact home;)

I don't intend to encourage illegal activity, but I'm surprised that nobody has tried to blind them back. Current hobbyist-grade lasers tend to be more powerful, more portable and very easy to obtain.

I'd like to think that the folks who do have such lasers, are also all smart enough to realize that as soon as they start blinding the cops back, the cops will in turn start to SHOOT back.
:wtf: I figured smoking on a small metal tube where air is a limited resource would never have been allowed in the first place:banghead:

Yup, it does seem crazy that they'd allow it that long. The article I read explained the air scrubbing system they have in place. I'll try to find it; it was pretty interesting. There's no way I could do submarines, I'd go crazy being trapped in a coffin so far beneath sea level, if anything catasrophic happens down there..you don't even have a remote chance of surviving.

A friend of mine loves it though. :tinfoil:
^^^Honestly I don't get how those guys do it either. I'd probably go nuts after a bit.

Also if you think US submarines are bad... they do not compare at all to the old russian ones.

Last time I was in one, I was a senior in high school, so maybe an inch shorter at most, and around 80 pounds lighter. Which put me at 5'11" 220lb.

I still had to go around certain freaking spots because they were too small! Felt like the damn thing was made for gnomes... hit my head twice lol.
I'd like to think that the folks who do have such lasers, are also all smart enough to realize that as soon as they start blinding the cops back, the cops will in turn start to SHOOT back.

Well, not every laser owner is that smart. Hence aircraft incidents.
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