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The Quest for an Australian Permit

Thanks laze_doctor. I'm interested to see if NSW is anything like ACT, but I'm suspecting it'll be even stricter :(

Suggestion with the RPL. Contact Jack at Optotronics and see if he will hold it for a while after the repairs are complete pending the status on your permits and importation situation. I would hate to see someone be a bit hasty in getting back and have issue with the government putting the lock down on you.
Don't worry about the RPL, I'm getting everything sorted and worked out for it. But off public forums ;)
Wow better hope you dont get your house searched after you tell them about ya laz0rs :-/
Man, right now I wish I as over 18. I dont see them giving a laser license to a 14 y/o ;D ;D

Its only pointers that are illegal to own/import, right?

I currently dont have any laser POINTERS, though I do have laser modules. They are legal I think
All I'm hoping for is DX not sending me a replacement laser after they recieve the defective one from me.
Good point. If I hear sirens, i'll just get my dad to come outside with me ;D Well, a laser display is pretty harmless. I'd be really annoyed if modules where banned too. I guess not all hope is lost ;) I just hope customs know the difference between a pointer and a module...
ach they wont even know what the module is, if it doesnt have a bit for batteries anyway, and you could always take apart the module and put it in a pen host :D
heh, I prefer module over portable anyways. I'm tired of buying batteries lol
Yep. Im getting a BR diode off BlueFusion this week, and I have a spare module that a 100mw red was in. I think i'll mount it in there. Once I can afford a BR burner, I'll have a RGB 20K scanner. Well, RGV I guess ;D
Im anarchy to the max!

Im gonna build my own bluray (when paypal de-limits my account -_-. my friend sent me money from his on my pc then i logged into my account 5 seconds after and it got limited. ive done all the steps, they just need to "review" it.) but Im not sure if I know what Ive gotten myself into with this whole bluray stuff.

I already ordered a diode, so it looks like I'm commited now.
Dman I would love a BR, will just need to wait and gt a higpowered green first though
