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The Supercar EDC Build

I saw you mention the "Wossee" driver, could you elaborate on the driver and choice of battery. I am new to LPF and extremely drawn to the NUBM44-V2. Actually i'm in the process of putting together a material list for my build now, researching the driver/power routes available. Any information will help. BTW awesome build, one of the coolest i have ever seen. hands downs. Thanks for sharing! @CDBEAM777
Hello....Well....The driver I received from Wossee was an experimental one....only one or two made....designed to run on 4 VDC...( A SINGLE 26650 LiPo)....and have full output for a 44 diode @ 4.5 A. Well.....It works....but has limited run time....as the voltage sags below 4.0 fairly quickly !!!.
This driver was a Prototype....and a second generation was planned to lower the VDC demand. As far as I know....it has not yet been developed.
I MIGHT have another way to go to get a small EDC package....problem is the cell size !!!....let me review my notes and get back to this thread...
Seems to me a boost driver is not the best idea for driving those 7 watt diodes. You end up using larger batteries, so why not just use a buck and two LiPos.
Seems to me a boost driver is not the best idea for driving those 7 watt diodes. You end up using larger batteries, so why not just use a buck and two LiPos.

Size is the problem !!! Many, many hosts are designed to accept a single cell 26650 = 26mm dia x 65mm in length....BUT...this gives us 4.2 VDC max and typical 4.0 nominal....We are just on the edge with this experimental driver....IF we stay with a SINGLE 26650 cell.....Which I wanted to do !!!!

I have seen NO other boost drivers that give us 4.5 A to 5 A.......using a single 26650 LiPo !!! I thing the Topology does not yet exist.

What to do ???? What to do !!! OK....Let's say I go BACK to two (2) cells and a typical buck driver....Like the Blackbuck 8A !!!!

OK...how about two (2) of these stacked = 5000mAh @ 7.4 VDC nominal


Well...kinda ??? This would result in a package of ( 8.2 mm x 2 )= 16.4 mm x 32 mm x 82 mm.......Too long and too wide....but....this solves our VDC demand issue.....

Hmmmmm........Maybe ????......It could work !!! It would NOT be the typical round geometry....as a matter of fact.......we would need to abandon the the round geometry...ALL TOGETHER !! Works for me... Maybe I do this !!! HMMMMM ???

Cr@P....like I need another project !!!! !! But....this COULD be fairly simple !!!....well....somewhat simple !!!

Off to the races we go !!!.... A certain portion of me nogg'in will be work'in on this !!!.....Hot Diggity !! Got a design in my head !!!

Who wants one ?????????????.... Maybe by Christmas ??? Notice I did NOT say what year !!!! HAHAHAHAHA

HAHAHAHAHA....Off to the Tom Swift Labs !!! Have ALL the bugs worked out in a few days.....

New name....in honor of Mr. Appleton II !!! " The Repelatron Skyway "

...Oh...That's right...Shut the Front Door....Who reads anymore ???????

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I use these in my covnoy S11 and they work very well, fit in place of a 26650 nicely....... to power a nubm44 @ 4.5a your SXD would draw 3A from the 2 cells in series but a boost will draw 6.5-7A from a single cell factoring in sag.

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I use these in my covnoy S11 and they work very well, fit in place of a 26650 nicely....... to power a nubm44 @ 4.5a your SXD would draw 3A from the 2 cells in series.

View attachment 69832View attachment 69833
....I could just use two (2) cells....BUT....I am obsessed with a smaller package for being even close to a EDC size........How long are these cells ??? I will look them up !! ........YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

35mm each....so two (2) = 70 mm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Close enough ......... Just remove some spring metal !!!!!! ..........Thanx Red !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will modify the Supercar !!!
Where did you find these ??? I searched and searched !!! They are PERFECT !!!! ....Just Perfect !!! We CAN have our cake...and Eat it Too !!!!!
Christmas just arrived early !!! Thanx again !!!



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They fit in place of a 26650 just fine, as long as you have a couple mm of spring compression you're fine.
My measuring stick says my 26650 is actually 66mm long and these 26350 are actually 34.5mm long Two add up to 69mm long.

WOW...Is it not both Funny...and odd...that such a thing would make me SO happy !!! The SuperCar will now become...a real EDC......SO...If I draw 3A...and have a capacity of 2000 mAh per cell....that means that I can run 3A for 40 min ?? Hey...Electronics has NEVER been my strong suite !!! CDBeam
It really depend on your drivers cutoff, the SXD I think is 6.8V ( 3.4V per cell ) so each cell will stay up longer @ 3A draw than a single cell drawing twice as much and the cutoff being 4.0V

Amp hours are not linear......in theory a 2ah would do 2a for 1 hour but not really, they will do 1A for 2 hours much better than 4A for 30min but you should get more runtime than using a single cell and a boost especially with a higher cutoff.

I tested these driving a 1 ohm load and they hold 3.8A @ 3.8V ..........in contrast my high quality IMR 26650 hold 3.95A @ 3.95V ( 10 second run from full charge ) so these are good, you will get longer runtime given the parameters, how much is to be tested and seen.

I suspect you were not getting the full 7W of light from your nub44 for very long using just 1 cell and that boost if the cutoff was 4.0V because your draw would be 6A+ ( you need about 20.25W into your nub44 to get 7W out ) (( 4.5V @ 4.5A )) and the boost driver is not 100% efficient so easily 22W into the boost means 5.5A @ 4.0V and with sag.....more like 6.0 - 6.5A from your 26650 so I suspect you were not getting the full 7W for very long as the load would be sub-ohm
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MMMMmmmmm.....It is noteworthy.....each of us have one or more areas of greater expertise....Mine is NOT electronics....it is sarcastic humor and
non-PC / off-beat pics !!! HAHAHAHA. ....So....the 26350 LiPo is all of five bucks a pop !!! Great....Gotta see if I have an extra SDX ??? I think I do....if not...Jordan has 'em !!

I will just work on this in my spare time...hahaha !! Thanx again

Mikelaska....let us see if this works....which I am sure it will. I will report here on my progress. New SDX driver will occupy the space that the experimental Boost driver now resides. A little compression spring pruning....and we should be good to go !! With these modifications and new LiPo cell incorporation.... well....all the components are available !!! I might be willing to make some clones....

ADDED: I will also install a better looking I/O momentary !!!...I think...as I do not have an abundance of room !!

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