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UFO/ UAP Research and Laser Pointers Thread

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If he wasn't wearing a tin hat which is also attached via a wire to a ground steak 6 feet in the ground, it could have been something placed in his mind by a UFO. OK, I will end the jokes, I don't have any doubts on this subject myself, I think it does happen. Well, except the need for a tin hat or the mind control stuff, that I don't think happens. I've seen things in the sky I thought couldn't possibly be man made in the past, but I believe the US govt may have very advanced aircraft and possibly even spacecraft which are not being made public.

Yeah, if you think about all the secret "classified" operations going on with the US government, in particular the military industrial complex since the late 1940s, it's just common sense that they have the ability to do pretty much whatever the heck they want for many decades, and get away with it.... Even the US President has no authority over them. They could set up a black hole in the middle of a desert and the US president doesn't even have a right to know. I've read that there are trillions of tax dollars that's "un accounted for" . We the tax payers have been footing the bill on all these secret projects and operations for so long now with blank checks and no oversight and no access, that, my question is... why would they not build spaceships... at the very least? No accountability.. no oversight.. above the law.. free revenue flow .. for many decades. There's no real limit. With all those recourses and no accountability, they are on a whole different level by now. We're just the dummies that fall for the speed of light and "the painfully impracticality of space travel". Anything you think of as hard from a mainstream point of view is based on our limits and perceptions and paradigms because we think within the box of a measure economy. These people have no such limit
Warping space/time or creating black holes is fantasy thinking. People tend to believe what they want. Look at all the world's religions. And trillions of missing dollars is conspiracy theory thinking. These days you fit right in with our president.
People on all sides of anything or issue believe what makes them feel comfortable--whether real, imagined, or a blend of both, matters little if at all generally speaking.
Warping space/time or creating black holes is fantasy thinking. People tend to believe what they want. Look at all the world's religions. And trillions of missing dollars is conspiracy theory thinking. These days you fit right in with our president.
Religion is the biggest of them all! How many gods are people willing to die over???

I've seen this UFO laser stuff years ago. Bunch of BS IMO. I think their bugs attracted to the IR or whatever visible wavelength they use.

Since its not an ionized conductive channel I dont believe its possible but I do get scared pointing a several watt laser up into a raging thunderstorm. I don't want to be the first to find its not impossible. Lol!
Yeah, if you think about all the secret "classified" operations going on with the US government, in particular the military industrial complex since the late 1940s, it's just common sense that they have the ability to do pretty much whatever the heck they want for many decades, and get away with it.... Even the US President has no authority over them. They could set up a black hole in the middle of a desert and the US president doesn't even have a right to know. I've read that there are trillions of tax dollars that's "un accounted for" . We the tax payers have been footing the bill on all these secret projects and operations for so long now with blank checks and no oversight and no access, that, my question is... why would they not build spaceships... at the very least? No accountability.. no oversight.. above the law.. free revenue flow .. for many decades. There's no real limit. With all those recourses and no accountability, they are on a whole different level by now. We're just the dummies that fall for the speed of light and "the painfully impracticality of space travel". Anything you think of as hard from a mainstream point of view is based on our limits and perceptions and paradigms because we think within the box of a measure economy. These people have no such limit

We can't even prevent the flu from killing 10's of thousands of people each year and we are still burning things for energy and poisoning our air that we breathe and you think our government can produce the energy needed to create black holes at will, come on man.
Hello. I’m not sure if my post will be seen, but I want to share my story anyway.

I’m 30 years old. I live in Arkansas. Not out in the country, but in a town with ~70,000 people.

In 2014, (I don’t remember the month, day or anything like that) I went outside at about 1 or 2 AM to smoke a cigarette. I have cats and had one of their, like, $2 cat toy laser pointers with me. I was squiggling it around at the fence and then at some trees across the street. Right where I was pointing the laser pointer a black triangle shape with rounded corners just “appeared”. I didn’t hear anything, didn’t see any lights. I really only saw it at all because it was darker than the night sky behind it.
I don’t believe in aliens. I was sober. I was awake.
It literally vanished as quickly as it appeared, it didn’t move in any direction it was just there and then it wasn’t.
I turned around, went into the house and started googling crap. I didn’t tell anyone because I never believed people who said they saw things like that and I realize how ridiculous it sounds.
I ended up telling my husband about it a couple of years later and then tonight I was thinking about it again and started looking up things about it. I never even considered the laser pointer had anything to do with it at all.
I even tried telling myself I was seeing after effects or something like when you stare at the sun. But I know I saw it.
For other people like me who have seen something like that and don’t want to tell anyone, or even after experiencing it for yourself still don’t even really believe half of the ufo stories or descriptions you hear about... that’s why I’m posting this. I still don’t believe in aliens. Not sure what I saw, but that’s how it went down.
Cat toys are serious business!
Thanks for this thread, even if no one replies. It makes me feel less crazy. :)

I'm sharing this because it was probably one of the most profound experiences of my life. It's a bit of a read but there are some similarities.

There are chilling similarities to my story. I won't bury the lead. The facts are as follows. it was near a military base, near a lake at night, Canada. We were high on weed but I know what I saw, it was an unexplainable object in the sky, a perfect black triangle that absolutely stood out. It was about the size of a nickel if you fully extended your hand to the sky. We never saw it move, it just disappeared when we both happened to look away after what must have been 45 mins.

Details and comments

It was just me and my best friend from highschool. It was a 'do you see what I'm seeing' kind of thing, and then just chills when we realized it was a real thing in the sky thats just not possible to exist, and yet there it was. It sat in the sky above the lake perfectly still for a long time. At first sight it was disbelief, like i didnt know what I was looking at. It was absolutely shocking to clearly see an object in the sky, not like Saskwatch/bigfoot who's always blurry in photos. At one point I took out my phone to take a couple of pictures before my phone died and did not capture anything at all. I guess the old phone cameras of the time couldn't capture the difference in light/contrast well enough, nothing but black.

It's kinda funny but I distinctly remember fumbling trying to take pictures with the anxiety of low battery, not being able to zoom in or focus on it, and that I was absolutely terrified that if I looked at my phone that it would be gone and communicating this to my friend to keep an eye on it while I also looked up and down at my phone and the triangle aggressively like people do when they're texting and driving.

We had only ever heard of flying saucers, but we still knew it had to be a UFO. Now I know military calls them UAPs instead and that people call the black triangle the TR3B, but we didn't see any lights on the thing at all.

For along time we would look at that portion of sky when we would smoke but it was never saw again. I think I saw a video of someone pointing a laser pointer at what was agreed to most likely be bats or one of those birthday balloons with shiny backside twirling in the sky when I thought to myself maybe we had used a laser pointer earlier that night and that it was connected but we definitely didn't have one when it was in the sky because we would have pointed it at a stationary uap and I would remember that distinctly, but I do not. Also we would never point at anything moving slowly because of airliners.

more on my lasers.

2010,2011 I bought a 5mw laser online, green. I had a blue one that was 2 or 3mw which were pretty expensive at the time. Both took two AAA.


I lived near a body of water near a military base and I'd have friends over every weekend. We would smoke weed and cigs and chill on balconies. Outside of the city away from light pollution the sky is beautiful sometimes and we would look up but not always but after I got the lasers I liked bringing them out late and so we would look more often.


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Warping space/time or creating black holes is fantasy thinking. People tend to believe what they want. Look at all the world's religions. And trillions of missing dollars is conspiracy theory thinking. These days you fit right in with our president.
I hate to break it to ya.... But there really is trillions of tax dollars that cant be accounted for..... Thats no conspiracy thats hard facts and missing zeros from audits going back years now .... Dod failed 6 consecutive audits and cannot account for over a trillion dollars worth of spending and assets..... I know... Its a bitter taste. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Oh yah and cern makes black holes all the time. They may be smaller than a grain of sand but were still early days workin on technology and techniques. And honestly with as many different theories that are floating around about the origins of tge universe and cosmology switching its favorite theory of reality about as often as we see new presidents..... Id argue its not any less rational to believe in the big magic man in the sky callin the shots or ufos comin from...... Who knows where...... Because?.... Reasons? 🤷🏽‍♂️
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