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FrozenGate by Avery

taking laser on plane - different situation this time

not all, just most of them

No, only the stupid fanatics ones :na: (with my apologies for the ones that are stupids, but not fanatic terrorists :p)

And, before someone start a jihad, let me do a precisation: i'm not speaking only about muslim fanatics, i'm speaking about ALL the types of religious fanatics, from ALL the religions, mine included.

I, personally, feel disturbing any kind of religious fanatics, and the ones that i feel more disturbing are the ones of my religion ..... it's a sort of instinctive reflex, when i hear or see a religious fanatic, the first thing that come in mind is: "where the hell i put the damn gun, now that i need it ?" ..... :p :eg:

UNfortunately, i'm usually too much "civilized" (you can say "tamed", if you want :p) for shoot them at sight for real ..... but i ensure you, the temptation is big ..... oh, how is big .....
i hate when i see people marching around with signs saying how god is the one and only, end all person.

one day i was leaning against the side of my moms car eating pizza waiting for her to come out of the store. i was 15 at the time. so the lady walks up and says "thanks for the slice", and motions to take the other slice. so i moved the box back and just stared at her and was like "what are you doing?" she said "well your holding the box out like you are giving the other slice away." i was like "ok, im trying to eat do you mind?" so the lady gets all pissy and as she is walking away she screams out "you need to get a love for yourself, and a love for god." so without even thinking like literally 2 seconds later, i yelled out "well you need to go fu*k yourself and go to hell." then some black guy that was walking by had stopped and heard what she said to me, and after i yelled back, he yelled out "stupid bitch." then asked me what had happened, i told him, and he goes, yea those assholes are always over here trying to preach and that bullshit. i laughed and almost choked and he said have a nice day.
I bring my lasers in my carry-on luggage, the only problem was they though the carrying box for my pen style was a bomb because it looked like 2 batteries in foam, but even with extra scanning I had no trouble.

I would NOT recommend checking them. If they decide they are 'not-allowed' nowadays, they apparently just confiscate them and you have no recourse or argument as the person who inspected and stole it is anonymous and untraceable. The airlines, of course, have changed all of their policies and all they cover in loss claims is a limted amount of 'broken' clothing, aka 'nothing'. I just (yesterday) had two perfectly legal, mainstream, normal looking, laser pointers 'confiscated' from my checked in luggage. The difficult-to-open, waterproof case for my underwater digital camera was also broken into and damaged beyond repair, but was thankfully left in my very obviously ransacked bag. Yes, I (I guess after reading this, FOOLISHLY) left the batteries in them, but that should be no excuse to TAKE them... just remove the G-D batteries and move it on! Guess the TSA guy only wanted the laser pointers for the kids at home, as they left the camera and took the pointers. No note they had even been there or why. Flew from LAS to OGG via Honolulu.
... I have never herd of anyone coming back ever having ANY trouble.

I have flown with all of my lasers and never even had them ask what they were, and I carried them on the plane.

Well I'm a new member and have just come back from a 2 week holiday to Zante (one of the Greek islands) and on the flight to Zante my <1mW 532nm pen-style laser with batteries removed, inside it's case in my suitcase had the button pressed into the host so it cannot be turned on without a pin (or something thin) to push the internal button to switch it on. The outter button is still with the laser just stuck rattling around benieth the surface :S
Stupid thing is that the did f*ck all about the similar pen-style red laser I had loose in the same case which had absolutally NO LABEL on it where as the <1mW had a warning label on it.

Whilst on holiday I then purchased a <20mW 532nm laser and put it inside it's case and inside my suitcase with batteries removed and on the flight back to England...guess what...


.. just remove the G-D batteries and move it on! Guess the TSA guy only wanted the laser pointers for the kids at home, as they left the camera and took the pointers. No note they had even been there or why. Flew from LAS to OGG via Honolulu.[/QUOTE]

If you think for one microsecond that a main stream government employee takes home what he/she confiscates/scraps you have no clue. Big time jail for theft while in office, other charges and loss of job. A note would be in the package and the confiscated materials would go in a bin for destruction.

Also NOT JUST THE TSA handles luggage... My guess is you "found" a baggage handler that needs to lose their job.

I'm a former state employee, and our rules were draconian. Federal rules are similar. I received a "caution" for taking fiber optic and coax cable out of a dumpster on campus and reusing it on campus to save the taxpayer's money.

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...If you think for one microsecond that a main stream government employee takes home what he/she confiscates/scraps you have no clue. Big time jail for theft while in office, other charges and loss of job...

Um, go to Wikipedia and search for "Transportation Security Administration," and look under section '2.1 Criticisms' for the long list of documented references for 'Theft by TSA employees'.
Yeah, and that stopped JetBlue's Steven Slater from not doing anything rash just the other day. I think someone went 'airline-employee' (that's the new 'postal') on my laser pointers, lol. Also search for: "LAX Tops Nation In Stolen, Missing Luggage Items", it's at cbs2. Actually I have SEEN what happens to most of the stuff that gets confiscated at the airport gates around the country. They put it in a large drum and seal it up and have a contract with a 'disposal' company which pays them for each drum and takes it and sorts it and resells what it can for profit and distributes the rest to various charity outlets or destroys it. I don't know about the 'luggage confiscation' stuff. With their supposed budget crunches, they probably send it to the Unclaimed Buggage Center in Scottsboro, AL and resell it. As far as WHO did it in MY case, I would have thought they would have taken the camera before the laser pointers if they were interested in resell value, so I haed to assume they were 'legally confiscated' rather than stolen or taken only for their novelty value.
Over the last 10-15 years I have had so many things 'disappear' from luggage that I usually don't pack anything in a checkon, that I don't expect to lose. Mostly clothes and liquids which aren't allowed to carry on. I can tell you about my mother-in-law's luggage being rerouted to SFO on a simple short flight from LAS to LAX for 'special inspection' because she was carrying unusually large quantities (it was a 4 week trip) of medicine which needed to be kept in a special cooler container en-route - suffice it to say, by the time she got the expensive medicine back it was ruined. Once in a great while there is a note (as in the medicine incident), but more often than not there isn't. And it is quite obvious, since I pack things in a particular order use the built in straps and wrap objects in clothing, etc and it is very obvious they have been gone through while other parts of the suit case are pristine. Heck in one case I had a simple plastic zip tie keeping the zipper tabs together so they wouldn't open en-route (since they won'[t let you lock them anymore) and instead of cutting the zip tie THEY CUT BOTH METAL ZIPPER PULL TABS IN HALF... AND STILL NO NOTE! I don't think that happened all by itself or by accident. Have you ever tried getting one of them tabs replaced?
In the past everytime I tried to report a loss, I got back an official 10 page long 'fine print' document which listed just about every item one could think of bringing on a trip as 'exempt' from loss claims. Wonder if laser pointers are now on that list?
Anyway, the point is, if you value anything, especially something as 'ominous-looking' as a laser pointer, don't let it out of your hands at an airport. After a few run-ins with expensive leatherman pocketknives and such which I forgot to remove from my pocket before heading for the airport, I now carry in my carry-on a self-addressed (both return and to: address) padded envelope with excessive postage, so that if there is ever any argument, rather than getting it confiscated (they KNOW you're stuck between a rock and a hard place and you're not going to miss your >$200 flight for a lighter or laser pointer.) I just back out of the line, put the item in the envelope and there is ALWAYS a mailbox somewhere at the airport to drop it into or one of the stores will be nice enough to post it for you.
Steven Slater has been arrested and will be charged.

I know TSA is not perfect.
I do have a gripe with TSA. I have a CPAP machine I need working so I can sleep. I Have a prescription for it. TSA takes it to hidden back room inspection and nukes it, by dropping it. Of course I do not find a fault until I'm in the middle of no where. I spend 4 days in hell unable to sleep, with BP rising from the apnea and a rising risk of stroke. My alternative is a 2000$ night in a local hospital sleep lab and 400$ doctor bill and 700$ for a new machine, as my prescription was not reciprocal in that location. "Of course Mr R. you can file a claim when you return to Cleveland" TSA makes a big deal over my prescribed medical device, yet to check it and getting it G shocked going through the baggage system is a nightmare. A spare cheap machine will now go FEDEX if I ever have to fly again.

It would have been nice if the screening fellow told me he dropped it, I would have never boarded the flight.

But I highly doubt TSA takes home anything they confiscate other then whatever flu they caught doing a pat-down.

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