I will build a little pig tail plug with a box immediately at the plug in to the mains.
Yep that's what I did, works great! I can't remember how many caps I sent you but I sent at least two (enough for one node at the SSTC).
I know the neutral bus is tied to the ground but do any caps tie across neutral and mains ground?
Yes. For anything RF the neutral line is NOT ACTUALLY TIED TO GROUND at the house junction box. RF never "sees" that tie in because the wiring impedance is so ludicrously high at RF. This is why we place a capacitor between Hot and Ground, and another between Neutral and Ground. The capacitors act as RF-Only shunts; effectively equalizing any RF currents between Hot and Neutral, and tying both Hot and Neutral to Ground (with respect to RF).
Using Class-Y caps (like I use) you are not allowed to connect directly from Hot to Neutral, because that's what Class-X caps are for, and because it is written in stone essentially I could never find any info on if one class could be used for the other or not. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense electrically because between H and N are two Class-Y caps in series, so there's essentially a single cap between them electrically (not physically) that's half the capacitance but double the voltage rating. This is why I say the Class-X cap is optional, because if you use the Class-Ys, electrically the function the Class-X performs is performed as well.
Ps. I can only find limited information on these diagrams. If I use power strip as on/off switches is it possible some of these power strip have them built in?
Some might, but they'll be invisible to RF as well, so just pretend they don't.
As with SGTCs, any GFCI outlets may not function properly for TC use.
Yeah, unplug anything you don't want to risk, standard practice. FWIW I have my PC and all my electronics lab equipment not even 10ft from my TCs, and they're all plugged into the same mains line. I have a RF balance node at the TC wall outlet, and another at the PC/lab wall outlet. Haven't had a single issue. I do have a dedicated RF ground line run to the PC/Lab outlet though and that line is tied directly to the ground point on the RF balance node though. It's a ~50ft trifiliar 14ga cable run out to an 8ft ground rod, so it's medium impedance at high RF, but within useful limits for low RF like most TCs.
You're making good progress, I can't wait to see it running.
Since I went and made the pentafiliar GDT today for my big coil's rebuild I pulled out the parts I set aside for it and noticed I left the digikey packing list in with it. It was dated July 2014. Damn. I know it's been a while since I worked on it but sh*t, I didn't think it was that long! I still have the parts for a Class-E coil of my own design in one of my drawers too, haha. One day!