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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Harris failed to do even that much paul, she had to be shamed into even going to see the border.
Democrats have been the party of division even though Biden lied and said he would unite, he didn't and in so many ways he divided us even further.
Sounds to me like you have the grievances.
Momentum..... what is she a cum bucket on wheels rolling down a hill to the cesspool ?

Trump has an advantage amoung men voters 18 to 29 by 10%, but Harris has an advantage amoung women in this same age group by 31%. If you don't see that as a problem...well, you'll be disappointed.

You calling Harris an adultress in nonsense. This is a Trumpy wet dearm.
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There have always been debates about how literally to interpret the constitution, not to mention 27 ammendments.

But only one guy has blatantly said he would tear down all rules to the game so he could win because the other side "cheated" and "it's not fair" 🍼👶🏻
You should cosplay as Harris and have someone else cosplay as Trump and dual with (5mW of course :LOL: ) blue and red lasers on a stage to celebrate whoever wins. :cool:
Specify some rhetoric by the democrats that has inspired assassination, and show evidence of the causal link please.

I guarantee there is rhetoric from trump that equals or exceeds anything you can come up with (calling democrats vermin, evil, etc)

Also it's pretty rich to moralize about accusations of infidelity, this coming from a guy who supports epstien's buddy, who banged a pornstar while his wife was pregnant, who bragged about peeking in at young girls in changing rooms etc etc I don't have tome to list all of trump's sexual improprieties . If I didn't know any better I'd say you were sexist or have double standards or something
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There have always been debates about how literally to interpret the constitution, not to mention 27 ammendments.

But only one guy has blatantly said he would tear down all rules to the game so he could win because the other side "cheated" and "it's not fair" 🍼👶🏻
View attachment 78726

I don't think Trump actually said that.
Democrats love to change the meanings of words to suit their moment, then change them back later, that said millions of Americans will fight for our rights no matter who wins.
Specify some rhetoric by the democrats that has inspired assassination, and show evidence of the causal link please.

I guarantee there is rhetoric from trump that equals or exceeds anything you can come up with (calling democrats vermin, evil ,etc)
Calling Trump a ( THREAT ) and an existential threat, saying Trump would destroy our democracy, saying Trump would take away peoples rights, become a dictator, on and on and on.

Don't get me wrong I support freedom of speech, I just think democrat mouthpieces are ruthless and know they are ginning up violence..... yes it's their right to say it, but they should measure their own words the day after a 2nd assassination attempt at the least.

Calling Trump a ( THREAT ) and an existential threat, saying Trump would destroy our democracy, saying Trump would take away peoples rights, become a dictator, on and on and on.

Don't get me wrong I support freedom of speech, I just think democrat mouthpieces are ruthless and know they are ginning up violence..... yes it's their right to say it, but they should measure their own words the day after a 2nd assassination attempt at the least.

There's no credible evidence that Deomocarts are causing Trump to get these assassination threats. This is just a double standard meant for Deromcrats to not call out Trump's lies. That ain't gonna happen.
Harris wants to eliminate the Senate filibuster and pack the SCOTUS, that would put us closer to civil war than most voters care to be, it could destroy lives and do untold damage in our angrily divided nation.

You talk about destroying democracy, what Harris wants to do really would destroy democracy and if that came to pass, millions of gun owners will not comply with the unconstitutional gun laws democrats would pass, furthermore as jurors we will not convict when the accused is charged with breaking an unconstitutional law, things could get very messy.

Harris wants to destroy our democracy so Democrats can do whatever they want without Republicans having any voice what so ever, this is very dangerous, Harris is very dangerous to our democracy and the stability of our nation, she must not be allowed to silence half the nation and then trample their rights, because I don't think half the nation would stand for it.

Sorry but the only way Trump would NOT destroy or at least erode our democracy is because he was too incompetent to do so. We’ve seen it before and he would do it again. There’s just no world in which he steps up to the plate and performs the duties of the office consistently and adequately. He didn’t even read his daily briefings as potus. He’s an impetuous manchild whose decisions can be changed on a whim by kissing up or manipulating his ego. The irony of conservative talking points about Harris being a puppet is laughable; even Trump’s closest allies have said they need to protect him from being taken advantage of by someone who is nice to him, e.g., idk, Putin or Kim Jong Un. Another Trump presidency would be a foreign policy nightmare allowing strongmen and authoritarian regimes to contest power held by the US more than ever since wwii. He called the Turkish leader a “strong man/strongman” on live tv during the debate as a compliment.

He is thoroughly unamerican, and easily manipulated by other unamerican forces, all while playing up the stars and stripes, god and guns, and denouncing issues that aren’t even real like transgender operations in schools, in order to get the support of a populace who can’t keep up with the times. It’s a dreary reality.

On the other hand we have Harris, who is clearly yes, working for the democratic party. Yes, more lenient on immigration. Yes, still funding the wars. But at least she isn’t the antithesis of liberty and freedom, at least she has a personality, at least she won’t sell out america for a cult of personality around her.

It’s not that hard to grasp
Yes Trump has an ego, a big ego, but he's not a socialist who disrespects our Constitution and wants to destroy our democracy.
Remember Trump has already served as POTUS for 4 years and he did NOT destroy our democracy regardless of the mainstream media hype.
Also the mainstream media over hypes every negative thing about Trump blowing even his wry jokes way our of proportion.
Harris on the other hand is defended by the mainstream media, but she is her own worst enemy and keeps telling on herself, the fact she admitted she wants to pack the court is more than enough reason to vote against her, regardless of how big her opponents ego might be, his heart is bigger and Trump loves America, he will not destroy our democracy, but Harris would.

Try to be brave enough to question the mainstream media, I know it's difficult when our schools make students feel vulnerable for American racism/sexism of years gone by, young voters today feel compelled to virtue signal, it's identity politics, you have been conditioned to comply with the mainstream medias contrived morality mandates, problem is they are owned by wealthy interests who wish to dictate your life, so while Trump has a big ego, he also supports Freedom, democracy and our Constitution.
Yes Trump has an ego, a big ego, but he's not a socialist who disrespects our Constitution and wants to destroy our democracy.
Remember Trump has already served as POTUS for 4 years and he did NOT destroy our democracy regardless of the mainstream media hype.
Also the mainstream media over hypes every negative thing about Trump blowing even his wry jokes way our of proportion.
Harris on the other hand is defended by the mainstream media, but she is her own worst enemy and keeps telling on herself, the fact she admitted she wants to pack the court is more than enough reason to vote against her, regardless of how big her opponents ego might be, his heart is bigger and Trump loves America, he will not destroy our democracy, but Harris would.

Try to be brave enough to question the mainstream media, I know it's difficult when our schools make students feel vulnerable for American racism/sexism of years gone by, young voters today feel compelled to virtue signal, it's identity politics, you have been conditioned to comply with the mainstream medias contrived morality mandates, problem is they are owned by wealthy interests who wish to dictate your life, so while Trump has a big ego, he also supports Freedom, democracy and our Constitution.

He only didn't because of his total lack of knowlege. This time he has the Heritage Foundation's 2025 to help him get started out of the gate. Getting rid of the filibuter is way over due. I support her in doing this. It is just a way for the minoroty to stop the majority from getting anything done. I question all media, but it is Fox News, Newsmax and OAN that lie. Look at Fox News' libel judgement of $700,000,000 that had to be paid to Dominion.
