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The Trinity Laser Build (Picture Heavy!)

Wow theres a lot of posts to answer... I dont want to double post so Ill answer them all in this reply :)

I'd say run the 445 at 1.3-1.5 amps :)

This thread should be stickied!

Won't that drown out the other colors?

Holy sh?t!

Incredible! Best RGB combination on the market, badass host, everything!
How much did all of this set you back, like $500 ? Totally worth it!

And check out the driver Johnny rendered! Atmel Mega in a handheld laser driver. Nowai...

Now, to find some cheap triple-headed knock-off host for the rest of us, in parts of the world where money does not grow on trees.
Ya I would say it was probably around $500...

The new 635 red diodes are case neutral so all lasers can be case positive if you want them too.

Another benefit of the new 635s!

The extreme attention to detail in this build is amazing! I can't wait to see it working. Nicely done!
Fortunately I don't have to worry about the case being positive or negative because this host passes both positive and negative through the top of the battery holder into these two contacts inside the host. Let me show you with a picture...

Here are the two contacts for positive and negative...
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This is truly a piece of art!
3 people have done their best to build this monster...trinity.
Thanks brandonhauser to share this with us --> AA = Absolutely Awesome...

Nothing more to say, but my Adress is:
regalis grudging
envious-street 700
7001 jealous
Germany :D
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Frankly... my driver heats up like hell when set to more than 1A... maybe if Brandon slapped on a nice piece of copper/aluminium it would be possible, but then the small pot would start overheating too etc.

Lazerz: It is similar to a linear but NOT the same as the linears we are using. It is a op-amp current sink, and it's made like that mainly because it is case positive thus the driver needs to regulate the current AFTER the diode. A switch mode driver is unnecessary would be too much complicated here.
Frankly... my driver heats up like hell when set to more than 1A... maybe if Brandon slapped on a nice piece of copper/aluminium it would be possible, but then the small pot would start overheating too etc.

Lazerz: It is similar to a linear but NOT the same as the linears we are using. It is a op-amp current sink, and it's made like that mainly because it is case positive thus the driver needs to regulate the current AFTER the diode. A switch mode driver is unnecessary would be too much complicated here.

I am planning on having flaminpyo make me a heatsink for the driver...
I thonk you should at least give me the option to run it at 1A... I may not hae it that strong, but at least I would have the option if I wanted to adjust the pot :)
Okay. I'll leave it at 1A for now.

My last assumption about the pot was wrong... The pot can do 200mW, and the power is I^2 x R... thus: when set at 1.5A, there is very low resistance thus low dissipation; when set at 1A the resistance is still around .05 ohm to get from 0.10 to 0.15 so still very small...
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This Build is Insane.:eek: Nice Work man. Cant wait for the Final Beam Pictures.

One of the best ones ive see...:gj:
Fortunately I don't have to worry about the case being positive or negative because this host passes both positive and negative through the top of the battery holder into these two contacts inside the host. Let me show you with a picture...

Here are the two contacts for positive and negative...

That is nice! Makes things easy to wire up.

Just for clarity though, you can't run a regular LOC red diode and a green module in the same host without electrically isolating one or the other. The green module is case positive, and the red diode is case negative. As soon as you put a battery in you would get a dead short, no good...

The 635 diodes are case neutral though, that means they are already electrically isolated from the host like 445 diodes and most all bluray diodes (damn those new PHR diodes...) You can make them either case positive or negative by soldering the case pin to either the positive or negative pin. (or you could leave them floating, since you have that very nice spot to grab both positive and negative voltage from! Most hosts don't have that luxury!)
I'm wondering if this tripple head could receive another big head to combine the 3 colors into a white beam. Have you considered this?
I'm wondering if this tripple head could receive another big head to combine the 3 colors into a white beam. Have you considered this?

I actually did think about that! Its seems like a really cool idea and once I get this laser up and running I might consider getting a custom "thingy" made to slip over the three heads to combine the beams :)
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That's the coolest laser ever! Cant wait to see it in its full power!

You must make 100s of videos of that baby! :)

