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Ti-B 132mw Review!

Apr 24, 2013
Greetings LPF!

Welcome to my first review! Today I will be reviewing the Ti-B 532nm from Jetlasers.

Now this is the 2nd one I have had my hands on, unfortunately I had to send the first one back due to a slight defect in the lens cavity.
Unfortunately doing a replacement didn't seem to help much, because it seems to still have these wild flares and distortions which I will show in some pictures later on in the review.
(And no it is not an artifact in the camera lens, I can see them with a naked eye as well)

This is what I purchased!
1. Ti-B laser 150mw
1. Charger
1. Battery / However Hak threw in another for free! (Thanks again for that)

The laser body itself is absolutely stunning, it has a nice weight to it enough to give it a true professional feel.

However I've heard a few "complaints" in regards to the sharpness of the crown/focusing ring of the Ti-B, and to that I say bollocks!
I personally can say its perfect, its got the perfect semi-sharpness to give the user a slight warning to not touch near there as well as staying classy!

Now for operation, at first I believed it was a negative "as I am sure many would be". To operate the laser its a slight twist of the back battery cap shown below.
This slight twist worried me, for fear it might turn on if placed in a pocket, so be wise and never store it with a battery in it. (Problem Solved!)
Normally tho I've got my laser stored in a nice foamed and locked case just in case any curious folk find it and try reenacting a battle of Star Wars :p
But most of my assumptions were incorrect and I found myself not only getting use to the twist motion but learning to love it.

Now unfortunately I don't own a LPM, but Hak was kind enough to LPM the laser for me and the numbers i got were 108-115mw with a Max of 132mw not exactly the 150mw I ordered but the difference is close enough to not notice the levels of brightness.
But on the flip-side I feel every review has to have some picture of a meter, and since it cant be an LPM why not this awesome Voltage meter reading of the battery after taking photos. AHH YAAA NUMBERS!

Now this laser looks stunning, and really has an attitude with the full titanium host. However when it came to the dot it lacked, and in a few ways this one might be worse then the one I sent back.

^This happens twice during adjustment of focus

Even through goggles some flaring can be seen,
Not to mention, even through out the cycle of the focusing ring. Small "ring shifts" or "speckles" appear.

^Happens with a slight shift of head near infinity focus and shifts all around for 360 degrees around the "dot"

Now even with the flaws of dots, I can still appreciate the hair thin and gorgeous beam.

Now for the final Verdict,

This is truly an awesome looking laser, defiantly fun to shoot with as I just recently purchased my d3100 and it really gives me a challenge for my photography.
Now the only issue I honestly have with this laser would be impurity of the dot, and after hearing what great reputation Jetlasers has with their quality, this was the last thing I would expect to see.
But dot aside I am very pleased with construction and feel of the laser.

Thanks again for reading my very first review, I look forward to any comments or thoughts on my review! But now, seeing how its 3am for me, its time for the pillow zone!


LPF Site Supporter
Oct 14, 2012
Nice 1st review of your Ti-B Gamefreak.

Sorry to see the trouble you're having with your output and dot artifacts.
As you probably know, Jetlasers is usually known for their high quality, overspec products.

I'm in agreement with you on the crown; I like it just the way it is,
After all it is an "attack style" crown.
I've also learned to like the tailcap twist to turn on & off feature.

Enjoy your new laser! :beer:

+1 for a good job!
Apr 24, 2013
Thanks again Bowtie!

Yea I was a little disappointed with the output and quality in regards to the dot, was quite a bummer after reading what awesome things I heard about Jetlasers.

But Hak has been trying to keep me happy, In no way am I upset with the work he has been doing, I dont know how he does all he does he is as busy as a bee!
Apr 2, 2009
Great Photos!! +3 for the honest review- Maybe a few of the other Ti-B owners please run the focus to both extremes and let us know if there are any aritfacts in the one they own- I checked five tonite and all at one point or another show faint spots that come and go as the focus is changed- i think the shiny titanium of the lens cavity has a lot to do with this- but so far this is the first one replaced for that reason. If there is a spot when the focus is dialed in AND no spots are seen-- well you know-- DPSS lasers are known for lots of less than perfect aspects.

I read his review as 10 for 10 on all except the spots- The difference between 135mW and 150mW is IMPOSSIBLE to tell w/o a meter. These are on close-out- >50% lower price and the last of their kind AFAIK.

+3 for the excelllent write up & pics == hk
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May 17, 2013
One thing I don't get is why do they keep on insisting on metallic smooth or anodized black hosts.

Where are the wooden , marble , swarski , glass host?
Something different.
An art piece you can keep on the table as a display ...
Apr 24, 2013
Thanks hak for the +rep!
Thats good idea with the shiny lens cavity, didnt even think about that being a possibility.
Hopefully you have a quick recovery with your back! Must be from all those ladies in bikinis you were picking up!

haha EpicHam, that does sound epic a swarski/glass host I would love to see that one,
as for a wooden host... you know i think i might just take you up on that challenge. Nothing fancy, just usable and a laser. Might use one of those laser modules Hak sent me!
Apr 2, 2009
You could always buy a Titanium laser from another company.. oh wait N/M except for a few 'seconds' out there no other Titanium lasers are offered. If you ever get a chance to handle a JL Ti-B you will agree its not your ordinary laser. We do have several makers that do VERY fine hosts like Wannaburnstuff(Toronto Joe & Lucy) and DeadeyeMo & husband- both are husband /wife teams and make some extremely fine work.
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Apr 24, 2013
Well, thats the reason I went to jetlasers, to get one of those fancy Titanium hosts :p
And its true, it seems to hold a class in its own when you hold it. Till you know.. turn it on and change the focus.

Ive seen some of the custom hosts on this site, its a new art form! Some great things come out, I think ive seen some of Wannaburnstuff work defiantly top notch


Aug 25, 2010
This reminds me how much I MISS my Ti-A Jetlasers. It is hands down the best host I have ever had a laser in. Not to mention the 250mW it pumped out was gorgeous as well. Hak....Jetlasers has killed me by discontinuing that host. Unfortunately I sold it because I was in need of money. Regret....shall follow me to the end of my days!

To the OP: Great review! The beamshot is beautiful, and although you have had some issues I am glad to see you are enjoying your laser. +1 for your first review and the meter readings, I dig it :beer:
Apr 24, 2013
Thanks wanaburnstuff!

Definitely fun to take pictures of these lasers, its tricky at first but the effort is so worth the outcome!

Wow 250mw! That is impressive, I dunno what id do with that much power, Im ok with my <150mw. But truth be told, I honestly wish I just kept the first one I received, it was much more acceptable in the infinity to max focus range. Only the midrange it would create those additional dots.

(hopefully that made sense)
May 17, 2013
Thanks hak for the +rep!
Thats good idea with the shiny lens cavity, didnt even think about that being a possibility.
Hopefully you have a quick recovery with your back! Must be from all those ladies in bikinis you were picking up!

haha EpicHam, that does sound epic a swarski/glass host I would love to see that one,
as for a wooden host... you know i think i might just take you up on that challenge. Nothing fancy, just usable and a laser. Might use one of those laser modules Hak sent me!

Can't wait .
How about... Lasers coming out of the top of a totem pole shaped host ?
You twist the focus ring at the top of the head to change the focus , the lowest head will be the tail cap where you put the 18650 battery in.

Now THAT !


Aug 25, 2010
I have been planning a wooden laser for a long time now. Just havent had a chance to put the time in.
Apr 24, 2013
Hmmm, maybe I just have a tendency to think big but this seems very easy to do, find a cheap little totem pole, drill some holes, cut some piece and boom lots of glue and tape and you have a laser!

You should have seen the first laser I made, I will see if i can still find that picture. Essentially I made it in 2 hours with random parts I found around the house lots of tape and some solder, I called it the Macgyver

Parts list
3 skateboard ball bearings
broken flashlight from trash can
electric tape
and some hopes and dreams
and one very boring Friday afternoon

what can I say, classy as all can be haha
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May 17, 2013
I have been planning a wooden laser for a long time now. Just havent had a chance to put the time in.

We all have so many ideas , most of us either cannot be arsed , don't have time or don't have the expertise.
Those who have often see our ideas as daft .

A wooden laser can't just be any wood.
It need to be textured , dark red or brown , a bit of gloss and a steel plate clamped to the side like a commemorative M1911 .
With its own unique serial.
NAME of the craftsman and a kickass logo.

it has to be a work of ART!

Glass hosts need to capture tithe wavelength.
Uranium glass for green ,iron oxide for red.
Man... That would be epic
May 17, 2013
Hmmm, maybe I just have a tendency to think big but this seems very easy to do, find a cheap little totem pole, drill some holes, cut some piece and boom lots of glue and tape and you have a laser!

You should have seen the first laser I made, I will see if i can still find that picture. Essentially I made it in 2 hours with random parts I found around the house lots of tape and some solder, I called it the Macgyver

Parts list
3 skateboard ball bearings
broken flashlight from trash can
electric tape
and some hopes and dreams
and one very boring Friday afternoon

what can I say, classy as all can be haha

Its Stalin of the laser world


May 14, 2011
Gamefreak3333---great review!

I agree the Ti host is a thing of beauty and the slightly sharp crown edges are fine/no problem---the machining work qualifies it as a mechanical artwork---the knurling is especially nice and not easy to do in Ti.

Looks like an alignment or reflection from host problem of some sort rather than a TEM mode hopping problem but could be that also

Not sure what is what with the most recent production using a 16650 or 17650 battery but I would email Grey at JetLasers directly and ask him if it is possible to get your TiB adjusted so it does not do that or alternatively exchange for one/for him to pick one for you, that is better and does not do that. I just checked my TiB 532, 150mw and does not have the problem you report at any point during the focus range--just perfect round dot --bigger or smaller.

It is a small hassle to pack and send it back to China but if he can give you one that functions better than the one you have then it is worth the effort to be 100% comfortable with and about your purchase.

Email him at: jetlasers@gmail.com and include the photos you took or have him view this thread
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