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FrozenGate by Avery

TRUE <5mw lasers?

Dec 24, 2007
Hey all, one of the very oldest members of this forum arbitrarily popping in for a random ass question.

My son is my little clone, and unsurprisingly he wants to get into lasers after having seen some of mine. He's seven, so he's still of the age where waving around pretty colors is what appeals to him. I remember what it was like to be that age, and I want to be sure he is safe while he's got his introduction into this hobby. As such, I'm actually concerned over finding lasers that have the low power they're advertised to have; I'm well aware that lasers labelled as <1mW or <5mW are likely 200+ mW or more.

I have a reliable lead on a <5mW 635 red *edit* and 532 green, but I'd like to provide him with safe, stable diode green, blue and violet as well if possible.

Any advice or guidance the community could give would be appreciated. I'm aware that I'm asking for effectively the opposite of what most of us are looking for, which ironically makes finding lasers that function as advertised fairly difficult.

Thank you,

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If you had a calibrated LPM you could test the "low powered"
lasers for safety. You could also then add Attenuating Filters
to bring the power down to a safe level if reducing the drive
current is not easily done.


Go with Encap.... ^^^^^

Laserglow has all the colors you mentioned and then some in <5mW pens see: https://www.laserglow.com/product/byproduct/Premium-Laser-Pointers/

I'm considering getting some more LG pointers go go along with my Aquarius (the fourth one ever of the blue ones) and my CNI direct version of a Rigel (15mW!). I don't wanna spend that much on one for my kid though lol. I'm a huge fan of LG and their products lol.

If you had a calibrated LPM you could test the "low powered"
lasers for safety. You could also then add Attenuating Filters
to bring the power down to a safe level if reducing the drive
current is not easily done.


Go with Encap.... ^^^^^


Thank you Jerry! I'm the guy who emailed you earlier today about the replacement Laserbee head! :LOL:
hey Rob, wow you aren't kidding. 2007!!!!. crazy! yeah finding true 5mw lasers are really difficult for sure. Ill certainly look around for ya :)
I took the laser safety course at SELEM-(CaseyStack-iirc)
He was giving out goodies for good Qs or answers from the class.
I got a 532 'professional 532/5mW pointer'. Most every meter shows 4.99 mW.. and it is sold for $140- it is also used to check LPMs.. a LSO would want one.
It is still plenty bright and I would never give it to anyone who might do something careless with the laser.
At most I would get a 99cent red cat toy for a youngster.
5mW of 532 when aimed at the center of the eye, where we have a lens of our own, increases the power by many many times. .25 seconds max exposure each time and when repeated IIRC has an a accumulative effect.

Very minor exposures are not painful- and unless seen by an Eye Doctor--with a scope-- no one would know that there was a exposure and scar. AND lasers are much more fun w/o eye protection.

not meaning to rain on your parade. And it is great that you share.
Perhaps a career in Photonics would be in the future. many make$85K yr to start.. If you get the trade mag (PhotonicSpectra)you already know this. The mag is free-on-line or print by mail...highly recommended..www.photonics.com
extensive cross-referenced directory of every one in the 'biz'.
and every few years the give us a very nice BIG chart
every line, every type of laser--
After --they sell the paper version for $19 and a laminated one for 29$ IIRC..... AND,btw, it is not 'the Photonic Spectrum' chart but that is one small part of the chart they send.

-pick a field and see all companies who do that..get contact info-
take the classes
get an internship.. =

=AND drones with laser--big future.
>300 patents are filed about lasers every year.

best wishes-- Len
