Eye for an Eye leaves the whole world blind! Violence breeds violence. Negotiations before intimidation. There was no need for chemical spraying in the face, these unarmed civilians were willing to be arrested peacefully. We don't even treat our animals that way! If there was a dog loose outside in the park not listening to his "master" are you going to go beat the dog and spray chemicals in the dogs face? Where has this would come to when you got judges, who are suppose to be the epitome of morality and justice, beating the crap outta their daughters for using the internet. >
Or like what happened during the g20 here in Toronto when they arrested over a thousand innocent people, held them in the worst conditions for more than the legal time frame allows and then let most of them go with no charges after suffering humiliation and in many cases injuries for exercising Freedom of Assembly. Mean while the so called "Black Bloc" who were causing destruction and damage, was allowed to parade the streets for more than an hour and a half with no police interference." I am not here to place blame on a specific group. Nor was i there. Critically thinking, there are innocent people caught up on all sides of the mess as will as wrong doers. There are a lot of good regular police officers but there are also bad one who lost their jobs that day for using excessive force. Many were caught covering up their name tags which is illegal and so we must look at the premeditation of unnecessary violence from all sides. >> Heres a good documentary this fellow i met made about the event. It has won awards from different countries
And more unnecessary violence that day >>