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Stupid kid with 800 "megawatt" laser

Dec 14, 2009
When I stumbled upon these videos on youtube I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This kid really seem to believe that his laser puts out 800 megawatts. I don't think he even know what a watt is. In one of the videos he shines it on a bird, but it is so weak that the bird doesn't even care.

Videos: YouTube - frostywinter11's Channel

(The rest of the videos are on his channel)

EDIT: apparently he has some other lasers too :)
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I really hope his seemingly absent parents have insurance on that house :whistle:
Ha...Maybe if it said MW but it says mW...Big difference in 800 miliwatts and 800 megawatts.

Is a nice bright one though, I'm buying a 600mw soon =)
The comments he makes on other videos are stupid as well, here is an example:

there's no such thing as milliwatt


nanowatt (nw)

watts (w)

kilowatts (kw)

megawatts (mw)

gigawatts (gw)

terawatts (tw)

petawatts (pw)

He is actually trying to correct people...
I set him straight:

Kid, you don't know jack-shit about lasers. "mW" is the abbreviation for MILLIWATTS, and is commonly used to describe the powers of handheld lasers. "MW" is the abbreviation for MEGAWATTS...

There are 1000 milliwatts in a watt, 1000 watts in a kilowatt, and 1000 kilowatts in a megawatt. That means that 800MW is a BILLION (literally) times more powerful than 800mW.

Your typical nuclear power-plant puts out around 1000-1200 megawatts... If your laser was actually an 800 megawatt laser you would be blowing holes through fucking BUILDINGS with that thing, just to say the least. Know your facts before trying to correct other people's information.


I hope he understands what 800mW actually means now... even though the laser in his videos probably isnt even 50mW :P

A 800 MegaWatt cannot be driven by a battery. But maybe it was connected to the net. But also it would have destroy the camera wich he shine into!
I commented as well. I only said it would be up to 200mW because I wanted a small buffer to ensure I was right, and cameras often underplay the brightness of the laser beams..
Well, I on the other hand like to be nice to youtube owners and sent him a message explaining the difference. The reply was:

hey thanks for the heads up. this account belongs to my little brother, jonathan, who has autism. he knows that mw is milliwatts, not megawatts, but he likes to pretend. thank you so much for the message though, i constantly have to screen what is being sent to him,and you've been helpful. thanks again, ill be sure to make some changes
Who the $*&@ gives a laser like that to a child with autism and doesn't supervise him or her?
Well, I on the other hand like to be nice to youtube owners and sent him a message explaining the difference. The reply was:

Seeing as you have been in contact, you might want to make mention that
even though the kid is 'pretending' that laser should not be used
without at least a cheap set of goggles.

One video has him 'pretending' to cut through either white plastic or paper,and the kid is just starring at it.

The laser looks to be 40mW, give or take.. as his video of cutting tape appeared
to be done by tearing it. There was enough smoke to indicate (to me at least)

Id say a little more than dangerous in the hands of a kid with autism.

Well, I on the other hand like to be nice to youtube owners and sent him a message explaining the difference. The reply was:

That explains a lot of things...

Did you warn them about the dangers of lasers? Even though it's not a 800 megawatt laser (:whistle:) it is still powerful enough to burn a retina. I'm surprised his camera is still working fine.



look! he has also 1000MEGAWATT laz0r! :crackup:

if he does the same thing with his eyes as he does with his camera, he's maybe blind enough to read somewhere "mega" instead of "mili" :thinking: and he's NOT wearing goggles at that power :eek:
