Suggestion with the RPL. Contact Jack at Optotronics and see if he will hold it for a while after the repairs are complete pending the status on your permits and importation situation. I would hate to see someone be a bit hasty in getting back and have issue with the government putting the lock down on you.
Good point. If I hear sirens, i'll just get my dad to come outside with me ;D Well, a laser display is pretty harmless. I'd be really annoyed if modules where banned too. I guess not all hope is lost I just hope customs know the difference between a pointer and a module...
ach they wont even know what the module is, if it doesnt have a bit for batteries anyway, and you could always take apart the module and put it in a pen host
Yep. Im getting a BR diode off BlueFusion this week, and I have a spare module that a 100mw red was in. I think i'll mount it in there. Once I can afford a BR burner, I'll have a RGB 20K scanner. Well, RGV I guess ;D
Im gonna build my own bluray (when paypal de-limits my account -_-. my friend sent me money from his on my pc then i logged into my account 5 seconds after and it got limited. ive done all the steps, they just need to "review" it.) but Im not sure if I know what Ive gotten myself into with this whole bluray stuff.
I already ordered a diode, so it looks like I'm commited now.