Off course i am not going to put 3.5V through my LD. What brand and model of batteries did you measure to 1.75V each, and how much did you measure them at under load?
I cannot measure my LD when hot, because i build massive heatsinks on my lasers(just look at the pics), and they dont get much hotter than room temperature.
I know that i may seem hostile about using a driver. But i really dont like people telling me what i cannot do - like this diode being useless, or "normal people" saying that it is impossible to build a powerfull handheld laser, or people telling me, that my diode will burn out within 3 minutes if not using a driver.
I believe in facts and experiments, and not hearsay from a internet forum.
My experiments tell me that a LD will be fine, as long as there is some good cooling to it.
My Ni-mh are 1.45V out of the charger, and that will drop to 1.2V after a bit of use, that is very much within the safe zone.
Another thing is, how many people are actually tuning their drivers, so they actually could delivers more current, that the LD would use - Say this LD will not use more than 120mAh at 2.4V - who would set a driver for a 20X burner that low?
I would definitely use a driver for a more expensive LD, but for this project the time is used much better at building a really good heatsink.
We will probably never agree on this, but we have both built lasers, and we both seem successful in doing that. So maybe there are just more than one way in doing this.
There should be room for a driver in this flashlight, for those who want it