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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

LOL! Soon Petting Zoos will need Secret Service protection to prevent them from becoming All-You-Can-Eat Buffets! :ROFLMAO:

This might have been funny if it weren't for the bomb threats that have shut Spingfield down and the legal Haitian immigrants who are afraid to even let their children go to school. Governor De Wine has ordered in the State Police to man schools intendinfg to open them tomorrow.
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Just because some Democrats have pointed out Trump's absolute incapacity to ever occupy the Whie House desn't mean they are to blame for another lone gunman trying to take him out. Trump is always playig the victim. That is what this is about.

This might have been funny if it weren't for the bomb threats that have shut Spingfield down and the legal Haitian immigrants who are afraid to even let their children go to school.

So all the Trump hate preached by democrats, that has provoked 2 different people to try to kill Trump, is nobody's fault.

Well then the woes of your Haitian American immigrants because of what someone said is also nobody's fault...... or are you a hypocrite who wants it both ways ?
So all the Trump hate preached by democrats, that has provoked 2 different people to try to kill Trump, is nobody's fault.

Well then the woes of your Haitian American immigrants because of what someone said is also nobody's fault...... or are you a hypocrite who wants it both ways ?

Trump is running for president. Haitians are just here legally trying to do jobs that no one else wanted. Trump consistently talks shit about Harris, but she shouldn't point out his failures? That's just nonsense.
Elon Musk posted on X that no one has tried to assassinate Kamala Harris. He is now being investigated by the Secret Service. I sure hope they can charge him. You cannot threaten a President or Vice President or cause harm to come to them.
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Trump also has Freedom of speech, unless Trump made a direct threat or asked for people to do something specific, then Trump is protected by the 1st Amendment.

You paul are a hypocrite.
All this talk of random animals being eaten reminded me of something that happened here in Canada a few years ago. Some guy kept "adopting" miniature pigs from animal rescues. Just dozens of them from any animal rescue he could find that had miniature pigs. This went on for over a year I believe until they started to wonder wtf was happening.

Turns out he just wanted them for free bacon and pork and would slaughter them and eat the meat lol. I think in the end they just banned him from adopting any more animals and that was it. 🐷🐖🐽
No. Trump has bad mouthed Harris consistently. You can't have one standard for one canidate and another for the other one. That's just stupid!
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It's democrats who have bad mouthed, lied, gaslit, trashed, bashed and preached Trump hatred non stop, now people keep attempting assassination and you have the gall to attack Trumps freedom of speech...... you paul are a monumental hypocrite.
It's democrats who have bad mouthed, lied, gaslit, trashed, bashed and preached Trump hatred non stop, now people keep attempting assassination and you have the gall to attack Trumps freedom of speech...... you paul are a monumental hypocrite.
The Democrats are so Paranoid because they know Trump will win the Election.
Democrat Liars Biden/Harris and the MSM incited these Assassination Attempts on Trump....
Hypocrite Democrat Biden compared Trump to Hitler...

It's democrats who have bad mouthed, lied, gaslit, trashed, bashed and preached Trump hatred non stop, now people keep attempting assassination and you have the gall to attack Trumps freedom of speech...... you paul are a monumental hypocrite.

So, Trump has freedom of speech, but Harris doesn't? Trump talks crap about Harris daily, but Harris should never atack Trump for his many failures? That is called Trumpy double speak.
When did I ever say Harris didn't have freedom of speech ?
I never did, stop making stuff up paul.

You have let your seething hatred for President Trump expose you once again as a relentless hypocrite.
You fixate on every Republican shortcoming and feign righteous indignation, yet you make excuses for blatant democrat criminality, you minimize, deflect, diminish and ignore, failing that you lie.

If your deity Obama was treated even half as wrongly as Trump has been, you would be screaming bloody murder, but as it's Trump who has been the victim of 3rd world political lawfare, gaslighting, attack by our own system, you are def, blind and dumb to it all.
When did I ever say Harris didn't have freedom of speech ?
I never did, stop making stuff up paul.

You have let your seething hatred for President Trump expose you once again as a relentless hypocrite.
You fixate on every Republican shortcoming and feign righteous indignation, yet you make excuses for blatant democrat criminality, you minimize, deflect, diminish and ignore, failing that you lie.

If your deity Obama was treated even half as wrongly as Trump has been, you would be screaming bloody murder, but as it's Trump who has been the victim of 3rd world political lawfare, gaslighting, attack by our own system, you are def, blind and dumb to it all.

Trump DID treat Obama badly. He would insist that Obama wasn't born in this country, even after Obama released his birth certificates. Trump has called Harris a "threat to democracy" and a "fascist." He seems to project his own inadequacies on his adversaries.
Amber Thurman, a 28 year old woman died in Georgia, prevetably, from sepsis after doctors refused to give her a life saving abortion she needed. This after Ireland, a Catholic country, legalized abortions for this very reason back in 2018.
