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FrozenGate by Avery

The Chartreuse Coruscation

Yeah, I've been wondering what happened to Angelos since he just seemed to disappear. I wasn't aware of these 6X lenses. If I had been, I'd have tried to buy a pair back before he went dark. I believe I paid $45.00 for the OPT 6X pair I have for my NUBM44 build. I also have a 3X cyl trio from Techhood that is AR coated for red. I didn't use those yet because I don't think they are enough to tame the P73 Mits diode. I have been thinking of getting another set and putting them together.

Yeah, I've been wondering what happened to Angelos since he just seemed to disappear. I wasn't aware of these 6X lenses. If I had been, I'd have tried to buy a pair back before he went dark. I believe I paid $45.00 for the OPT 6X pair I have for my NUBM44 build. I also have a 3X cyl trio from Techhood that is AR coated for red. I didn't use those yet because I don't think they are enough to tame the P73 Mits diode. I have been thinking of getting another set and putting them together.

I have sent an email to TH Optical for a quote @ 50 sets....for I believe, that is the minimum order quantity. Let's see how they reply.

As for a 3X set of C-lenses ability to tame the P73....I greatly prefer a set of 6X Cylindrical's..

Will post when I get an answer. I would like DTR or Axis to carry these lenses....but....who knows if they would be willing ????

I have never done a Group Buy....and am nervous at the prospect....IF we do get enough interested.

CDBEAM :san::san::san:
If you or someone else gets a group buy together on these lenses, I will take a pair just to have as I'm sure I would find a use for them. But, I have done a couple of group buys and don't want to have that much responsibility or that amount of work again.
Wild hair idea. I wonder if you could cut a section from a glass or plastic tube that would act like a cylinder lens? Change the focus by the thickness and the size of the pipe you cut a section out of. Probably not smooth enough but an idea. IF it works you got all you ever need for nearly free. Since a laser is so small a beam, the lack of surface figure might be ok.
Won't work. These are lenses, and as such they don't have equal thickness like the acrylic canopy does. Also, one in PCX and the other is PCC. Even if you got some glass that could be cut like a lens, it would not be to high enough tolerances to work. Your best bet is to shell out the $$ and get the real thing.
Tried it last night from a piec3 of acrylic tube. Sort of works. Just a lot of distortion. In just the right spot it works but move 0.1mm and it’s lumia.
Hmmmm….Not to showcase my lack of basic optical knowledge....but....Adaptive Mirror tech is out there….SO....direct the astigmatic beam into a flexible mirror surface. Adjust the mirror surface so as to multiply the fast axis as needed. Flexible mirror surface material is out there and a spin-off from the telescope area.

Well....such speculation is free.....High-tech, high efficiency flexible mirror material ...I am sure is expensive.

The mechanics required to adjust the mirror curvature....I am also sure will be sensitive...costly....and on the larger size.

Anyway....I have had a reply from TH Optical.....and am deciding on what to do concerning the Group Buy.

IF...IF I decide to host this....I will follow a well outlined set of rules/requirements.

Will keep you posted and of course...the GB will solely depend on LPF response.....which will of course depend on per set cost $ !!!

Sounds great, Bob. If you run the group buy, I'm sure I will be in for a set. :thanks:
Well...still considering a GB....So far....about 25 sets spoken for !!

BUT...25 not equal to 50.....Duh....I can sure do my math !!!!

I will likely post a set price in a few days !! Then we will gauge the interest.

Might be a good idea to post it to a new thread as well as here so people who don't see this thread might have a chance to get in on it too. Just a thought.
Well....As many know....the Group Buy for the 6X Cylindrical Lenses....is now complete....and we are waiting on the order....which should arrive the USA about Nov 29th. SOooo….. we wait !! Thanx to all who participated !!

I just finished another project....SO....NOW...I can get back to The Chartreuse Coruscation...…..and this Saga continues..... !!!

IF....I am NOT completely happy with the combined color and geometry of this project....I will abandon the Red diode....and plug in a Blue N462 LD....for I remain very much
pleased with the Cyan color that a Blue/Green Combiner generate !!!! Of course...a different driver and Dichroic would be demanded.

Stay tuned.....for the crap cold/wet weather is apon us here in Michigan.....so.....build time is multiplied !!!

Well.....Hmmmmm...as somewhat anticipated....this LD combo is proving....challenging !!!

I am currently running optics experiments using

CHC Test Bed Pic 1.jpg

a Temporary Aluminum plate....so...a Test Bed....to finalize the optics design....and finally answer the question...." Can these LD's be combined with a sufficient outcome " ???? See pic !!

The problem is the HD63193 Red is proving to be a BITCH !!! Unruly, difficult to reduce the Slow axis divergence...."Wing Prone" Yikes !!

So......this difficult nature becomes especially noticeable.....when the "Beam-On-Beam" alignment is finally achieved. So far......I just have not achieved a Far Field match I can live with !!!

One might say...." Well just increase the divergence on the NDG 7475 Green....then maybe a match could be achieved".....Well...yes....if Red cannot be corrected as good as Green....adjust Green to match the Red !!! NOPE....I refuse !!!

The color render seems to be what I am after...Again...see the attached pic !!! ……..it is just the optic geometry match is not what I will settle for.

OK...I am not giving up......I have other tricks up my sleeve !!!

Do not forget.....ALL these optic issue may …..almost disappear.....when the dual propagation takes a trip thru the BE optics ???? Dunno !!

I have may try a Plano Concave Doublet ??? I will continue to fiddle with the C-lens - lens to lens separation distance and the Colli lens focus !!

I suppose....a more radical solution may be to evolve to the use of a Single Mode Red ….such as the GH0631IA2GC Red LD vs .the Multi Mode HD63193 Red LD ?????

But....What of color balance....???????.......The GH0631IA2GC Red LD would deliver....mmmm….say 300mW Red. So...we would then combine this with 1400mW green.

With the current LD selection....we have 900mW Red combined with 1400mW Green.....The pic was taken with BOTH LD's full out driven !! The switch to a Single Mode/Lower power LD would deliver greatly improved Red geometry....but....of course at a price of less Red photons !!!!!

Typical....ALWAYS TRADE-OFFS !!!!

Well....will keep you posted !!! Pass the Popcorn !!

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Yeah, those 635nm multi mode diodes tend to have wings on top of the awful divergence specs. I tried DTR's new G3 lens with one, and even though it clips the beam, it has a nice round, though large, dot in the far field. The EFL is 8 mm after all. I'm sure you'll get it solved eventually. You have to keep the power as high as possible on the red of the 520nm will wash it out completely.
Hmmmmmm......A Plano Convex Doublet....and a small amount of horizontal masking ( Even though I detest ANY masking !!!!)…..have done an really good job of reducing the divergence and cleaning up the beam....to the point of considering eliminating the use of a Beam Expander !!!!!

NOT using the Beam Expander.....would be FINE with me....for astetically....it looks.....well....it makes the design look.....well....TOO FRIKIN LONG !!!...…..and the additional alignment demands between the Optic train and the BE are.....COMPLETELY TEDIOUS !!!! ONE of those Rare events in the Optics Universe....were it goes your way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SOooooo...I guess....the expansion is now 12X on the Slow Axis !!!

Will keep ya posted !!!

Well...well.....Hit another Road Block...A BIG ONE !!!!

Yes...one can insert a second Plano Concave....to give a Plano Doublet....BUT....This expands the Slow Axis of the beam....GREATLY....such that the Plano Convex does NOT capture ALL of the beam profile ….as the beam expands with Too much horizontal spread. This reduces the output by about
28 %.....CRAP….NOT ACCEPTAB:E, so I will not do this !!

Masking / clipping the right and left edges of the beam path to reduce the horizontal wings is also a problem !! This Horizontal masking reduces the output by another 17%.....SOOOOooooo...…...I will not do that.

For now....I will stick with a two (2) lens Cylindrical Plano Convex/Plano Concave set up....and NO masking !!!

Looks like I am destine to use a Beam Expander !!! Oh Well !!!

I really like the Lime/Green color....so I will continue to experiment......BUT....I may eventually migrate to a Green/Blue combiner !!!!

In closing, to simulate the use of a lower power Red Diode....I just dialed down the current on the Bench Power Supply. As Paul note....The Green quickly washes out the RED. Even though there may be approx. 300 ~ 400 MW of RED being supplied to the mix with this dialed down current......the end color....while not fully Green.....looks to be too Green in color. I may just purchase the GH0631IA2GC Red LD....and see what it does ???

Will keep ya posted.

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