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FrozenGate by Avery

*tips to save your eyes* reflective surface


Aug 4, 2015
Recently I get a 50 mw laser and a 5 mw but I was scared about eye damage so. I decided to stick some days with the green a while and search for reflective surface that you should never point I do it the most safety I can. And I get this results

Mirrors (obviously)
Windows (glass). Don't they are like mirrors
Any metal not even cans
Any screen when is turned off
Plastic (transparent) not even PET
Plastified paper (like poker cards)
Some digital clocks have like a green screen don't point at them

They might be more but, for eye safety I stop (they start hurting)
If you know more add them :)
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with more input from others this could make for a nice sticky. be careful with that "5mw" because, considering the fact its a green one, then its probably over spec and may be above 30mW. unless of course you got it from a reputable place (CNI or one of its re-sellers, laserbtb... etc) that, when they say 5mW or less, they mean it and stand by their specifications.

i would add to the list; pictures/paintings in frames. also, instead of any screen that's turned off, id say any sort of display, at all.
with more input from others this could make for a nice sticky. be careful with that "5mw" because, considering the fact its a green one, then its probably over spec and may be above 30mW. unless of course you got it from a reputable place (CNI or one of its re-sellers, laserbtb... etc) that, when they say 5mW or less, they mean it and stand by their specifications.

i would add to the list; pictures/paintings in frames. also, instead of any screen that's turned off, id say any sort of display, at all.
Yeah it's 5 mw but I found a one really weird you push the button once it's like 5-10 mw you press it twice it gets like 30
Quiet curious
Yeah it's 5 mw but I found a one really weird you push the button once it's like 5-10 mw you press it twice it gets like 30
Quiet curious

Oh, is it a laserbtb multi-power mode pen? If it has a lock on the back that's probably what it is.
I dont really think its a good idea to EVER consider ANY laser as 'eye safe'-

nobody can actually say how powerful any laser is by eye - I *think* this way of thinking no longer works correctly-

your '5'mW 532 if not an expensive one will NOT likley have an IR filter- so IR leaks and is bad for the eyes. I tell ALL children to always 'cover thier eyes and run away ' when they see ANY laser.

PM coming to the OP about his profile..


I have lasers that do that- its an adjustable mode driver I am betting- two or more 'powers'
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You can add paperback books with glossy covers to the list. My 445 bounced off of a sci-fi novel once and I thought I was gonna have to go to the ER for a few minutes. Luckily I was just flash blinded briefly.
yep some surfaces reflect much better than I expected- just last night I hit the side of a black box with very shiny surface and it looked as bright as a direct hit would.

Ice with snow not very reflective BUT with water on the surface iots very reflective.

US laser shows have an outstanding safety record= you are much more likley to get killed by falling gear, electrocution or getting trampled by a crowd than anyinjury from a laser shot to your eyes etc.

WE are taught that the power said to be safe is actually 10 times the real amount (safety cushion)

I did read of someone getting eye damge while wearing the proper eye protection except ....it had no side shields and the laser beam reflected onto the inside of the glasses which is just like a mirror ....MOST gets reflected- the beam of course came from behind where we most likely do NOT expect there to be of any danger.

to hear a LOT more on this find and read my LSO thread in the tutorial section- In some states a certtified LSO must be on at least 'staff' of any lasershow company.

btw the US law makes NO difference between hhelds and laser PJs -if displayed in public.

no mention of intent or power- a 1mW laser if shined towards the 'wrong place' can get you arrested just as quickly as a 1W laser..

kinda hard to explain why the pilot saw the beam aimed at him and us saying it was totally an accidental lasing ...

pretty hard to say that with a straight face


until you read all that is there you do not really know everything
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